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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Female Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting), IQ Loss, and Sexual Content

WORDS: 8000

In an effort to relieve her roommate, Wendy's stress, Hannah begs her boyfriend, Louis to let them try out pills designed to relieve stress. While the drug works, it comes with side effects that include weight gain, gas, loss of intelligence, and over active libidos to unleash on Louis.

This story was for an anonymous commissioner.

My commission info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Roaming the halls of the apartment building, Louis found himself tightly squeezing the bag in his arms every few seconds. Though he was intent on protecting what was inside, there wasn’t really much he expected he could do considering his slender physique. His tanned skin and short, black hair were more for looking handsome rather than getting into fights. As much as he would have liked to have kept the bag in its secure location, all it had taken for him to break  his lab’s safety procedures was a few minutes worth of provocation from his girlfriend.

   Walking a few feet ahead of Louis was Hannah, a woman’s whose energetic personality was perfectly encapsulated by her head of bouncy, shoulder length blonde hair. Despite her bimbo-like appearance of white shorts and a pink top, she was in the same science program as Louis at their university. While on paper she was just as smart as him, if not more, there was a major flaw in her lack of wisdom when it came to considering the consequences of her actions.

   “I’m still not sure this is a good idea,” Louis spoke up.

   “It’ll be fine,” Hannah said, turning around to meet him with her bright, blue eyes. “Like I said, I already broke into your lab’s database to look over the files. From what I can tell, this is exactly what we need.”

   “I’m assuming you also read over the part that said it was highly unpredictable as well?”

   “That’s just because no one has tested it yet,” Hannah replied as the two of them stopped in front of her apartment. “Well, until today that is.” Unlocking the door, she gestured for Louis to enter.

   Stepping into the apartment, Louis found who they were looking for sitting on a couch in the living room. A baggy hoodie and matching, grey sweatpants hung loosely over her twig-like body. She was bent over a laptop on the coffee table, her fingers frantically typing away at a keyboard. Her rapid pace had the adverse side effect of knocking around her ponytail of black hair. Stopping only to push up the glasses on her nose, the woman finally took notice of her guests once Hannah reached out to close the laptop.

   “What the hell, Hannah?” the woman asked, barely managing to move her fingers away at the last second.

   “Sorry, but that seems to be the only way I can get your attention,” Hannah replied. “I know how you get when you’re working on your programs.”

   With a huff, the woman pulled back her laptop and opened it up to continue working. “That’s because they require my utmost attention to make sure they get done efficiently and on time.”

   “But you just finished your semester’s project last night,” Hannah said. “You’re far ahead of everyone else in your class. Don’t you think that’s your sign to give it a rest?”

   “Absolutely not,” she replied, her gaze still focused on the screen. “That just means I need to use this extra time to get a head start on next semester’s assignment.”

   Hannah let out a sigh. Leaving her roommate to continue working, she turned towards her boyfriend. “Louis, let me introduce you to my workaholic roommate, Wendy Choi.”

   “Hello,” Louis said with a wave, managing to get Wendy’s attention.

   “Hi, no time to entertain guests today,” Wendy said, not even bothering to look up from her laptop. “I’m far too busy working on a set of code designed to-“

   “That’s enough of that,” Hannah said, snatching the laptop out of Wendy’s fingers.

   “Hey, I need that to work!” Wendy said, trying and failing to snatch back her computer.

   “You’ll get it back AFTER you take a moment to rest.”

   “I told you, I can’t do that unless I’ve finished all of my work. My body is stuck in crunch mode.”

   “That’s why I asked Louis to bring something with him to stop you from being a ball of stress and sleep deprivation.”

   Noticing the way that Hannah gestured towards him, Louis saw it as his signal to reach into the paper bag. What he pulled out were a pair of black and white pills. The mystery medicine seemed to do the trick in getting Wendy to pay attention to something other than her project.

   “What are those?” Wendy asked.

   “It’s a special medicine my department is working on,” Louis answered, a hint of pride in his voice as he showed off his work. “It’s supposed to be the ultimate body relaxer.”

   “Perfect for an overworked student like yourself,” Hannah added.

   “Are they safe?” Wendy asked.

   Louis’s excited grin faltered. “I’m… not sure,” he admitted. “We haven’t had a chance to test them on a person yet.”

   Wendy let out a huff. “And you expect me to be a human guinea pig?”

   “That’s a pretty harsh way of putting it, but yes,” Hannah answered.

   “Absolutely not,” Wendy stated.

   “Come on,” Hannah pleaded. “This could be your only chance to take a well overdue break from that load of stress you keep putting on your shoulders.”

   “There’s no way in hell I’m going along with this,” Wendy repeated. “If you want to test this on someone, you’re going to have to find another idiot in my place.”

   Hannah thought for a moment. Recognizing the look in her eyes as a smile appeared on her face, Louis should have known what was going to happen. Even still, he was a little too slow to stop her from reaching out to grab one of the pills and swallow it.

