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WARNING THE FULL STORY WILL CONTAIN: Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)

   Shelly shuddered as the thunderstorm raged outside of the mansion. Chewing on her lip, she tried to keep her mind calm by focusing on her task of cleaning one of the many pieces of art that inhabited the Croft mansion. The sizable collection was among many duties required for the staff to take care of while the master of the house was away. While a few of her coworkers grumbled about still needing to be in uniform while the master was gone, Shelby found comfort in the classic, black dress, white apron, and lacey head piece nestled atop her head of short, black hair. Maintaining the pristine outfit was just one of the many ways she kept herself busy in an attempt to keep the mansion tidy for her master.

   A commotion coming from the main entrance forced Shelly to put down her feather duster and join the crowd. Arriving at the top of the stairs that looked over the doors, she managed to hear the whispers going around that Ms. Croft had returned from her journey. The news brought a momentary smile to her face, but it came with a strange sense of overwhelming dread that she couldn’t quite pin down. Worried about the woman she secretly idolized, she went against her meek nature to slip through the people to get towards the front.

   The gossip amongst the staff died as the door slammed open. Stepping in from the pouring rain, Lara Croft whipped around her ponytail of braided, brown hair to rid it of the water clinging to the strands. Her blue tank top and cargo shorts were just as drenched as the rest of her body, with an unflattering impression of large chest being shown off from the dampness. Though a few of the staff attempted to approach to help her, they kept their distance once they saw the pair of handguns holstered on her hips.

   Seeing Lara starting to stumble, Shelby took the initiative and ran forward to catch her. Uncaring of the moisture seeping into her uniform, the maid helped her master to trudge forward on her soaking wet boots. During the short trek across the foyer, Shelby’s eyes caught a glimpse of something shiny near Lara’s neck. Looking closer, she noticed a golden amulet baring the image of an overweight woman with the head of a pig. Curious, she reached out to touch the piece of jewelry only for her hand to be slapped away.

   “I-I’m sorry, Ms. Croft,” Shelby apologized. “I was just-“

   “Don’t worry about it,” Lara replied, nudging the maid to get her to continue walking. “Just get me to the dining room.”

   “I beg your pardon, miss, but you seem exhausted. Wouldn’t it be better to get you to bed?”

   “I can sleep later,” Lara said, giving another push to hasten Shelby’s pace. “As for the rest of you,” Lara began, turning her attention towards the onlooking staff members, “get into the kitchen and start making my dinner. I’m absolutely BWOOOOOORRRRRPPP starving.”

   Knowing that it was unwise to bring up their master’s rude expulsion, the various servants scattered to get to work. Left all alone with Lara, Shelby continued forward towards the dining room. Hoping to break the awkward silence, she finally spoke.

   “Umm, how was your trip?”

   “Fine,” Lara replied, not looking at the maid in favor of keeping her eyes focused on the door to the dining room. “We managed to discover the lost temple, but ran into trouble with the local wildlife. Even had a run in with a pack of sabretooth UUURRRP tigers.”

   “I thought they were extinct.”

   “They are now at least,” Lara replied with a sly grin. “After all that, the only thing I managed to salvage was this amulet. My guides tried to warn me that it was cursed, but they were probably just BWOOOOOORRRP superstitious.”

   Reaching the chair at the head of the table, Shelby gently sat Lara down and stepped away. “Well, I’m glad to have you back, Ms. Croft. If you need anything, I’d be more than willing to-“

   Shelly was interrupted by the arrival of a serving cart pushed by one of her coworkers. Bringing over the silver platter and placing in front of Lara, the maid bowed and not so subtly held out a hand for tips. What she received instead was a belch to the face to send her running away while Lara lifted up the cover to reveal a rotisserie chicken.

   Complete awe washed over Shelly as she watched Lara forgo using her utensils to rip into the chicken with her bare hands. The messy display left grease to slide down her chin with each bite. The indulgent feasting was punctuated with a barrage of belches leaving her lips to help her make room for every last bite.

   Stripping the bird down to the bone, Lara leaned back in her seat to massage the potbelly she had developed over the course of the meal. Gently massaging the protrusion barely that was covered up by her top, she showed no hesitation in easing her digestion with more belches. One of these gas bubbles ended up making its way down through her intestines to come out as a squeaky fart.

   “You,” Lara commanded, pointing towards a red-faced Shelly. “Bring me more food.”

   “I beg your pardon miss, but is that wise?” Shelly spoke up. “Your digestion seems to be a bit uneasy. I know that you’re hungry from your trip, but it might be best to get some sleep for now. I’ve taken the liberty of laying out your sleeping gown and your bedsheets have been recently washed and-“

   “I SAID MORE BWOOOOOOORRRRPPP FOOD!” Lara commanded, sending Shelly running off to avoid her wrath.


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