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Hello Patreon supporters! True Detective is now officially live!

It's finally here...the crime of a lifetime. Excited to finally dive into this amazing series, True Detective!

Click the links below and ENJOY! :)

Episode 5: https://youtu.be/LDW0dEo_9e0

Episode 5 Uncut: https://vimeo.com/553758753/77293eeb96

Episode 6: https://youtu.be/lzqAb12N6K8

Episode 6 Uncut: https://vimeo.com/553759877/e400979259



Terrell Nesbitt

Jeeeeeze Louise. I’m Loving it…… I watched episode 5 earlier today but am just now commenting……. The richness and depth of this project is kinda breathless. I can’t remember exactly what I was going to say earlier today - but it just seems that everyone was at the top of their game times ten. Writing, directing, cinematography, acting, blah blah blah blah blah - all A+ A+ A+. And, man, I agree wholeheartedly that to make a great horror film one need look no further than the behavior of human nature to find the scariest darkest subject matter ever… I actually kinda have a hard time experiencing a ton of fear watching science fiction – especially knowing about some of the stuff that goes down on any normal human day…. In any event, I’m enjoying watching these with you, James… Imma shut my trap and watch episode 6. Will comment more tomorrow. Keep up the great work!🙏✌️ Seriously.


Terrell this was a joy to read man!! Super happy to hear you’re loving this as much as I am!!


Cannot wait for you to react to the two final eps!!! I consider this series (this season only) to be 8 episodes of perfect television. Pure masterful storytelling :)


yep, i think this is so far the highest height of a single season TV show.

Terrell Nesbitt

Yes - Excruciatingly difficult to watch this episode. The self-inflicted wounds are almost more tragic than the actual crimes because they seem so much more avoidable…. Hart’s affairs kinda fill me with disgust, then pity…. But it’s often a treacherous journey to gain the humility to realize that you can’t ever REALLY have your cake and eat it too. Wowzer —- seven and eight upcoming. Great job, James.

Terrell Nesbitt

And yeah when I was first watching the series when it came out, the one-shot scene at the end of episode 4 made me kinda think I was watching something Uber-special. I didn’t even realize it was one shot until other people told me - and then I rewatched that sh$t and was like WOW. And then the wait’s between episodes became more difficult. But the wait sorta made it better, too. ✌️

Cregg Riley

it's been so fun to watch these episodes with you. this show is so so so good. I've been talking it up with my girlfriend and I think I'm gonna watch it with her sometime in the near future