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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Female Xenomorph TF and Sexual Content

WORDS: 5000

Jessica thought it would be a good idea to participate in an experiment to get a bonus on her paycheck. Unfortunately, she failed to read the fine print mentioning that she would change into a Xenomorph human hybrid.

This was a commission for linolator3 on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/linolator3

My commission info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   After a long day of work, Jessica was more than ready to return to her apartment for some well needed rest. The young office worker went through her usual routine as she climbed the stairs by fiddling with her blonde hair and loosening up her standard wardrobe of a lime green blouse with a matching skirt. Her typical mannerisms were offset by her constantly rubbing at the sore spot on her dainty arm. The small bump hidden by the bandage was annoying, but the pretty, blue eyed woman was eased by the recollection of what it meant for her bank account.

   Jessica only made it a few steps inside of her apartment before she was greeted by the green eyes of her boyfriend, Chris. The sight of his undercut, dark brown hair and toned body were a comfort to her after the strange day. Judging by the trashy shirt and slack sweatpants he was wearing, he was already well on his way to relaxing after a long work shift. Dumping off her purse and keys, she stumbled forward to embrace him in a much needed hug.

   “Rough day, huh?” Chris asked, pulling her in to ease her worries.

   “How could you tell?” she replied, finding comfort in nuzzling her head against his chest.

   “You look about as haggard as I was after I took part in that car chase last month. I thought you said that you took a job at Weyland Yutani to get a relaxing position.”

   “Unfortunately, relaxing isn’t the same as well paying,” Jessica admitted, slipping out of his grasp. “I signed up to be a tester in one of their experiments to get a nice bonus on my paycheck.”

   “What kind of experiment?” he asked, following her into the living room and watching her slump down onto their couch.

   “I’m still a bit fuzzy about the details, to be honest,” Jessica admitted. “They claimed that whatever they injected me with is supposed to be a formula designed to enhance a person’s physical strength.”

   “What, like a steroid?”

   “I don’t think so,” Jessica replied, rubbing at her sore spot once more. “I’ve never heard of a steroid that glows bright green and leaves a burning sensation after they put it in.”

   Chris raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure this is safe?”

   “Safe enough for the scientists to let me go home, I guess,” Jessica said with a shrug. “They said they’d check on my progress when I get back to work tomorrow and to call if anything weird happens.”

   “Does that mean date night is cancelled?” Chris asked, his smile making Jessica let out a small laugh.

   “Only if you’re okay with the usual itinerary of hanging on the couch, eating a frozen dinner and watching bad TV.”

   “You know it.”

   “Great. I think there’s a marathon of that one sitcom tonight. You know, the one about the guy with the two-“

   Jessica was stopped by a splatter of saliva leaving her mouth. Upon closer inspection, the spit glistened with a strange, otherworldly like silver sheen. Though she tried to wipe it off, she was stopped as she noticed something out the corner of her eye. Once more turning her attention towards where she had been injected, she spotted an ebony black, chitin-like growth that was creeping along her skin.

   “Uh, Chris,” Jessica said, trying and failing to remain calm as the growth appeared on her other arm, “you might want to take a look at this.”

“Holy shit,” he said, his reaction not helping with her nerves. “We need to call up your lab now. What’s the phone number?”

   “It’s 1-979…”

   Jessica’s speech became slurred as more saliva leaked out the sides of her mouth. Though she tried time and time again to get rid of the downpour, her tongue seemed to be forcefully pushing out the noxious liquid. Her efforts were stopped as she felt something scrape against her inner mouth. While she would have liked to see what was going on with her tongue, her attention was driven back to her main problem as she watched her hair begin to fall out in clumps.

   “Alright Jessica, let’s not freak out now,” Chris said, trying his best to keep her calm in spite of the black material creeping up her limbs. “If you can’t speak, I can try to find you a pen and paper to write down what you’re trying to-“

   Chris’s plan was foiled once the black, rigid exoskeleton reached Jessica’s hands. After her palms and knuckles were enveloped by the material, her fingers began to stretch out. Flexing the long, unsettling digits revealed webbing stretched between them. Though she had some control over the modified hands, she doubted they would be much use in weilding anything requiring finesse such as a pen.

