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WARNING THIS STORY WILL CONTAIN: Chun-li and Juri (Street Fighter) Fusion, Weight Gain, and Sexual Content

After a run in with a device that fused her with Juri, Chun-li assumed that her ordeal was over. That was until something convinced her to once more join with Juri to become incredibly obese and eager to try out the various toys the sadistic woman has collected for their rendezvous.


   The shady, foreboding alleyway was the last place Chun-li thought she would be returning to, especially at this time of night. However, this wasn’t the first time she had graced the grimy passageway with the presence of her elegant form clad in a white and blue cheongsam with gold trimmings. Her appearance still had the strange mix of her leggings showing off her muscular legs in directs contrast to the yellow ribbons keeping her dark brown locks tied up into a pair of hair buns. A major exception to her usual look was the expression of worry on her face and the sack of takeout food tightly clutched between her fingers.

   As Chun-li spotted the hidden door near a stack of crates, she stopped to ask herself what she was doing. After what had happened the last time she had come to the hidden, SIN laboratory, it should have been obvious to avoid returning at all costs. What had occurred in the run down hideout had momentarily twisted her body and mind into a form seeped with a sense of indulgence carried by one of her greatest rivals. As much as her logical side tried to reason with her, the anticipatory shaking that spread through her body as she approached the door pushed her to raise up her hand and knock.

   Moments later, Chun-li had to jump back as the door was slammed open. Standing in the entryway was Juri, the dim lighting showing off her black and purple hair styled to resemble a set of devilish horns. In direct contrast to Chun-li’s more conservative appearance, the sadistic woman stood out with a loose fitting white top that showed off the carefully placed black tape covering up her cleavage. Stepping forward with her baggy pants fluttering against the doorframe, Juri leaned forward to let her purple and green eyes stare at her former enemy turned experimentation partner.

   “Haha, didn’t really think you’d show up,” Juri commented. “You really are a freak, aren’t you?”

   “I’m just… curious is all,” Chun-li said, turning her face away as she spoke. “Anyway, I brought what you asked for. Do you really think this is safe? I’m a little concerned considering how last time you-“

   “Gimme that,” Juri said, snagging the bag out of Chun-li’s hands. Opening it up, she let out a small giggle. “What, did you blow your entire retirement fund on this?”

   “It was from my student,” Chun-li answered. “She earned a year’s supply of food for winning a contest. I asked her if I could borrow the pass under the guise that I was using it for a meeting with an old friend.”

   “What? Too embarrassed to tell her that her teacher is a complete pervert?”

   Chun-li remained silent despite the accusation, but the red blush on her face managed to give her answer for her.

   “Whatever,” Juri said, descending into the lab. “Just come on and let’s get started. I’ve got everything ready to go downstairs.”

   Abandoning her one chance to back out, Chun-li followed Juri down into the basement after closing the door behind her. The lab was still a complete mess, a side effect of having to act as Juri’s hideout while she dwelled in the city. Thankfully most of the dust had been cleaned up and there were some old chairs and couches that had been brought in since their last meeting. However, the brunt of Chun-li’s attention was placed on an orb, bearing the feng shui engine marking on it.

   “Is this it?” Chun-li asked.

   “Don’t be a dumbass,” Juri replied, picking up the sphere between her fingers. “You were there when I first unleashed one of these things so you should be able to answer your own, damn question.” Juri put on a smug grin. “Although, I did make some modifications to make it extra fun for tonight’s activities.” Tightly clenching the orb, she leaned forward to get right up to Chun-li’s face. “So, are you ready to play?”

   Chun-li clenched her fingers and took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

   Juri let out a maniacal laugh. “Well then, if you insist.”

   Holding up the orb, Juri slammed her hand down on the button. A moment later, Juri’s body was enveloped by a purple aura. Gradually her body began to dissipate into the mist. Despite her disappearing form, Juri still kept up her playful smile. Having seen the event herself, Chun-li knew there was little reason to worry as her partner seemingly evaporated into thin air. Using this time to mentally prepare herself for what was to come, Chun-li closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes once more, it was just in time to see a purple, spectral orb mimicking Juri’s grin fly straight towards her to sink into her chest.

