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WARNING THE FULL STORY WILL CONTAIN: Palutena (Kid Icarus) Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)

Palutena decides to visit the mortal realm to sample cuisine across the lands. Over the course of accepting these offerings, she gives into her gluttony to change into a goddess of mighty mass and gas issues.


   Arriving on the outskirts of the human village in a pillar of light, Palutena put her blue eyes to the task of surveying the surrounding landscape. Stepping out onto the road with her sandal-clad feet, she had to avoid a rolling dust cloud to prevent it from sullying the flowing, white gown and gold jewelry adorning her body. Blocking another roaming dirt spray with a wave of her mirror staff, she took a moment to brush any lingering sand from her ankle-length green hair with her hand. Just as she was about ready to start off down the road, she was stopped by a ringing in her ear.

   “Lady Palutena, can you hear me?” asked Pit through their connection. “What’s going on? Is everything okay? You left Skyworld without any notice.”

   “Oh, sorry about that,” Palutena calmly replied as she began to walk. “I didn’t mean to upset anyone. This was kind of a spur of the moment trip.”

   “Trip? A trip to where?”

   “The mortal realm,” Palutena answered.

   “What are you doing there?”

   “For the longest time, you’ve told me how grateful the humans are for everything we do for them,” she replied, peering off in the distance to see a small village. “I figured I’d return their prayers with an in-person visit.”

   “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Pit replied, unable to hide the concern hanging on his words. “There are a lot of stories about what happens whenever a god visits them. Anything from turning people to flowers to geese doing, er, bad things.”

   “Those are just myths,” Palutena answered. “You have nothing to worry about Pit. At the first sign of danger, I promise to warp right back up to Skyworld.”

   “Hmm, I guess that will work,” Pit begrudgingly accepted. “Just make sure you remember to tell us next time you step out, okay? It’s dangerous to go down there without some kind of escort.”

   “I’m telling you, there’s nothing to worry about,” Palutena reaffirmed as she made it through the front gates. “When the people see me, I’m sure I’ll be welcomed with open-“


   Cutting off her connection to Pit before he could listen in, Palutena focused her attention on the mortal in front of her. The young man acted as the village’s guard, with only a set of shabby, leather armor and a bent spear at his disposal. He wasn’t much of a threat to her physically, but his little outburst was enough to gain the attention of everyone else in the village. One by one, the people stopped what they were doing to gather at the entrance to see what was going on.

   “W-who are you?” the man with the spear asked, his entire body shaking with fear. “S-state your business.”

   “You have nothing to fear,” Palutena replied. “I am Palutena, Goddess of Light.”

   Despite Palutena’s proclamation, all she was met with were skeptical expressions from the villagers.

   “I suppose it’s a little much for you to accept it at face value since you’ve never seen me in-person,” she commented. “Perhaps this will do the trick.”

   Hoisting up her staff, Palutena twirled it through the air. Successfully channeling her divine powers, she pushed out a collection of sparkles from the surface of the blue orb. As the glittering particles reached an appropriate enough height, she released her hold on the energy to create a glowing ball of light. Controlling the sphere with swings of her staff earned her the expected gasps of wonder from the display. By the time she dismissed the fantastical display, she was more than ready to accept the round of applause given out by the villagers.

   “Do forgive my rudeness, Lady Palutena,” said the guard from earlier, his entire body prostrated along the dirt road.

   “It’s quite alright,” Palutena said, grasping his hand to help him into a standing position. “I’m not here to dispense any divine intervention. I only wanted to visit the people that have sent me so many prayers in person.”

   “Is that so?”

   The crowd around the entrance of the village split up to allow a single person to pass through. The old man sported a long, grey beard that reached down to his waist and a set of eyes that showed the many years they had witnessed. Walking towards Palutena with the help of his cane, he gave a bow of his head.

   “I am the chief of this village,” the man said. “It is a great honor to have you in our presence. Please, come with me. We will show you our hospitality.”

   “That’s really not necessary,” Palutena replied. “All the thanks I need is to see you all living happily.”