   Jessica shuddered as she felt her legs become victim to the changes. As the black carapace reached past her knees, they bent backwards to leave her hunched over. Awkwardly stumbling around the room, she tried her best to remain standing. She managed to steady herself by grabbing onto a nearby wall with her newly formed claws. Any relief she felt from being able to balance herself was almost immediately undone by the sight of her shoes being torn apart to make way for the long claws that emerged from the tips of her toes.

I   n a state of shock, Jessica ended up releasing her hold on the wall. Though she started to fall forward, she regained her stability as she felt something emerge from lower back. Hearing the seat of her pants be ripped apart in the process, she grinded her sharpened teeth as she felt it grow inch by inch. Though she wanted to try to ignore it, her own morbid curiosity got her to look over her shoulder. A strange, guttural scream of terror emerged from her lips upon seeing the long, segmented, serpentine tail connected to her lower body that ended in a fearsome looking spike.

   From the base of the new appendage, Jessica could feel her torso beginning to shift to better match whatever force was taking over her body. The extent of her changes was put on full display as her increase in height and mass ripped apart her top and skirt. With the torn fabric drifting away, she was able to see that the black exoskeleton had molded itself around her torso to resemble her ribcage. While it was disturbing, it was the least of her concerns at the moment.

   What little remained of Jessica’s blouse was destroyed by long, rod-like protrusions emerging from her upper back. With the cloth completely out of the way, she was able to watch as her new skin enveloped her breasts. While this did give her bosom a sizable boost, the cost was making them just as hard and rugged as the rest of her body. Reaching out to squeeze her chest helped to confirm that this was all too real and that she was getting close to the finish of her bizarre metamorphosis.

   Again, Jessica tried to call out to her boyfriend for help only to let out an unsettling, guttural screech. Chris wanted to aid her, but the increasing pitch of the cries made him shudder away. The cause for the changes were her neck reshaping itself with thick tubes to better support the large, oblong protrusion coming out the back of her head. The phallic shape of her cranium was the last thing she was able to see in the hallway mirror before something covered up her eyes.

   Though she was momentarily blinded for a few moments, her vision was suddenly lit up by a series of new vision receptors along the surface of her smooth scalp. Through these new eyes, she was able to look at her reflection once more to see the monstrous creature she had become. Crawling along on all fours, she stepped up close to the mirror to take in every last detail of her appearance. Everything from the drool leaking from her mouth that gave her fangs a constantly wet look to the way her pronounced chest was contrasted against her long claws and hard exterior. Though her intention at the time was to scream in terror at her monstrous appearance, what came out instead was a roar that was just as terrifying as her new self.


   The call of her name made Jessica lurch over to stare at her boyfriend. While his face tried to show concern, it was obvious by the way he shook that he was absolutely terrified of her. Even a single step forward made it look like he would rather jump out of the nearest window than let her get anywhere near him.

   “W-wait Jessica,” Chris said, holding up his hands in defense as she continued to shuffle towards him. “Let’s remain calm here. It’s me, Chris. Your boyfriend. Can you understand me?”

   In an effort to ease his worries, Jessica tried to speak. What came out was another shrill cry that helped little in calming Chris down. As she tried to get her new vocal cords to obey her, he lunged behind the couch to take cover. Grasping at her throat with her long fingers, she tried to reign in her bestial cries into something resembling a human voice.

   “C-chrisssssssss,” Jessica hissed, her voice coming out as deep, guttural clicks as she very slowly made her way over the back of the couch. “It’sssss okay,” she continued, having to slow her speech to remain even remotely understandable but still leaving a trail of saliva across the floor at every word. “I’m ssssssstill me.”

“I-is that right?” Chris asked, poking his head out from behind the furniture.