   Grasping at where Juri’s essence had entered her body, Chun-li tried to keep herself calm. She had experienced this before, but she was still shuddering at the feeling of Juri fusing with her. Chewing on her lip as she felt her partner spread through her form, she only hazarded to breath once she stopped shaking.

   “Well, now what?” Chun-li called out to the empty room.

   “Don’t act dumb,” Juri replied, her voice coming from inside of Chun-li’s own head. “Now that we’re in the same body, we’re going to need something to fuel our fun. Tear open that bag and let’s get eating.”

   Making her way over to the bag, Chun-li did as she was told and pulled out the first serving of meat buns. Spreading the morsels out on a table, she picked up one of the smaller ones to start her feast. Sinking her teeth in flooded her mouth with a delicious, savory taste. As she continued to chew, she could hear Juri’s pleased hum echoing in the back of her mind. Upon finishing her first bite, she followed the will of their combined hunger to devour the rest of the bun.

   Upon finishing her first portion of the meal, Chun-li brushed the crumbs off of her lips. The single bun normally would have been enough to keep her full for a while. However, she knew that this was far from the end. Even as she wanted to sit back to take it easy and digest, Juri took control of her left arm to grab another bun and bring it up to their mouth.

   “Come on now,” Juri said, pressing the food against Chun-li’s lips. “Don’t quit out on me now. We’ve got a long way to go until we reach our true potential.”

   Going along with Juri’s orders, Chun-li opened up her mouth to allow her body’s passenger to shove in the bun. The meal was just as, if not more, delicious as the last. While Chun-li would have liked a chance to savor the taste, Juri wasted little time shoving the entire bun into their mouth with a rough shove. Forced to either eat or choke on the wad of dough and meat, Chun-li relented in swallowing the lump. She barely had a chance to catch her breath before Juri lifted up yet another bun.

   “Hurry it up,” Juri said, pressing the morsel past their shared lips. “You’re starting to bore me. We still haven’t even gotten to the best part.”

   Driven by Juri’s anxiousness and her own growing appetite, Chun-li continued to feed. The results of the indulgent meal made itself quite clear as her formerly slim mid-section began to bulge with extra weight. Her swelling potbelly was given a semblance of relief as her dress tore itself apart to reshape into a crop top reminiscent of Juri’s outfit. The fabric was further strained as the fat migrated towards her chest to engorge her breasts. A similar sensation of her butt swelling in size was made more noticeable as her skirt and leggings were replaced with a set of puffy pants that were covered in a scattering of purple and blue.

   Sinking her teeth into one of the last meat buns, Chun-li took notice of her other hand slinking its way across her body. Guided by Juri’s will, her fingers were eager to pinch and poke at her grown features to properly appreciate them. While Chun-li continued to chew, her mouth began to let out soft squeaks and moans as Juri continued to explore. It was upon letting out a hiss from a smack to her pudgy rear did Chun-li catch on to what Juri was trying to do.

   Rather than resist, Chun-li willingly picked up a bun with one hand while Juri slipped the other one down the front of her pants. As Chun-li took her first bite, Juri began to rapidly move their fingers across their shared womanhood. As degrading as it must have looked to masturbate while stuffing herself, Chun-li continued to play along for the sake of the shared pleasure. Try as she might to continue eating, her mouth had to constantly stop to let out a series of moans. Pushing herself to finish off the bun, she managed to just barely pop the last bite into her mouth as her body became wracked with orgasmic shivers.

   Spreading herself out on her seat, Chun-li tried to come to grips with what she had done. This wasn’t the first time she had allowed Juri to take the lead in stuffing themselves like this, however it was a new experience getting off while food was being shoveled into her face. She would have liked nothing more than to just sit there for a moment, recovering from the euphoric release and licking up any stray crumbs from her lips that managed to survive the feast. However, Juri had other plans.


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