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Prompt: (Female to Femboy TF) https://www.deviantart.com/sissyprincessbrianna/art/COM-Boi-Cola-893709282

   Pounding music and flashing lights going through the club assured Mimi that she was in her element. Taking her spot on the dance floor, she was more than eager to show off her moves. While the brown haired girl garnered the attention of the other club goers, the person that approached her was a waiter offering up a promotional drink. Too caught up in the moment to read over the side effects of “Femboy Fizz”, Mimi gave the order to pour the drink down her throat.

   More than happy to oblige, multiple servers came by to help Mimi get in position. While the server tilted back her head and held back her hair, she opened her mouth wide to allow the stream of blue liquid to pour out from the can. The tingling sensation that greeted her tongue sent a bubbly feeling moving through her form. The enjoyable sensation helped to keep her calm as she began to change.

   As the last few drops of soda poured down Mimi’s throat, she instinctively reached towards her chest to address a tingling sensation. Grasping at her modest bosom allowed her to feel her tits begin to swell at a rapid pace. So impressed with the added size, she didn’t seem to mind when the flesh was replaced with rubber implants held together by a tight, blue top.

   Mimi’s new bosom signaled the rest of her body to follow suit. The front of her skirt was pushed forward as her womanhood was replaced with a sizable bulge. Her newly grown cock was given ample opportunity to be shown off as she wandered across the dance floor on her set of high-heeled shoes. With a wave of her elongated, pink nails, she flourished the strands of pastel, pink hair strands that curtained her face and emphasized the blue coloring of her puffy lips and eyeshadow.

   By the end of his metamorphosis, Milton sauntered over to the server to see if there was a way he could pay them back for the kindness. Given an entire serving platter of Femboy Fizz, he was set to task sharing it with the other guests. Watching one by one as people accepted the drink to join in on the fun, Milton laughed with childish glee at the thought of all the fun he was about to have with his new, femboy body.


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