   “Yesssss,” Jessica replied, trying her best to smile in response, only to be thwarted by the rigid nature of her muzzle. Any further attempts were stopped as her fangs drizzled a puddle of drool onto the carpet.

   “Ugh, it smells like… burnt rubber and petroleum jelly,” Chris said, backing away from the spill. Realizing who he was talking to, he quickly returned to a defensive position. “Um, I mean, it’s not that bad. Really. It’s very, er, natural.”

   Though Jessica’s lack of visible eyes and lips made it hard to show emotions, the way she slumped her shoulders was more than enough to convey how she truly felt. “There’ssssss no need to lie to me,” she said, trying her best to make a sound similar to a sigh. “It’s obviousssss that I’m a freaky alien thing.”

   “Hey, don’t be so down,” Chris said, his duty as her boyfriend finally breaking through to get him to work past his fear and overwhelming musk. “You did say that we should call the lab if anything weird happened.”

   “You’re right,” Jessica said, in her excitement clicking her fangs together and accidentally splattering her spit along the ground. “If they gave me the sssssserum to change me into thissss then it’ssssss posssssssible they can give me an antidote to…”

   Jessica trailed off as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror once more. Seeing the glossy finish to her exoskeleton provided a harsh reality check. The more she stared at her inhuman legs, spiked tail, and strange protrusions, an unsettling feeling took over her. Becoming overwhelmed with thoughts of what things that looked like her usually did in horror movies, she fell back into her despair.

   “There’ssssss no way I’m going back to them,” Jessica hissed.

   “Why not?”

   Letting out a frustrated growl, Jessica heaved herself onto the couch. As she tried to settle herself down, it became apparent how much her new body had eclipsed her old form’s original size. Taking up most of the space with her gangly form led her to ignore the way her tail ripped a hole straight through the cushions.

   “If we tell the lab what I’ve become,” Jessica began, flexing her fingers in front of her face, “they’re not going to want to change me back. I’ll be hooked up to wiresssss and put through tesssstsssss. That’ssssss if I don’t end up on a sssssurgery table to be disssssected.”

   Working past his fear, Chris tried his best to sit down next to her on the couch. “Well, what else can we do then?”

   Jessica clicked her teeth as she tried to think. At a loss for what to do, she buried her face in her hands. Though she wanted to bawl her eyes out, a major hurdle came in the discovery that her monstrous forms lacked tear ducts. The only thing that leaked onto the floor as she made a horrid, sobbing noise were more lines of drool. As unsettling as the display was, it was enough to get Chris to figure out what he needed to do to help her.

   For lack of a better solution, Chris attempted to calm Jessica down by pressing his body against her. He backed off slightly as he got a strong whiff of her stench, a powerful odor seeped in animalistic musk and industrial chemicals, but another sob was enough to push him forward. The feel of her skin was akin to hard gel packs that barely moved as his finger roamed across her. Even as he pulled her in for a hug and pressed her chest up against his face, her pseudo-breasts remained hard.

   Despite this, Jessica still appreciated the gesture. Ignoring the way Chris shuddered as she wrapped her arms around him, she pulled him in for a close hug. Enjoying his warmth against her cold exterior, she finally allowed herself to relax a bit. As if it had been waiting for this very moment, the rest of her body followed suit in letting a rise of urges pump through her veins. While she couldn’t quite pin down what she desired at first, the answer became clear as she felt something stir between her legs. Though she knew next to nothing about her new biology, she could take an educated guess that it was going into heat.


   “Um, what is it, Jessica?” he hesitantly asked.

   “I need you for… sssssomething.”

   “Like food? I guess that makes sense considering everything your body just went through. So what do you think aliens eat? Peanut butter, corn, cat food,… cats?”

   “Noooooo,” Jessica replied, grasping him by the chin to tilt up his head. “I want youuuuuuuuu.”

   “N-now hold on,” Chris said, too petrified by fear to even think about running off. “Let’s not get crazy. I probably taste terrible.”

   “That’ssssss not what I mean.”

