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Prompt: Power Girl, blown up to obesity as a result of a strange Kryptonite, utilizes her new weight in battle to great effect.

   The last time anyone saw Power Girl’s normal body was mere moments before she was struck by a stray chunk of new Kryptonite in the midst of a fight. While the villain was quickly apprehended shortly afterwards, her fellow heroes were quick to notice how much her gut pushed out the limits of her white super suit. Passing it off as just a temporary side effect, the heroine tried to keep her hopes high even as she tugged the fabric from out between her butt cheeks and bosom.

   In the coming weeks, Power Girl’s condition became worse as she was overtaken by an unnatural hunger. At all hours of the day she could be found stuffing her face to give her body more fuel to further fatten herself up. Ripping through one suit after another, eventually she was forced to waddle around everywhere she went with her flabby body on full display. While this should have been the end of her career as a hero, her determination led her to find a new way to use her bulky form.

   Power Girl announced her return to work by flying, belly first into a giant crab monster. The monster’s hard shell proved no match for the sheer force of her over 1000 pound body ramming into it like a high speed wrecking ball. Floating her blobby body over the carcass of the dead crab, she licked her lips across her plump face as she contemplated taking one of the legs home to eat. First, she would need to descend to the ground to allow everyone to take pictures of the enormous body she had become quite fond of.


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