   “Are you insane?” Louis and Wendy asked in unison.

   “Probably,” Hannah replied with a wide grin. “But I think it’s working. I’m already feeling a lot more relaxed.”

   “Why did you do that?” Wendy asked.

   “To prove that this is safe,” Hannah replied, grabbing the other pill and offering it up to her roommate. “As you can see, I didn’t lose all of my hair or blow up. So come on and give it a try.”

   Begrudgingly, Wendy reached out to accept the pill. “If this doesn’t work,” she began, holding the pill over her mouth, “I’m never speaking to you ever again.”

   “Not really a threat when you do that to me anyway every time you get obsessed with a new project,” Hannah teased.

   Sighing at her own fate and her roommate’s inability to take things seriously, Wendy downed the pill. Watching the drug slide down the woman’s throat, Louis instinctively pulled out a pen and notepad. He kept himself vigilant for any signs of change or side effects. His observation allowed him to pick up a grumbling sound coming from nearby. As he opened up his mouth to ask Wendy how she felt, he left himself open to Hannah letting out a belch right into his face.

   “Hannah, that’s disgusting,” Wendy spoke up for Louis’s sake.

   “Eh, it’s BWOOOOORRRP fine,” Hannah replied. “Not the first time I’ve done it to him.”

   “I haven’t had a boyfriend myself, but I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to UUUUUURRRRRP!”

   As the belch left her lips, Wendy clamped her fingers over her mouth. “Excuse me. I think that drug might have made me a little-“

   Wendy was interrupted again by another series of rumbling noises echoing from her gut. Experiencing the same sensation, Hannah proceeded to purposefully shake her body to push out more burps. Watching the crude display, Wendy slapped her palm over her mouth to prevent any more belches. While her plan worked, the gas eventually found a way out in the form of a squeaky fart leaking out of her rear.

   “I’m so sorry,” Wendy said, watching Louis’s face wince from the smell. “It’s all Hannah’s fault.”

   “No, but this is,” Hannah said, throwing caution to the wind as she let loose with a fart of her own, that dwarfed her roommate’s earlier expulsion.

   “Don’t you have any shame?” Wendy asked, getting only a giggle from Hannah in return. “Louis, are you really going to UUURRP take that from her?”

   “It’s, um, something you get used to,” he answered, putting out a nervous laugh. “Anyway, I’ve got to hurry up and get this bag back to the lab before someone notices that it’s gone. I’ll check back in on you tomorrow to see how you’re doing.”

   “Hopefully we’re not dead by then,” Wendy commented.

   “At least we won’t have to work anymore,” Hannah spoke up.

   Leaving the girls to tend to their gas issues, Louis stepped outside of the apartment. Free from Wendy’s eyes, he took a deep breath. Thinking about how close Hannah had come to revealing his secret obsession, he had to wonder why someone as stable as him hung out with such a crazy woman. Recalling the sense of excitement he felt every time he was around her was enough of a reminder. Keeping himself motivated with the thought of seeing what the pills could do, he headed for the exit.


   Louis was conflicted when he received the call from Hannah. From what he heard, the pills had taken effect mere hours after he had left. While he could hear the distress behind Wendy’s words on the other side of the call, he couldn’t help getting excited as he was told in great detail what awaited him. Eager to see the results for himself, he rushed over to the apartment complex and knocked on the door.

   Hannah was the one to greet Louis at the door, meeting him with her usual smile despite her additions. Her tank top was pushed up by the prominent potbelly that had appeared around her mid-section since they had last met. Similar additions of weight had deposited themselves around her breasts and buttocks to enhance her already impressive assets. Perhaps noticing the way Louis was starting at her, she saw little harm in getting his attention by purposefully burping in his face.

   “Took you long enough,” Hannah said, grinning at the way he stumbled back from her belch. “Wendy’s waiting inside. She’s pretty anxious to see you.”

   Following after his girlfriend, Louis found Wendy in the same spot as the previous day. Just like Hannah, the black haired woman had developed a few layers of pudge around her belly that distorted a once loose fitting hoodie. Despite having developed similar upgrades to her butt and bosom, her expression was more of frustration than anything else.

   “Hey Wendy,” Louis said, taking a cautious step towards her. “How are you feeling?”

   “Angry UURRRP mostly,” Wendy belched out.

   “And a little gassy too,” Hannah spoke up, a strange shudder taking over her form as she inhaled the gassy belch.

   “Shut up!” Wendy said, her display of anger lessened by a fart squeaking out of her rear. Gritting her teeth to fight through her embarrassment, she stepped towards Louis. “Why didn’t you tell me that the drug was going to make me gain weight?”

   “Because I didn’t know,” Louis answered. “Like I said, the pills are experimental. I’m just as blind as you two are about the side effects.”