   Effortlessly picking up Chris, Jessica used her tail to push aside the coffee table. Placing her boyfriend down in the open space, she kept him still by clutching his shoulder with her long fingers. Spreading open her legs, she used her free hand to tap at the ebony folds of her alien vulva. The display showed off a certain softness that was lacking from the rest of her body. As she continued to play with herself and let out a collection of bestial grunts, she did her best to grin as she saw the realization appear in Chris’s eyes.

   “So that’s what you want,” Chris said as Jessica continued to slide her digits across her folds. “Will it even work the same as your other one?”

   “It sssssshould be ssssssssimilar,” Jessica hissed, her words being disproven with the otherworldly scent that clung to the droplets leaking from her pussy as she continued to rub herself.

   “Not that I’m against trying to help you out,” Chris started, looking back and forth between her maw and womanhood, “but you’ve been pretty hesitant to do things like this in the past. Why do you want me to do it now?”

   Jessica let out a hiss that resembled a laugh. “A lot hasssss changed,” she replied, letting go of him to wipe away some of the saliva from her maw. “Now, ssssssshow me what you can do.”

   Taking a deep breath, Chris shuffled his way in between Jessica’s legs. He lingered there for a moment, as if expecting her limbs to close down on him at a moment’s notice like a mouse trap. Letting his gaze drift across her body led her to wonder if he would actually do it. She wouldn’t blame him considering the bizarre nature of what she was. Either from his feeling of duty towards her or fearing what would happen should he refuse, he closed his eyes and leaned forward.

   Jessica gritted her teeth as she felt Chris’s tongue pass across her labia. As he continued to suck and drag at her folds, she let her mouth hang open to allow a string of euphoric hisses. As he continued to explore her nether regions, these cries of pleasure echoed through the apartment. Becoming more and more enamored by the sensation, she felt a certain something trigger in her body. It was a desire that drove her to see how far she could push her partner.

   Grabbing Chris’s shoulders, Jessica shoved him right up against her pussy fast enough to muffle his shout. Pressed between the monstrous woman’s thighs, he quickly understood his purpose and upped his efforts. Reveling in the feeling of his lips focusing on her clit, Jessica showed no restraint as she let out one euphoric moan after another while her tail wilding swung back and forth. As she reached the apex of her pleasure, she clamped Chris’s head between her thighs to give him a taste of the liquid that seeped out of her womanhood.

   “That… wassssss… excellent,” Jessica hissed, dragging a hand across her face to wipe away some of her drool. “Would you consssssssider doing that again?”

   In the wake of her orgasm, Jessica realized that her boyfriend was still trapped between her legs. Fearing that she might have choked him out, she quickly pulled him away. Lifting him up to level with her vision receptors, she gently patted across his cheeks to remove the excess liquid dripping across his face.

   “I’m ssssssso sssssorrry,” Jessica said.

   “It’s fine, really,” Chris replied between heavy breaths. “Sure it was a little rough, but the taste really wasn’t that bad. It’s weird, kind of a natural lubricant taste. Don’t know how else to describe it.”

   “Well, I think you desssserve a reward for your hard work,” Jessica suggested. “How about a kisssssss?”

   Pulling Chris in close, Jessica attempted to lock lips with him. While they were able to meet, they ran into the obvious problem of her teeth preventing anything intimate. Not to mention the overabundance of her pungent saliva decreased any kind of pleasure he could take from the act. Though she attempted to add her tongue into the act to give a semblance of enjoyment, all that did was make Chris let out a yelp of pain.

   “Sssssorry,” Jessica said, dropping him to the ground in shock. “Are you alright?”

   “Y-yeah,” Chris said, using his shirt to wipe the blood off of his tongue. “It felt like something bit me.”

   Curious, Jessica stood up from the couch and returned to the mirror. Opening up her maw as wide as possible, she tried to get a good look at her tongue. While she lacked the original body part, in its place was a long, black protrusion. Trying to flex the strange feature resulted in it reaching out of her mouth to snap its set of teeth at her reflection.

