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Prompt: A beautiful genie isn't exactly pleased when the strange girl who found her lamp uses her wishes to make the genie immobile, gassy, and hairy in that order.

   Feeling the telltale rubs against her lamp, Enira took a deep breath and emerged from the tiny container in a puff of pink smoke. Waving around her arms to show off her long ponytail of black hair and the sequin-laden, sparkly red outfit adorning her hourglass figure, the genie began the usual speech to greet her new master. As she went about the usual rules concerning not asking for more wishes and don’t revive the dead, she noticed a glint in her master’s eyes. Looking around the woman’s room, Enira saw the various pieces of expensive furniture and her master’s luxurious clothing and got a little excited. Finishing going through the rest of the guidelines, she beckoned the woman to speak her first wish.

   “I wish you were extremely fat! One-no, two thousand pounds at least.”

   Enira’s eyes went wide as her magic began to take effect. The genie’s body quickly packed on the pounds to send her slamming down to the ground. While the impact was lessened by the presence of her meaty, elephant-like rear, the ripples going through her flab reached up through her doughy gut all the way up to her sagging, watermelon-sized breasts. Trying and failing to get her blubbery legs freed from beneath her massive form, she turned her thick neck towards her master to ask what was going on only to be interrupted with…

   “I wish you constantly spewed rancid gas from both ends!”

   Enira winced as she felt her powers form a large collection of bubbles in her gut. Forced to heed the will of her master, the genie opened up her plump lips to let out a long, gnarly BWOOOOOORRRRRRRRPPPP. No sooner did the belch peter off did her lower body begin to rumble from the built up pressure. Scrunching up her face, she tried to endure through the smell and sound of the reverberating fart that erupted from her rear. Just as the last of the gas trailed off, she heard her master speak once more.

   “I wish you had thick, sweaty body hair!”

   The lingering miasma of fumes cause by Enira’s burps and farts quickly sunk into the patches of fur that appeared from her armpits. Her plump fingers set to work scratching at the strands that grew out around her deep belly button and trailed all the way down to her crotch. Later on, her master would reveal that the genie’s slobby appearance was a result of her need to experience the antithesis of her upscale life. However, this would only come after the small woman dove head first into Enira’s furry belly fat to take a deep whiff of the genie’s awful odors.


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