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Prompt: Fat Yuri (DDLC in tight casual outfit, sweater and leggings) and MC enjoy some quality reading time at home...with MC squished against her chest and belly. (sexual tension ensues)

   Following a long day of classes and a thankfully stressless Literature Club meeting, the MC was just about ready to head home for the day. That was until he was stopped by one of his fellow club members, a purple haired woman by the name of Yuri, and asked for a little favor. Upon hearing her odd request, it only took a few moments for him to figure out why considering her recent worries about her self-image. Understanding her concerns, he didn’t hesitate to agree to a meet up at her house.

   Arriving at Yuri’s home to see her dressed in a more casual sweater and leggings should have been a sign of her being more relaxed. However, the nervous expression on her face showed how much she worried about the way the fabric emphasized the chubby belly, meaty breasts, and thick rear that had been brought about by her sudden cravings for fattening food. Even so, the MC greeted her with a smile and followed her to her room to begin their little study session.

   Things started off innocently enough with the two of them reading their own books while seated on Yuri’s bed. The MC soon took notice of the way Yuri was slowly inching her way towards him every time she thought he wasn’t looking. Rather than try to escape, he merely feigned ignorance up until she pressed his body up against her chest and belly.

   A light gasp left Yuri’s lips from the sudden impact. Judging by the regretful expression on her face, he expected that at any moment she would break into a string of apologies. However he managed to head off this act of penance by purposefully nuzzling up to her chubby body. Putting her shaky, pudgy arms around him, Yuri pulled the in MC to help them both get comfortable for their private reading session.


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