   “I sssssswear I had no idea that was there,” Jessica hissed, trying her best to sound genuine through her grumbling voice.

   “It’s fine, really,” Chris said, the rest of the evening’s events leaving him slightly jaded by the discovery of what lurked inside of his girlfriend’s mouth. “I guess we should just be thankful that didn’t pop out from a certain other hole.”

   Chris began to laugh at his own juvenile joke, adding some much needed levity to the situation. Reminded of why she had fallen in love with him in the first place, Jessica tried to add to the moment with her own, hissing laugh. Her poor attempt to join in on the merriment only succeeded in reaffirming that her body did not wish for the standard evening entertainment of corny jokes in front of the TV. She had gotten a taste of what this form offered, and she was far from finished.

   “Chrisssss,” Jessica hissed as she sauntered up to him.

   Despite how imposing she was, Chris seemed to have built up a resistance to his own fear as he met her halfway. “What is it Jessica?”

   Bending down, Jessica grasped her boyfriend and hoisted him up in her arms. “I neeeeed you in the bedroom. Now.”

   “O-oh,” Chris said, a nervous expression on his face. “Is, um, that really okay?”

   “It ssssssshould be,” Jessica said, kicking down the door with a foot, before crouching down to fit through the entrance as she stomped her way into the room. “I’m ssssssure you’ll do fine.”

   Dropping Chris on the edge of the bed, Jessica crawled her way on top of the mattress. Making sure that her figure was in full view, she did her best to try to sensually shake her body. The result was her spiked tail jostling against her backside, its savagery taking away from the appeal of her curves. Spreading herself out left him with a meager amount of space to move. The upside for her position was that it allowed her to put on full display her still dripping womanhood.

   Gesturing for Chris to move ahead, Jessica bid her time by letting her claws squeeze at every part of her exoskeleton. As hard as her skin was, it still contained more than enough nerve endings to increase her pleasure as she continued to explore herself. Even the tough texture of her chest wasn’t much of deterrent from her tightly grasping her bosom to let a pair of pleased hisses leave her two mouths.

   So enamored with her own sense of pleasure, Jessica missed the moment that Chris managed to undress himself. She only paid attention to her partner once he had managed to shuffle his way between her legs. Craning her neck down to look at his glossy, wide eyes, she wondered if she was asking too much of him to be with her in this monstrous form. That was until the feeling of something bumping against her womanhood let her know that he was more than ready to take care of her needs.

   Grabbing hold of the fearsome woman’s hips, Chris carefully guided his manhood inside of her. While Jessica was far from human, he still remembered how slowly she liked to take things in the bedroom. Upon his insertion, he gingerly jostled his hips back and forth to give them both a chance to become used to the sensation. Typically she would be grateful for his tender touch to help her ease into things. However, her new body wasn’t as patient.

   Grabbing onto Chris’s body, Jessica shoved him down the rest of the way. The act rewarded her with a surge of pleasure as she easily sunk in the entirety of his girth into her pussy. Gritting her teeth to work through the pleasure, she looked back down to ensure he wasn’t hurt. Upon seeing him slowly nod his head to get rid of her worries, she decided to move things up a notch.

   Releasing her grip on Chris’s body, Jessica allowed him to start moving his hips back and forth at his own pace. The steady rhythm helped her to become accustomed to the euphoria gifted to her by the alien-like body. Given no reason to hold back, she freely let her hisses and growls come rolling out of her mouths. Working through the cacophony of terrifying sounds, Chris kept gradually increasing his pace in an effort to keep her satisfied.

   Nearing the edge, Jessica had to clamp her mouth shut to avoid drizzling her saliva all over her partner. Unable to hold back any longer, she once more pushed against his body for one last shove. Her climax forced her maw open again to let globs of her fragrant drool leak out in the wake of her mouths’ loud roar. Shuddering as she worked through the waves of euphoria she was able to feel Chris find his own release by filling up her monstrous womanhood.

