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Prompt: (Female to Male TF and IQ Loss) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34977470/

   Vera was all set for her big night with her boyfriend, Craig. She was clad in a set of pink lingerie that showed off her bust and hips in a simultaneously provocative and elegant way. Waving around her curtain of dark brown hair to show off the silver rings hanging from her ears, all that remained was the finishing touch. Just as excited as her, Craig handed over the bottle they had recently bought from a sex shop that claimed would enhance their night of passion. By the time he noticed the writing on the back of the packaging saying it was meant for males, Vera had already downed the entire bottle.

   Craig started to explain their error, but he went silent as he watched Vera’s slender form begin to grow. Her lithe arms took on a more muscular tone to match that of her legs. In exchange for hair popping up beneath her armpits, the strands on her head began to rapidly fall out until it looked like most of it had been shaved off. Though Vera seemed concerned at first, there was a certain glaze over her eyes that could be seen beneath the leftover tuft of hair hanging over the middle of her forehead.

   The continued visage of Vera’s more rigid facial features contrasted against her earrings was halted as Craig watched her chest burst out of her lingerie. Though her torso became much bulkier, her breasts used this new mass to form into a pair of flat, man pecs. As Vera hunched over under the influence of her broader shoulders, her dainty panties were torn apart by her wider hips. With the undergarments ripped asunder, there was nothing left to obscure the sizable cock and balls that had taken the place of Vera’s womanhood.

   “Vera, are you okay?” Craig asked.

   Vera scratched his head. “Who Vera? Me Ver. What me do here?”

   “Um, we were about to have sex,” Craig replied.

   The meat headed man looked up and down Craig’s body. “Okay, but me not sure if me cock will fit. Smart bring out lube first.”


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