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Thank you all for voting!! The choices for this upcoming week (Monday & Wednesday) will be Platoon & True Lies ...and Thursday will be watching SAW (2004) 🎥🔥

Stay Tuned for the next poll Monday!



Platoon and True Lies are excellent and very different films "With Platoon, it was shot chronologically so when someone died, they left which played with your head." -- John C McGinley, who played Red in the film True Lies has a lot of humor and is just a fun film


Interested to see your reaction to Platoon and Saw. Saw gets a bad wrap cuz of the sequels but the first one was a nice movie


Ahhhhh Spotlight was so damn close literally like a couple votes difference, ahh well it should be on next weeks pole though and hopefully gets hella votes again!


Good choices this week looking forward to platoon and the original saw

Nick Parker

I am pumped for True Lies!


Before Midnight

sean smith

Tom Arnold and Bill Paxton are real standout actors for me in this movie. Its just a lot of fun and an interesting film for James Cameron to take on. Don't see anything else like it in his filmography.

Mitchy D

Climax and Once Upon a Time in America must join the list!!!


Before Midnight


Perhaps it's been mentioned before, but if you never saw Blazing Saddles, I would think you have never seen Young Frankenstein (Mel Brooks's best!) Young Frankenstein and some Cronenberg (Videodrome, Deadringers, Eastern Promises) would be amazing.