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WARNING THIS STORY WILL CONTAIN: Tharja (Fire Emblem) Giantess Growth, Weight  Gain, and Pig Dragon TF

In her research to find a way to garner  Robin’s attention, Tharja experiments with combining the effects of  beast stones and dragon stones. The results are her changing into a  gigantic, overweight pig dragon with a mind obsessed with stuffing her mouth with food.


   In the dark of the night any of the Shepherds who weren’t busy guarding the fort were sound asleep in the barracks. An exception to the army’s routine was seen clearly in the light coming from a tower that was nestled in a corner of the base. Inside lurked a woman that was a fellow Shepherd and who had saved her comrades multiple times, but nonetheless had a cloud of dark intent that constantly hovered around her shoulders.

   The light of the candles in her tower showed off Tharja’s long, black hair and the bags under her eyes. She was draped in her typical attire of a black cloak that obscured the skintight garment that adorned her body. While her appearance was breathtaking, her demeanor made up for it by making people think twice about so much as approaching her. This tendency worked in her favor, especially when it came to her desire to perform her experiments in peace.

   For the longest time, Tharja had searched for a way to become Robin’s beloved. The skilled commander had been nice enough to her, but that wasn’t nearly enough. It seemed like every other waking moment Tharja was thinking about how to earn the undying adoration of the white-haired woman. Though she had tried multiple schemes in the past, nothing had seemed to work. That was until she had the luck of running into two very rare items.

   In one hand, Tharja held a bright pink stone that appeared to be covered in bite marks. In her other palm was a green stone that looked to be charred by searing hot flames. The orbs were the very same ones used by some of her comrades to transform them into beasts that dominated the battlefield. While this experience had allowed her to identify the green orb as a dragon stone, she was less clear on the power held by the pink one. Regardless she could sense that the magic held within the treasures would be more than enough for her experiment of combining them to give her the overwhelming power needed to get Robin’s unwavering attention.

   With the preparations made, Tharja placed the two stones into a pot of bubbling brew fitting for her witch-like appearance. Turning the pages of her tome to the right section, she began to cast the necessary spell. Heeding the wave of her fingers and the words from her mouth, the pot began to bubble and pop. Summoning up the extent of her magic power, she let it flow into the container to create a puff of green and pink smoke that merged together to form a greyish cloud.

   Dismissing the fog with a wave of her arm, Tharja peeked into the now empty pot. An unsettling smile spread across her face as she gazed upon the singular stone. The orb was a mix of the same shades of pink and green as its source materials, but with a hazy, grey streak across the center to show where the originals had fused. Cradling her creations between her fingers, her body shuddered with the thought of using it to fulfill her wishes. Unable to withstand the wait any longer, she held the stone aloft and tried to activate its powers.

   Sparks emitted from the orb and flowed into Tharja’s body. The intense power she felt coursing through her veins only increased her eagerness to let the stone take effect. Looking away from the orb let her see the expected scales begin to appear along her arms and legs. In the excitement of claws appearing along her fingers, she realized that in her haste she had forgotten to take off her clothes. She shrugged off this oversight, showing little hesitation in ripping open the back of her robes to allow her budding tail room to grow. Seeing her mouth stretch out to accommodate fearsome fangs to match the wings emerging from her back, she was more than ready to become an elegant dragon that would be the center of Robin’s attention.

   Tharja’s elated state lasted until she watched her draconic muzzle flatten towards the end to reshape her nose into a flat, pink snout. At a bit of a loss at the strange shape of her face, she was further confused as her original ears were replaced with floppy, pink ones that appeared atop her scalp. Looking over her shoulder to take a second glance at her tail, she realized that it was curling itself as it continued to grow out. Leaning forward let her see her toes be replaced, not with claws, but with cloven hooves that finally identified these extra parts as belonging to a pig.

   Tharja’s view of her modified feet became obscured as her belly bulged out with added heft. A combination of her swelling gut and her heaving chest made short work of what little remained of her clothing. Her curly tail bounced around as she developed a set of plump butt cheeks that could easily smother her old body. As her limbs fattened up to match the rest of her, she was distraught to discover that she wasn’t just growing sideways.

   The pig dragon woman began to increase in height at a rapid pace. Unable to control herself within the confines of the small tower, she accidentally stomped across her work station in the process. As her head scraped up against the ceiling, she clutched at the stone embedded just above her chest. Releasing a mix of a squeal and growl from her lips, she managed to cast a spell to try and reverse the effects of her experiment.

   Just as the ceiling began to buckle from her growing body, Tharja began to shrink down. The scales and extra blubber encasing her body dissipated as she was brought back down to her normal size. Relieved of her wings, tail, and other beastly features, she crumpled to the ground to catch her breath. When she managed to pick herself back up, the only sign of her former, monstrous body was the stone still sunken into her torso.

   Try as Tharja might to remove the orb from her, it appeared to be firmly stuck inside of her. Pulling a little too hard led to a spark of energy coursing out. While it wasn’t necessarily painful, it served as a warning for what needlessly provoking the stone could do. Looking over the mess she had made of her lab, she rubbed her sore head from her run in with the ceiling. Hoping things would look better in the morning, she brushed the rubble off of her bed and tried to fall asleep.


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