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Prompt: Every day, a secret admirer delivers a tiny jar of honey to Gardenia's gym, which she always graciously accepts. She realizes that the giver has been addicting her only when she suddenly receives a massive storage tank of honey and can’t stop overstuffing herself with it.

   Gardenia was usually content to enjoy the small snacks she managed to gather from Eterna Forest whenever she went out to train her Pokémon. That all changed when small jars of honey started appearing at the gym that were addressed to her. Each of the tiny samples of nectar was declared to be from a secret admirer of the redheaded, adventurous gym leader. Not wanting a person’s generosity to go to waste, she saw little harm in indulging in the sweet treat every now and then.

   The true nature of the honey’s influence wasn’t felt until several weeks later. By then, Gardenia had developed a sort of addiction to the sweet stuff that had her guzzling the entire container down within seconds of seeing them get placed on her doorstep. The resulting constant potbelly and added chub around her body was enough to make the gym trainers concerned, but not enough to convince Gardenia to stop.

   Things took a turn for the worse when the tiny jars of honey started to be replaced with massive jugs that seemed to increase in size with each passing day. As her servings of sweetness enlarged, so did Gardenia’s body to keep pace with her powerful hunger. Upon receiving her latest fix for her addiction, she would haul it over to her private room to continue the process of making herself into a living honeypot.

   Stripping off her clothes to avoid getting them sticky, Gardenia would lift the jug to her face and began to pour it down her throat. The honey droplets chugged their way down her chins to make her engorged breasts glisten before caressing the enormous gut she had developed to facilitate these massive feastings. She didn’t seem to care about the fact that the nectar was making her thick rear stick to her bedding as she continued to guzzle her honey. As long as she had the gift from her unseen admirer, she was content to let herself get lost in her sticky paradise of golden colored gluttony.


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