  “Nonsense,” the chief answered back. “After everything you’ve done for us, the least we can do is treat you to some of our food. It was by your grace that we were able to create such a sizable bounty this year.”


   Palutena paused for a moment, letting her fingers linger on her stomach as she recalled that she had skipped breakfast that morning. “I suppose a few bites wouldn’t hurt.”

   Following the chief into the largest house in the village, Palutena tried to remain calm even as she could see her impromptu crowd of followers behind her. Treating them with a wave of the hand and a gentle smile seemed to keep them appeased. While a few couldn’t hide their fear of the divine from their faces, most of them were merely happy to be in her presence. Graciously accepting the hospitality, she allowed the villagers to sit her at the head of a dining table.

   “Here you are, Lady Palutena,” the chief said as a platter of smoked meats were placed in front of her. “I hope you like it. It’s our village’s specialty.”

   Picking up a strip of beef, Palutena tilted her head. She had only heard about the food of the human realm; never having had the chance to try it herself. The smokey aroma that drifted into her nostrils made her mouth begin to water. Both to appease the people and her own stomach, she opened up her mouth and took a bite.

   A pleased moan left Palutena’s lips as she sunk her teeth in. Tearing off the chunk of meat, she let it roll around on her tongue for a few moments before swallowing. Licking her lips clean of the remnants, she showed no hesitation in going in for her next bite.

   What started off as a small taste turned into a full feast for Palutena as the villagers continued to bring in trays of different smoked meats to please her. Whether it was cow, pig, or some wild game, each strip had the same effect of tantalizing her taste buds. To help her through with the feast, the people were also quick to provide goblets of wine that she quickly chugged down. Lost in her indulgence of food and drink, it came as a surprise when she was finally forced to stop when she reached the limits of her appetite.

   Leaning back in her seat, Palutena tried to deal with the after effects of her indulgent feast. Aside from feeling stuffed to the gills, her meal had left her with a prominent potbelly that made the front of her robe go taut. Sliding her hand along her gut to try and ease it helped a little with the pain. Pushing in a little too hard ended up with a small burp parting her lips.

   “Oh, excuse me,” Palutena said, covering her mouth as a red blush appeared on her cheeks. “That’s so rude of me.”

   “That’s nothing to worry about,” the chief answered. “We’ll take that as a sign that you enjoyed our food.”

   “Is that so?” Palutena asked, receiving a nod in reply. “If that’s the case…”

   Grabbing onto her belly, Palutena began to purposefully jiggle it around. The sloshing noise she created was soon joined by a steady stream of burps leaving her throat. The display served the purpose of both showing her own gratitude to the village and allowing her to re-taste the delicious meat. Getting a little too overzealous with her shaking, she accidentally allowed a gas bubble to slip down and emerge in the form of an abrupt PHHHRRTTT from her rear.

   The sound made Palutena freeze as still as a statue. As the unkind odor wafted its way up to her face, her eyes drifted towards the villagers. Forced to stay in the awkward silence for a few moments, the chief was gracious enough to break the tension by clearing his throat.

   “I do apologize for the indigestion, Lady Palutena,” he said. “We are no used to serving food for the divine.”

   “It’s alright, UUURRP really,” Palutena replied. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Everything was delicious.”

   “We’re very glad to hear that,” the chief said, he and the others smiling at her in response. “Can we get you anything else?”

   “No, I think that’ll be all for me,” Palutena said, standing up from her seat and picking up her staff once more. “I intend to visit multiple human settlements. From what I understand, there are quite a few so I have my work cut out for me.”

   “While we are sorry to see you go, we understand,” the chief replied. “That being the case, could we at least send you off with some food for the road?”

   “That’s really not necessary, I BWOOOORRRP.”

   Waving away the burp cloud, Palutena once more got to experience the taste of the meal. The lingering smell partially covered up the aroma from her gas release and brought back an urge from her stuffed stomach. Figuring a little more wouldn’t hurt, she replied, “Perhaps a small bag of meat should suffice?”


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