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Prompt: An encounter with an odd, slime-spitting Grimm has left Emerald with an embarrassing potbelly full of hot, fizzy goo. With each green-tinted belch or fart, the slime gets hotter and fizzier, making a beleaguered Emerald dazed and extremely sweaty.

   The job couldn’t have gone worse. The green haired, Emerald had been so confident in her abilities to take down the Grimm lurking in the nearby forest. This overconfidence continued even as she beheld the green, slime-spitting creature that was supposed to be her target. While she was able to quickly dispatch the monster with a spray of bullets and slashes of the blade, it wasn’t without obtaining a parting gift in the form of a blob of goo getting shot into her mouth.

   As she trudged her way out of the forest, Emerald was forced to deal with her swelling potbelly. The sizable bulge pushed the limits of her clothes to ensure she could hear the slime inside sloshing around. Even worse was the warm feeling it spread through her body, making her dazed and covered in sweat after only a few minutes of walking.

   Stopping to wipe her forehead clean, Emerald shuddered as a bubbling sensation coming from the goo in her gut. The building pressure finally released itself in the form of a loud belch that came with a cloud of green cloud seeping out of her mouth. Feeling another gas bubble staring to build, she tried to cut it off by covering her mouth. This only made it worse as the pressure released in the form of a reverberating BRRRRRAAAAAAAAPPPPPP from her rear. Surrounded in the noxious fumes of green gas that billowed out from her backside, she let out an exasperated sigh as she continued to shuffle down the path. Continuing to uncontrollably belch and fart to surround her sweaty self in a green fog, she just hoped that the veil would be enough to cover up her humiliating appearance once she returned.


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