   “That’s fucking great,” Wendy said, the expression on Hannah’s face making it clear that cursing wasn’t a common occurrence for the workaholic woman. “Now instead of having to worry about work, I have to concern myself with fattening up like a pig, burning my nostrils with my own odor, and… and…”

   Wendy’s attempt to finish her thoughts was transferred into her grabbing the nearest pillow to shout into.

   “Wendy, come on,” Hannah said, gently pulling the pillow away to save it from the woman’s wrath. “We can work through this together. That’s why I called Louis over here.”

   “He already said he doesn’t know what’s going on,” Wendy shot back. “What makes you think he has a cure for this?”

   “Well, he may not know of a way to undo your little tummy. But he does know how to take care of another one of your problems.”

   “What are you…”

   Wendy’s eyes went wide.

   “Are you seriously suggesting that he…?“

   “I seriously BWOOOORRRP am,” Hannah replied.

   “Hold on, I’m confused,” Louis spoke up. “What do you need me help with?”

   Looking over towards Louis, Hannah got her point across with a rude gesture made with her tongue and two of her fingers.

   “You’re completely UUURRRP insane,” Wendy said.

   “Not entirely,” Hannah replied, walking over to pull Louis into a hug that bumped her belly into him. “I’ve been dating this guy for over a year now and he knows what he’s doing down there, I assure you.”

   “Do you really think I’m sex-crazed enough to want that?” Wendy asked.

   “Dunno, why don’t you ask that toy of yours you burned out last evening?”

   Her secret revealed, Wendy let her face turn a vibrant red as she turned away. “If this is the only UURRP way to do it, then fine.”

   “That’s one down,” Hannah remarked with a victorious grin. “Louis, you up for it?”

   “Well,” Louis paused for a moment trying to piece together if this was all real, “if both of you are okay with it.”

   “You bet your ass I am,” Hannah answered. “Now come on. This girl needs some excellent service.”

   Pushed forward with a pat to the back, Louis made his way over to the couch. Getting down on his knees, he gestured for Wendy to do her part. Chewing on her lip, she pulled down her sweatpants and underwear just enough to give him access to her womanhood. Mentally preparing for what was to come, Louis took a deep breath and leaned forward to bury his head between her legs.

   In a matter of seconds, Wendy’s nervous mannerisms fell apart as a series of moans began to leave her lips. True to Hannah’s word, Louis expertly sucked and dragged along her labia to properly excite his partner. Lost in the throws of ecstasy, Wendy made little effort to hold back the burps that were interspersed between her cries of euphoria. At the very moment of her release, a pair of orgasmic moans was joined in by a loud BRRRAAAAAAAAAPPPP bursting from her rear to enshroud Louis in her gas.

   Reeling back from the powerful smell, Louis wiped his face clean and looked up towards Wendy. “How do you feel?”

   “Me… feel BWOOOORRRP gooooood,” Wendy said with a glazed over look in her eyes.

   “Wendy?” Louis asked, snapping his fingers. “Are you okay?”

   Coming back to her senses, Wendy quickly pulled her underwear and pants back on. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”

   Feeling awkward still sitting on his knees in front of Wendy’s groin, Louis stood up to see if his girlfriend was either impressed or angry. What he saw instead was Hannah seated on a chair with a hand shoved into her panties. Recalling the second orgasmic moan, it made sense that she had a look of pure bliss on her face. This thousand yard stare became more severe as she purposefully inhaled the fumes of one of her farts that came billowing out.

   “Hannah, are you alright?” Louis asked as he approached.

   “Me, feel-“

   Hannah paused, catching on to her bag grammar. “Uh, yeah, I’m fine,” she replied, standing up from the chair and making a poor attempt to fix up her appearance. “Anyway, how was it, Wendy?”

   “It was… good,” Wendy admitted, copying some of Hannah’s strange behavior by sucking in the lingering aroma created from her release. “Thank you for that.”

   “Not a problem,” Louis said as he quickly jotted down notes on a piece of paper. “I’m going to head back to the lab to see if I can find anymore information about the drug to help you out.”

   “Yeah, sounds UUURRP good,” Wendy replied, unable to look Louis in the eyes as he left the apartment.


   The call couldn’t have been made at a worse time. Considering the various oddities he had observed the previous day, Louis had thought to have a conversation with one of his colleagues about the possible side effects of a human ingesting the pills. In the midst of receiving an answer to what Louis claimed was a hypothetical question, that was the moment Hannah called to insist he return to the apartment as soon as possible. Wincing as he was certain that his fellow scientist had heard the command and gassy expulsions on the other side, he tried to shrug it off as a prank before sprinting out of the lab.

   Upon Louis reaching the apartment and knocking on the door, he heard the sound of something big charging towards him. When the door opened up, he fully expected to see some kind of monster waiting on the other side. While there was no fearsome beast, there was an equally vile belch that released from Hannah’s mouth. As the smell wafted around Louis’s head, he took his vision off of her grinning face to take note of the drastic changes to her body.

