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Saw 2 Uncut



James if we're keeping the horror rolling I'll sneak in a suggestion for something a little bit different: Speak No Evil (2022). Kind of the opposite to Funny Games -- a home invitation rather than a home invasion. Puts its focus on human relationships, and how social niceties can play havoc with our instincts.


Im surprised no one said it, but Im sure you know by now. That was Donnie Wahlberg. And these movies are nuts. I struggle every time. Some of the best movies for the subject and how its approached and filmed, but DAM! Def some of the most fkd up sht Ive ever seen.

Luke Trottier

I remember Saw coming out when I was 16. Saw it in the Theatre, didn't know what to expect. It blew my expectations away, I loved it. Watched it a bunch of times, and I found it was nearly like a slightly flawed, or less perfect, low budget Se7en. In hindsight, it definitely doesn't deserve that high of accolades at all to me, but it's pretty good, especially for what they had, how they did it, the debut project nature, etc. It's a solid movie for sure. Saw II I saw in theatre the next year, I kinda somehow recognized that it seemed worse somehow, but couldn't put my finger on it, because I liked it even more. Eventually as the series continued, I finally grew kind of tired of it and stopped watching at some point. Anyway, in hindsight, while I still find this one enjoyable, it's glaringly obvious to me how flawed it is, especially compared to thee first. And I expect I would have similarly negative feelings towards the rest of the series, even if some entries I might rate over this one. That said, it's been super long since I fully re-watched any of these, I might do a watch-along for fun.