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Finally hopping into this series! Really cool since I'm originally from Philly so it'll be interesting the landscapes I see here! Already loving the episodes, so excited to dive into more. Being homesick never felt so good haha.

EP 1: https://youtu.be/_7yZZquPgEs

EP 1 Uncut: https://vimeo.com/872766400/c861d94f9f?share=copy

EP 2: https://youtu.be/f4GIQDDM-_I

EP 2 Uncut: https://vimeo.com/872768309?share=copy




I've never seen the flapjacks but I assume you are talking about the McPoyles.


I love your sunny reactions because as far as I know Philadelphia could be a made up place. I think its on the east coast but idk. Your reactions to the show make it more real to me. I bet you don't know a single thing about my home town and thats okay. did the educational system fail me or am I normal?