   The pudgy appearance Hannah had taken the previous day had become definitively fat thanks to the bulged out gut sticking out from beneath a food-stained top. Glancing up at her engorged breasts let him see recent droplets of condiments littered across them that were gradually picked up by her thick fingers. He looked down at her wide hips just as a something began to send shivers through her pudgy arms and legs. The cause was made quite apparent as a loud BRRRAAAAAAAPPPP slapped out of her thick rear. Backing up to avoid choking on the toxic cloud, he looked back to see a pleased, almost blank expression in her eyes.

   “Hannah, are you okay?” Louis asked.

   “Yeah, me like-“

   Hannah paused for a moment, shaking her head around and jiggling her two fat chins to come back to her senses. “Er, I mean, I like the smell.”

   “I beg your pardon?” Louis asked. “You enjoyed that?”

   Hannah let out a laugh. “If you think that’s UUUURRRP weird, you have got to come see my roommate.”

   Waiting a moment for Hannah to swivel her body around, Louis followed her inside. Upon closing the door behind him, she saw fit to engulf him in another blast of flatulence. Reeling back from the powerful aroma, he turned his head away and noticed a trash bag stuffed to the gills with takeout containers nearby. Curious considering how clean the apartment was during his previous visits, he followed Hannah into the living room.

   Louis let out a gasp as he saw Wendy’s compromised position. The once reserved woman seemed to lack any of her former manners as she tore through a triple-stacked cheeseburger, her black hair flailing around thanks to being freed from the bindings of her ponytail. The greasy meal added further wear and tear to the besmirched hoodie that was tightly wrapped around her sizable torso. Judging by the way her belly pushed at the fabric, he found it doubtful that she would ever be able to use the pocket in the front. There seemed to be a remedy for this lack of storage in the form of hoodie’s collar stretching out to accommodate her sizable bosom. Making liberal use of her large cleavage seemed almost necessary considering the way her buttocks stretched out the pair of sweatpants that were adorning her thighs.

   Still preoccupied with licking the leftover grease from her lips, Wendy didn’t notice Louis approaching her. This ignorance persisted even as a rumbling fart spurted out of her rear to fill the air with her noxious fumes. While Louis winced at the stench, she seemed to take great pleasure in inhaling the odor. On her face was the same look of idiotic bliss that he had seen on his girlfriend’s face.

   “Excuse me, Wendy?” Louis asked, managing to get her to pay attention to him.

   “Oh, hey BWOOOORRRP Louis,” she belched, her former sense of tiredness seemingly non-existent. “Why are you here?”

   “Silly UUURRRP Wendy,” Hannah said, slamming her butt down on the couch next to her roommate. “You’re the one that asked me to call him in the first place.”

   Wendy dragged her fingers through her hair, adding a sheen of grease to the strands. “I did? Huh, I must have forgot. Then again, I’ve been UUUURRRP forgetting a lot of things recently. Like where I put my glasses until my BOOOOUUUURRRP fat ass crushed them.”

   “Do you have any idea what you called me over for?” Louis asked.

   “Hmm, maybe to get more BWOOOORRRP food?” Wendy suggested.

   “Nah, that can’t be it,” Hannah replied, leaning over to pick up a recently emptied brown paper bag covered in grease stains. “We just ordered from Glutton Burger an hour ago.”

   “Oh, UUURRP yeah,” Wendy said, giggling at herself as she slid her hand across her stomach. “Guess I forgot that too.”

   “Maybe you had something to tell me about your condition,” Louis suggested, pulling out his pen and notepad. “Have you noticed anything specifically?”

   Wendy thought for a moment before signaling her epiphany with an abrupt PHHRRRRRTT from her rear. “Yeah. Me notice, I mean, I noticed how much easier it is for me to sleep now. I used to be pre-BOOOOUUUURRRP-occupied with my mind going crazy over what I needed to do for class. Now, it seems like all I have to do to forget about it is to not look at it.”

   “That’s concerning,” Louis commented, rapidly scribbling down any and all details.

   “Me don’t think so,” Hannah spoke up, seemingly ignorant of her poor grammar. “Sounds like the pill is doing exactly what it’s UUUURRRP designed to do.”

   “Yes, but-“

   Louis was interrupted by Wendy standing up to pull him into a hug. Engulfed by her soft figure, he was given a strange mix of pleasure and disgust as he got to experience a raw stench cultivated from her not bathing for the past two days. Licking his lips, he tried harder than ever to hide his urges.

   “Thank you so BWOOOOOORRRRPPP much for giving me those pills,” Wendy said. “However, me still need help with something.”

   “W-what’s that?” he asked as Wendy released him from her grasp.

   Sitting back down on the couch, Wendy proceeded to finish what her fattened up body started by tearing apart her hoodie. The destruction of her top allowed Louis to see her bra trying its best to keep her tits at bay and the dots of black hair that had appeared along her arms. Though he could see a few more strands peeking out from beneath her armpits, he quickly turned his gaze downwards as she tore apart her sweatpants to reveal similar, unsightly hairs along her legs.