   Sucking in a mouthful of air heavy with her form’s various aromas, Jessica tried to put her mind back together in the wake of her lingering ecstasy. Her head a mess of instinct and passion left her wanting for even more. Able to just barely keep herself under control, she reached down to gently tilt up Chris’s head to look into her monstrous visage.

   “Chrissssss, I want to do it one more time,” Jessica said, salivating as she spoke.

   “I-I don’t know if I can keep going,” Chris replied, his body still shaking from his release. “That last one pretty much drained me of everything I had.”

   With a sudden movement, Jessica rolled around with Chris to change their positions. Putting her boyfriend to sit on the edge of the bed, she put her feet on the floor and stomped over to him. Gently grasping at his member, she rubbed her long fingers along its length to begin bringing it back to its full length.

   “You don’t have to worry,” Jessica said, continuing to pump at his cock. “Jussssssssst sssssssssit there and I’ll take care of it.”

   Chris swallowed to rid himself of any lingering fears. “Alright, I trust you.”

   Feeling Chris’s manhood regain its former rigidity, Jessica pushed him back to leave his upper body lying on the bed. Sauntering up to him, she took the initiative to move her hips forward and re-insert his member into her dripping pussy. Easily sinking down to envelop all of his length, she leaned down to have her unusual bosom smother his face. Picking herself up just enough to let him gaze at the drool leaking from her fangs, she waited for the sign to continue.

   Upon seeing Chris nod his head, Jessica sunk her claws into the mattress and began to move her hips. Trying to keep in mind their contrast in size and strength, she managed to keep her instincts mostly at bay. This controlled chaos allowed some of her unbridled pleasure to spill over to her partner, evidenced by his own moans being heard between her various hisses and growls. With her entire body shaking with ecstasy, she pushed the very limits of his body for the sake of reveling in this feeling of ecstasy that had evaded her for so long. With one final thrust, her orgasm was announced by her second mouth as it emerged from behind her fangs to fill the apartment with a mighty roar.

   Exhausted from her efforts, Jessica’s body began to slump forward. Moments before she came toppling down on an equally drained Chris, she managed to roll herself away. Resting atop her torn and scarred bedding, she no longer seemed to know what she wanted to do. The fear and revulsion she had felt towards her body had been completely eclipsed by the night’s events. Holding up her hand and flexing it to let her gaze linger on the webbing in-between, she began to consider what it would be like to live the rest of her life like this.

   “Are you okay?” Chris asked, getting Jessica to turn her gaze back towards him.

   “Yessssss,” Jessica replied, pulling herself up into a standing position. “I’m more concssssserened about you.”

   “I’m fine,” Chris said, stumbling to his feet. “Police training isn’t for nothing, you know?”

   Moments before Chris’s strength gave out, Jessica managed to catch him and lift him up into her arms once more. “How about we go ressssssst a bit on the couch?” she suggested.

   “That sounds nice,” Chris answered, nuzzling up to her chest as she carried him back over to the living room.

   Carefully sitting herself down to avoid damaging the couch any further, Jessica leaned back with Chris still clinging to her body. Grasping the remote control, she handed it over to him to allow his smaller fingers to work the buttons. While their intention was to just spend the rest of the evening binging some bad TV, they were instead met with a breaking news broadcast.

   “We come to you live from outside the corporate building of Weyland Yutani,” the reporter said. “A raid has just taken place under the reports of inhumane experiments being performed by the company. While the police are still searching the area, what they’ve discovered so far is what they believe to be samples of alien DNA. The few researchers that have been willing to speak with us say that it belonged to extraterrestrial creatures known as Xenomorphs. They claim the beasts are terrifying with black exoskeletons, gangly limbs, and a second mouth in there-“

   “That’s enough of that,” Chris said, turning the TV back off to cuddle up to Jessica. “I’d rather not spend the night hearing them bad talk my girlfriend.”

   “Agreed,” Jessica said, nuzzling up to him to go to bed, her new form unable to prevent the couple from their preferred, mundane evening’s typical activity of cuddling up to one another to enjoy each other’s company.


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