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Prompt: MC agrees to help his favorite Club President, Monika, decorate the Literature Club for the holidays. He tries to not get distracted by her newly plumped up body (thanks to Nats' holiday goodies) peeking out of her clothes (and end it with her falling off a desk and landing butt-first on his face).

   For the literature club’s first ever Thanksgiving party, Monika wanted to go all out. In addition to planning out festivities and picking out appropriate books, she emphasized getting the food just right. While everyone did their best to make something for the feast leading up to the party, Natsuki ended up excelling when it came to presenting fantastic baked goods like pies and cupcakes. While this was great for everyone, it also had an unfortunate side effect on Monika.

   On the day of the party, Monika was busying herself with hanging up mock autumn leaves and posters of cartoon turkeys. She had to constantly stop what she was doing to pull down her shirt to hide the pudgy tummy she had been given after one too many helpings of sweet potatoes. More time was wasted adjusting her top to prevent her engorged bosoms from popping out after they had been fattened up by a basket of muffins.

   It was during Monika’s effort to free up the wedgie stuck between her apple pie enhanced, chubby butt cheeks that the MC got a little distracted. Too busy trying to hold back his burgeoning desires for the plump president, he failed to get out of the way in time as she tripped and fell onto him. With the MC’s face buried beneath her backside, Monika took her time getting up. This was both to wait for her chub to stop shaking and to let the moment of intimacy last as long as possible.


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