   “Come BWOOORRP on,” Wendy said, sliding her panties down to let Louis see her newly grown pubic hairs. “Pleasure me.”

   “Um, okay,” Louis said, starting to get down on his knees only for her to grasp his shoulders.

   “Not this UUUURRP time,” Wendy said. “Hannah already gave me some… attention earlier this morning.”

   Looking over his shoulder, Louis noticed the sly expression on Hannah’s face that was more than enough to fill in the blanks.

   “I want you to give me the real thing,” Wendy said, demanding Louis’s full attention with another fart spurting out of her rear. “You’ll be my first so… make sure you go gentle.”

   “Hell BOOOUURRRP yeah!” Hannah cheered. “Let her have it, Louis!”

   As Louis was still trying to comprehend what was going on, Wendy took the initiative to unzip his pants. Pulling out his member from his underwear, she proceeded to slowly pump up and down its length. His various concerns were suppressed as she stroked his member and he got to gaze at her plump body. Bringing his cock to full rigidity, she nudged him forward to place the tip at the entrance of her womanhood. Driven by the hungry look in her eyes and his own, overflowing desires, he threw caution to the wind and moved forward.

   Sliding his cock into Wendy’s dripping womanhood, Louis took hold of her belly fat and proceeded to move his hips back and forth. Soon, his ears were treated to a mix of moans and belches that pushed him to continue. Becoming a bit bolder, he let his fingers roam across her body to pinch at her pockets of extra weight. Settling on aiding her bra in keeping her breasts at bay by clasping her tits with his hands, he gritted his teeth as he continued to push until Wendy reached her orgasm.

   As Wendy let out a moan that was overshadowed by a deluge of flatulence, she slumped back down onto the couch. While Louis had been unable to finish, he still pulled away to give her a chance to rest. For a moment he lingered on the blank stare in her eyes once more, as if he had fucked her very brains out. Before he could further examine this phenomenon, his body was pulled along to have him come face to face with his girlfriend.

   “You lucky man,” Hannah said. “Other women be jealous of good fuck. Me fine, as long as you give me same.”

   “Hannah, something’s obviously wrong with you,” Louis explained, momentarily brought back to his senses. “This is more than mere weight and gas problems. I need to get the two of you to a hospital in-case your changes get any-“

   This time Louis was interrupted by a gnarly belch from Hannah directed right at his face. In a momentary daze from the sneak attack, he looked back to watch her turn her body around. Grabbing onto her shorts, she didn’t seem to have any regrets in ripping them apart to show off the thong-like panties sunken into her butt crack. Dragging her overburdened underwear down, she gave her thick rear a smack and looked back to see the gleam in Louis’s eyes.

   “You fuck now,” Hannah ordered, licking her lips in anticipation.

   Knowing it would be useless to try to speak to Hannah in this state, Louis once more stepped forward to put his hands around her waist. Though it involved a bit of poking around against the hairs surrounding her womanhood, he eventually found his mark. His reward for shoving his cock inside was being subjected to a full blast of one of her farts aimed directly at his face. Undeterred, he heeded both of their desires for pleasure to keep moving his hips back and forth. Soon, he added his own moans to the cacophony of her euphoric cries and rude expulsions. Unable to hold out for very long, he managed to just barely give her the satisfaction she desired before he released his load.

   As Louis began to stumble, Hannah reached back to pull him down onto the couch. Nuzzled up to the hairs lining her armpits and given a whiff of her body odor, his lack of energy forced him to just lay there. Further stuck to the couch as Wendy cuddled up to him, his weary body overwhelmed his earlier need to find aid for their degrading conditions. It would be something that could wait for after he had gotten a much needed rest.


   It was only with the help of the midday sun peeking through the window did Louis wake up from his deep sleep. Slowly coming to his senses, he looked around to see that he was still inside Hannah and Wendy’s apartment. He recalled the previous evening’s events thanks to him sitting on the couch and his distinct lack of pants. Letting out a yawn led to him accidentally sucking in a mouthful of the lingering fumes from their act of intimacy. While the smell was still present, he couldn’t seem to find the owners anywhere around him.

   “Yes, BWOOOOOOORRRP fuck me!”

   The euphoric belch echoed out from one of the bedrooms. Unable to tell who it belonged to thanks to the voice’s huskiness, Louis picked himself up to go see. While he wanted to put on pants beforehand, the article of clothing had gotten lost somewhere amongst the multitude of empty boxes and wrappers that were scattered across the floor. Hastened by another loud burp, he shuffled his way through the mess to try and find the source.

