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Here's what's going on with the Patreon, stories, and myself for this month.

Upcoming Stories/Change to Story Releases

The winner of last month's story poll was an interesting tale of fusing Juri and Chun-li into a single, obese woman. Will be working a little slower on this one to try and incorporate aspects from their versions in the new Street Fighter, but shouldn't take too long. Aside from that, I should have the usual output of commissioned stories, plus maybe a few fun things along the way.

This would be the part where I usually talk about how $3 and up Patrons can get early access to previews and stories. While that's still true, I'm going to be updating how the stories release. You might have noticed that I've started to include word counts for each of the stories. In the past, regardless of the length, there would only be a one day exclusivity for Patrons. In an effort to better thank those that support me and give myself a bit of an extra reward for the longer stories, I'll be changing things to have the meatier stories take a few extra days to be released.

The new system is as follows:

5000 words and below: 1 day exclusivity

6000-10,000 words: 2 day exclusivity

Over 10,000 words: 3 day exclusivity

Prompt Requests

The newest version of the prompt request post is up. As a reminder, $5 and up Patrons can make weekly prompt requests: https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2023-prompt-83842869

And for those that would prefer to do a one time donation in exchange for a prompt request, it can be done via my Ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/post/Ko-Fi-Prompt-Request-Guidelines-S6S2HGJCV

June Story Poll Suggestions

Off of the heels of the event I threw for reaching 5000 watchers on DA, I would like to mention that you can suggest stories for the monthly story poll by being a $10 or higher Patron. The due date for submitting ideas for this month is JUNE 15TH AT 11:59 PM CST: https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2023-story-83843045


Made a couple of additions to the Discord server in the form of two new channels. First, is the idea brainstorming channel, a place where people can make suggestions (within certain limitations) for myself and others to peruse. No guarantee that these will be written, but if you have something to share, that's the place. Secondly, I've created a channel for polls that's still a little in a rough state, but seems to be working for now.

If you would like to join the server and participate in/ignore these channels, here's the latest version of the server invite. If it expires and you still want to join, feel free to message me: https://discord.gg/p66ahTQw

Life Update/Miscellaneous Stuff

As of time of writing, I am still unemployed. Good news is that I think I'm getting close to finding a stable job. Downside of this is that it would mean things would slow down on the writing side. As much as I would like to do this as a living, it's not making quite enough yet to sustain myself. Hopefully that day will come in the future. For now, I'll be working on writing and a few other projects.

As a final note, no matter who you go to bed with or who you go to bed as, I appreciate your support. Thank you so much for indulging me in my strange stories.


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