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Alright, I've recovered from the celebrations of ringing in the new year. I'm sure the ringing in my ears will go away...eventually. Anywho, let's go over what's going on this month.

Upcoming Stories

At the moment, there are two stories in the works. The first being the story of Samus taking a long vacation via becoming a slobby blob of flesh and gas. The other is the winner of the 2023 story poll, involving Chun-li using her sudden weight gain to wreak havoc in a Shadaloo base. All of these stories and more will be available early to $3 and up Patrons.

Prompt Requests

I've got the newest version of the Patreon prompt request post ready to go. Today also marks the anniversary of me starting to take Ko-fi prompt requests, which have been a great source of extra income and giving people a chance to give me some prompts that are a bit out of the norm.

$5 and up Patrons can make weekly prompt requests: https://www.patreon.com/posts/95543330?

You can donate $3 or more to my Ko-fi in exchange for a prompt request: https://ko-fi.com/post/Ko-Fi-Prompt-Request-Guidelines-S6S2HGJCV

January Story Poll Suggestions

Submissions are now open for this month's story poll. If there was something from the recent prompt story poll you wanted to give another shot, you can also nominate them, or any other prompt story you want to see expanded, as your suggestion for the month. $10 and up Patrons can send in their ideas until January 15th at 11:59 CST: https://www.patreon.com/posts/january-2024-95113812

Discord Invite

Today also marks the birth of my little clubhouse, the EyeBeast Discord server. Over the year it's been a thriving place of posting art, stories, and doing fun polls to decide important issues, such as the morality of having sex with a clone of yourself and if lip dicks or lip pussies are better.

If you would like to join in, here's the latest invite. If it expires and you still want to join, feel free to send me a message: https://discord.gg/MmB7JtMq


Busy day and year ahead of me, so I'm going to down some caffeine and get to it. Here's to a good, if not great, 2024!


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