   Peeking his head into the bedroom, Louis spotted the pair of nude, hefty women currently laying across the mattress. From where he was standing he could make out the look of complete ecstasy plastered on Wendy’s pudgy face. As she continued to moan out in pleasure, she shook around the greasy locks of hair draped across her shoulders as well as the various strands littering her arms and legs. She put her meaty fingers to good use squeezing on her drooping, melon-like breasts while her partner focused on eating her out. Though Louis couldn’t see who the mystery woman was with her head buried beneath Wendy’s flabby belly, he could make a good guess considering she had a similarly chunky ass.

   Wendy signaled her release with a combination of a moan echoing from her lips and a loud BRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPP erupting from her rear. While her body shuddered from the lingering ecstasy, her partner pulled herself out from her nether region to take a deep whiff of the gas. Given a clearer view of the woman’s head of mangy, blonde hair slick with sweat and grease, Louis was able to instantly recognize her as Hannah. While her obese form was on par with Wendy’s in terms of size, the way that she shuffled across the bed upon hearing Louis let out a gasp was far faster than he expected. Lumbering her way onto the floor, her belly jiggling with each stomp of her bulky legs, she shamelessly dragged her nails through her belly button hair on her way to meet up with Louis.

   “Good UUURRRP morning, Lu,” Hannah belched, her horrific morning breath washing over Louis’s face.

   “My god,” Louis said, both in amazement at her stench and added bulk. “What happened while I was asleep?"

   “Me and Wen get hungry and horny,” Hannah replied, shaking crumbs out of her fat folds with one hand while the other teased her pussy. “You asleep, so we take care ourselves.”

   “I can see that,” Louis replied, leaning to the side to catch a glance of Wendy wallowing in her own fart cloud. “While I am happy to see the stress relieving portion of the pills are working, I’m a bit more concerned about the side effects.”

   Titling her head, Hannah scratched at her rows of chins. “Me not understand. Me and Wen be like this for long time.”

   “Looks like your memory was affected as well,” he commented. “I really should get back to the lab to-“

   Lunging forward, Hannah pulled Louis into a tight embrace. Immediately his body was overwhelmed by a combination of pleasure and pain brought upon by her slobby features. Everything from the way the peach fuzz around her belly button brushed against him to the way her cushioning pressed against his body made his earlier grogginess disappear in favor of putting him a similarly primal mood of desire as the women. Left in a daze from being in close proximity of a thunderous PHHHHHHRRRRRRRTTTTT sputtering out of Hannah’s ass, he let her push him down to have his face level with her womanhood. A slight nudge against the back of his head is all it took to get him to understand that she was looking for a similar sense of relief as Wendy.

   Holding onto Hannah’s thick thighs, Louis opened up his mouth and leaned forward. Momentarily running his mouth over her bushel of pubic hair, he turned his attention to dragging his tongue along her folds. Once more the apartment was filled with the sound of burps and moans as he worked to pleasure her womanhood. His efforts were rewarded with a bombardment of gas coming from her anus to further feed the desire he had hidden to all but Hannah herself. Upon focusing the brunt of his attention on her clitoris, he managed to bring her over the edge to reach her climax.

   In the midst of her body shuddering from the orgasm, Hannah’s grip on Luis loosened up. Slumping to the floor, smelling like Hannah’s nether region, he watched as she waddled her way out of the room. Though he attempted to pick himself back up to follow, he was stopped by the sight of another pair of hairy, bulky legs standing above him. Following the trail of black pubic hair across the patches along the sizable gut, he inevitably met eyes with Wendy.

   “Where Han BOOOOOUUUURRRP go?” Wendy belched out.

   Luis heard the sound of pots and pans being tossed around from another room. “I guess she’s looking in the kitchen for something to eat.”

   “Me want food too,” Wendy proclaimed.

   “That makes sense. Your body probably needs a lot of sustenance to maintain its larger form. What kind of food would you like to eat?”

   “Me not want just food,” Wendy replied. “Me want food and fuck.”

   “Um, okay. Give me a second to go into the kitchen to find something and I’ll-“

   Louis paused as the slobby woman moved herself around to leave her heavy rear hovering over his face. Before he could say another word, she came slamming down on his face to smother him within the confines of the dark depths of meaty ass cheeks. As she shuffled around to press her pussy against his lips, he thought he knew what she was trying to do. He ended up only being half right.

   As Louis started to give Wendy’s womanhood a turn with his mouth, he let out a gasp as he felt her press her body on top of him. As her belly fat smothered his torso, her lips wrapped around his rigid member. While her intelligence had obviously been reduced by the drug, that didn’t stop her from showing off an innate knowledge of how to work his cock. His body given more than enough stimulation; he tried in vain to reciprocate the act by giving it his all to eat out her pussy. Though he ended up being the one to finish first, she was regardless thankful for both the mouthful of cum and her own climax mere seconds afterwards.

