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Prompt: An anthro shark buys a magic sewing kit to try to make a stuffed animal. They end up pricking their finger and transforming into a stuffed animal.

   Thresher’s multitude of anger management problems were something they had dealt with for the majority of their life. This was due in part to their nature as a shark person, both in terms of increased aggression and what people assumed when they say their fearsome jaws, dorsal fin, and tail covered in scars. Trying to both ease their own rage and do something with their evenings besides getting into fights, the shark person decided to take up a new kind of hobby.

   Sewing needle at the read and with a set of cloth that matched their grey scales, Thresher tried to follow along with the guide to create a stuffed animal. Though their heart was in it, their clumsy fingers were prone to making multiple mistakes one after another. Disregarding the warnings on the packaging to not get angry during the process, they couldn’t help themselves from growling at the tiny needle as it failed to hit the mark. It was during this fit of rage that they managed to prick their finger and leave a drop of blood on the materials.

   Cursing like a sailor, Thresher attempted to wipe the cloth clean only to watch as the cut on their finger was clogged up with stuffing. Things only got weirder as their scales were replaced with the same, soft material that they were so angry about in the first place. As more and more of the shark person’s body was filled with fluff, it began to shrink down to no more than a few inches in height. Falling onto the table with a soft thud, Thresher saw through their sewn-on, button eyes that they had discovered an unorthodox way to create a stuffed animal. Unable to see a clear way to change back, they let their anger take hold once more as their plush form wobbled back and forth across the table.


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