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Prompt: Annoyed with a couple attempting to return their costumes the day after Halloween, a witch turns them into what they wore. She mixes up who wore what though, turning the woman into a towering, inflated male sumo and the man into a doll-sized bimbo Barbie.

   Still hungover from partying with her fellow witches, Sandra wasn’t in a mood to deal with customers at her part time job. The Soul Halloween store had specifically said that costumes were non-refundable after the 31st. However, that didn’t stop a man and woman from coming in to complain about how their hastily bought costumes had lost a contest. Unafraid of losing the job she had, at most, one week left of employment, she decided to give the customers a chance to re-evaluate their purchases.

   Holding up her hands, Sandra pointed towards the woman and the male sumo costume in her boyfriend’s hands. With a flick of the witch’s wrist, the outfit engulfed the woman’s body and began to change. As the fabric was replaced with soft flesh, it formed into an enormous, barrel-like belly to help support her breasts as they gained extra heft at the cost of their shapeliness. Stomping around with her bulky legs, the woman winced at the feeling of the sizable bulge between her thick thighs getting constrained by the black mawashi currently showing off her fat ass.

   Too busy watching his girlfriend’s hair tie into a topknot to show off her masculine face and chubby chins, the man didn’t have a chance to avoid Sandra’s next spell. Though the pink, Barbie dress gifted him an hourglass figure thanks to a sizable set of breasts and equally luscious butt, there was a dire cost. Pushing back his long locks of blonde hair, he let out a feminine scream as he quickly began to shrink more and more. Left at just a few feet tall, the doll-sized woman tried to call out for help, with her squeaky voice slipping out of her pink, puffy lips.

   While the couple was dealing with their new forms, Sandra strolled her way out from behind the counter. As expected, she heard her boss call out to see him in the office immediately. Shrugging her shoulders, she casually walked towards the back, taking one last look at the transformed customers to give herself the proper motivation needed to quit her job early and go grab some discount candy on the way out.


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