   Both he and Wendy were left thoroughly exhausted from the act. He was unsure of how long he would be stuck underneath her mass of sweaty flesh. The answer ended up being a lot sooner than he thought as someone else rolled the overweight woman off of her. Given a chance to breathe something other than Wendy’s fumes, he continued to lie there until a very hungry Hannah reached down to pick him up.

   “Where food?” Hannah asked.

   “In the kitchen, I guess,” Louis replied.

“Me look. Nothing to UUUURRRP eat. Get food now.”

   “Okay, okay, just let me go grab my phone and I’ll order something right away.”

   Taking a moment to process Louis’s request, Hannah eventually dropped him from her grasp. “Okay. You get food. Me have fun with BOOOOUUUURRRP Wen now.”

   “Right, I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Louis called out, leaving the room just before the two women embraced each other once more.

   Making his way over to the living room, Louis began to sift through the mess left in the wake of the fat women’s pursuit of indulgence to find his pants. Finding his clothes covered in a mix of crumbs and food stains, he reached into the pocket to find his phone. Immediately his eyes lit up as he noticed several missed calls from his lab. A sense of dread overtook him as he hit play on the recording.

   “Louis, this is Dr. Teld. Please come to the lab. We know that you took the pills.”


   Enduring an anxiety-filled walk back into his lab, Louis had come face to face with Dr. Teld and the rest of his fellow scientists. While he had fully expected to either be carried off by the police or become a test subject himself, his colleagues greeted him with open arms. Looking past the obvious security violations, the scientists were eager to hear about each and every detail of the pills’ effects. More than willing to share his research, Louis nearly lost track of time as he made a detailed report about his past few days with the girls.

   It was only after Louis had momentarily satiated Dr. Teld and the others’ thirst for knowledge did they let him leave. He was able to free himself with the excuse that his test subjects would need adequate attention and that it was unwise to leave them alone for too long. Departing from the lab with a promise that he would be provided with whatever funds and materials he would need to support the slobby women, he couldn’t help grinning as he made his way back to the apartment.

   Louis’s beaming smile only grew wider as his nose picked up a familiar, rotten odor as he walked down the hall. Reaching the door and unlocking it unleashed the noxious fumes upon the complex. Wondering how the various delivery people he had sent to the address had dealt with the stench, he stepped inside to see the same scene he had left when he departed a few hours prior.

   There was barely any room left to walk in the living room with the various boxes and bags spread across the floor. Pushing himself through the spread of emptied out food containers, Louis took note of the singular stack of pizza boxes placed in front of the couches. The tower of greasy meat, cheese, and dough acted a signal beacon to guide him towards the pair of women shaped by his miracle drug.

   Hannah and Wendy were tightly squeezed together on the couch, leaving their ass fat to either press into each other or hang off the sides. With no room left to lounge around, they were forced to let their drooping, doughy guts spread out their thick, hairy legs and rest on the ground. Each of the massive bulges were lined with trails of coarse strands that surrounded their belly buttons and led towards their well-used nether regions. The hairs along their blubbery arms transitioned into the thick bushels sticking out from their pits that acted as traps for all of the grease and sweat that clung to their flesh. While their meaty bosoms were free of hair, each of the heavy mounds were covered in a plethora of crumbs and sauce stains to act as a record of the various eateries the two women had managed to eat from in their slobby, stupefied states.

   Tearing through the cardboard boxes to get to their greasy meals, Hannah and Wendy eagerly stuffed their faces to further plump up their cheeks and jiggle their multiple chins. Their ravenous eating was occasionally interrupted by loud belches that seemed to make the entire room shake. More gas seeped out of their obese figures in the form of rumbling farts that constantly bellowed out of their massive backsides. Shaking around their long manes of black and blonde hair, it looked like they had reached the peak of their descent into caveperson like simplicity. It was only after the two of them had finished their latest meal did they take notice of Louis standing there, gazing at them with awe.

   “Lu BWOOOOORRRRP home?” Wendy asked, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

   Louis couldn’t help himself from chuckling at her degraded grammar. “Yes, I’m home.”

   Though both girls struggled to free themselves from the couch, Hannah managed to heave herself up first. Leaving Wendy behind with a loud BRAAAAAAPPPP right to the face, she proceeded to waddle her way over to Louis. Managing to stop herself from bowling him over at the last second left her belly to bounce into him. Recovering from the tackle to avoid falling to the ground, he managed to tilt his head up to be further amazed by her astounding, eight foot tall stature gifted to her by the transformation.

   “Where Lu UUUUUURRRP go?” Hannah asked.

   “I was back at the lab,” he replied, relishing in the lingering smell of her burp. “I was able to talk to Dr. Teld and procure funding for my research. They also spoke of coming up with some kind of cure for your condition, however it is possible that the effects could lasts for weeks, months, or even-“

   Louis was interrupted by a loud PHHHHHHRRRRRRRTTTTT ripping out of Wendy’s rear. “Me no understand,” she said, waddling up beside Hannah. “What Lu mean?”

   “I may have found a way to change you back,” Louis replied.

