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Prompt: After a crash landing on an unknown planet, Samus begrudgingly goes out to find supplies in her zero suit. Unfortunately, she finds a strange vine that fills her up with juice until she’s an overripe blueberry just about to reach her limit.

   Though Samus had been in worse scenarios before, stranded in an alien jungle wasn’t exactly her idea of a good time. The crash had left her ship unfit to fly and damaged most of her equipment in the process. Considering how remote the planet was, it could take weeks at best before someone could find her. Left without options and dwindling food, she left the safety of her ship, clad in only her skintight, blue zero suit to find supplies.

   Samus’s search brought her towards a large batch of bushes that were surrounded with a sweet aroma. Carefully stepping over the vines littering the ground, she approached the plants to get a closer look at what appeared to be blueberries hanging from their branches. Unable to tell if they were edible at a glance, she decided to gather a few for her computer to examine when she got back to the ship. Just as her fingers managed to reach out and brush some of the berries, that was when the plant sprung its trap.

   The vines along the ground whipped out to restrain Samus’s arms and legs. Struggle as she might to free herself, there was little she could do to prevent one of the tendrils from shoving itself into her mouth. She could feel something begin to pour out of the vine to fill her up with a sweet juice. Watching as one by the one the berries on the bushes shriveled up, she looked back down to see her formerly trim mid-section begin to swell.

   Samus’s bulging belly rapidly grew to re-shape her figure into a large sphere. Growing to three times her size, the vines released her from their grasp to wobble about. Any attempts to pull the vine free were foiled by her arms being sunken into her body. Shuddering as juice leaked from her globular breasts to fill in what little free space remained in her suit, she could see her cheeks puff up to show off the blue coloring along her skin.

   Further and further Samus’s body swelled, eventually surpassing the size of her ship. Her ears picked up the sound of her suit struggling to contain her bloated form, making her wonder if either it or her own body would be the first to go. Just as she felt like she was at her very limit, the vine extricated itself from her mouth. Watching the plant return to its stationary form, she began to roll herself along the forest floor. Though it would take a while for the giant blueberry woman to return to her campsite, at the very least she wouldn’t have to worry about finding food or drink for some time to come.


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