   “Me confused,” Hannah commented. “Change back what?”

   “Back to your normal…” Louis paused for a moment, taking a glance at the peaceful looks on their faces. “Never mind. Let me ask, do you two enjoy being so big and gassy?”

   “Of UUUUURRRP course,” Hannah answered.

   “What about the increased appetite and libido?”

   “Me not know those words,” Wendy replied, venting out a particularly nasty fart. “But Han and Wen enjoy food and fuck. Me no want end.”

   “Well, I guess we could let the experiment go for a bit longer then,” Louis replied, both to them and himself. “It would certainly give the lab plenty of data to use to improve the next batch.”

   The women scratched at their heads of greasy hair.

   “What BWOOOOORRRP Lu mean?” Wendy asked.

   Looking over Wendy’s towering figure, he took a moment to revel in her sight and smell. “It means, we get to have a lot more fun.”

   “That good,” Hannah commented, with Wendy nodding in agreement. “We BOOOUUUURRRP fuck now?”

   “If that’s what you want,” Louis answered, seeing both women vigorously nod in agreement. “I’d be more than happy to help, but we have a bit of a problem. Last I checked, the two of you completely destroyed the bed when you tried to eat each other out this morning. Not to mention, I think the couch is on its last legs. I highly doubt it’ll last much longer either. Don’t worry, I think if we clean this place up a bit, I can find space to spread out some tarps and we can-“

   Luis was knocked to the ground by Wendy bumping into him with her gut. Before he could try to pick himself back up, the slobs descended upon him to begin tearing off his clothes. Feeling their sweaty, foul-smelling flesh press down on him, he merely laid there as he felt their bristly hair run across his bare skin. By the time Hannah and Wendy stood back up, he was fully nude and more than ready to take them.

   “Me get UUUURRRP Lu first,” Wendy demanded.

   Hannah vented her rage with a thunderous BRRRRRAAAAAAAPPP. “No, Lu mine.”

   Wendy replied with an atrocious fart of her own. “No fair. You fuck BOOOOUUURRRP already.”

   “Me want UUUURRRP more,” Hannah replied, looking about ready to pounce at Wendy like a savage beast.

   “Hold on, hold on,” Louis said, struggling to sit himself up in the leftover miasma of their argument. “I can take care of you both at the same time.”

   The women tilted their heads. “BWOOOOOORRRP how?” they asked in unison.

   Though it took a few tries and a lot of dumbing down of his words, Louis finally managed to work out a position that would work for them. With the hardest part out of the way, next came the task of actually getting the idiotic slobs into place. Having to constantly remind Wendy to be gentle managed to convince the obese woman to not slam down onto his body nearly as hard. It took a few tries for her to find where she needed to go, but eventually her instincts led her to slide his rigid member into her dripping, hairy pussy. Although he was sure she was at her limit of self-restraint, she managed to keep herself still in wait for his signal. He stared at her for a while to appreciate how the once slim, overstressed girl had become the being of pure hedonism in front of him. However, his view of the formerly workaholic woman was blocked as Hannah got into place.

   Louis’s vision went dark while Hannah smothered his face with her ass. Feeling the gigantic woman shuffle around on top of him, he was surrounded with a stench created from days without bathing and an abundance of gassy outbursts. Though he momentarily felt his face brush up against her womanhood, she continued to move around. Confused at first, everything came into place once he felt another hole press down on him and treat him to a small puff of foul air.

   Sliding his tongue along Hannah’s asshole gifted Louis with a much stronger taste of her farts and signaled for the women to begin. While Hannah just had to sit there as Louis pleasured her anus, Wendy took on a more direct route of sexual gratification by repeatedly slamming her body up and down. It didn’t take long for their impromptu orgy to fill the apartment with a collection of sounds ranging from euphoric moans to gassy expulsions, and the constant slapping of blubbery flesh.

   As the three of them began to reach their limit, Hannah and Wendy took the extra step to fully satisfy themselves. Though Louis couldn’t see it, he could certainly feel the two women pressing their bodies against one another to grab and poke at their doughy bodies. The act cemented the simplistic bliss that had taken over the trio, each of them finding this den of hedonism and libido an absolute paradise. Clenching his fingers to try and make the moment last as long as possible, he managed to endure until his creations reached their orgasms.

   In the wake of the women’s releases, Louis was bombarded by an explosion of their flatulence. Drained from their moment of intimacy, Hannah and Wendy rolled off of him to come crashing down to the floor. Unable to do much but lay there and catch his breath, Louis was more than content to wallow in the leftover sweat and stench of the slobby women.

   “Lu get food?” Wendy asked, rolling over to cuddle up to him.

   “Yeah, me UUUURRP hungry too,” Hannah added, holding on to Louis’s other side.

   “I’ll order you something in a minute,” Louis replied. “Don’t worry, you’ll never be left wanting again, my stressless, stupid slobs.”


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