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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Male to Ilulu (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) TF, Futa Cock Growth, and Sexual Content

WORDS: 5000

Eager to do a test run with his newly acquired Full Dive Cosplay device, a man transforms himself into Ilulu. Though it's a bit disorienting at first, he learns to control and enjoy his new self thanks to an encounter with another user of the device.

This was a commission for transformationguy365 on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/transformationguy365

My commission info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   My initial experience with a Full Dive Cosplay device had been an interesting one to say the least. One moment I was just your typical guy and the next I was a big breasted, anime girl that earned me more than my fair share of attention from the crowd. The main reward for my experience at that convention had been my chance to make memories while simultaneously becoming more in touch with another side of myself. It was because of that event that I was able to build up the courage to procure a device of my own to try out at my next convention.

   Standing in my hotel room, I could hear below me the sound of the other convention goers enjoying the festivities many floors below. Walking up to a full length mirror, I took in the sight of my standard appearance of a plain green shirt and blue jeans. Aside from the orange coloring of my short hair, my bespectacled face, and stubble around my chin would mean I would easily disappear amongst the other guests. Well, at least that was true before I used the tiny bracelet in my hands.

   I took a few moments to inspect the small, silver ring. The jewelry’s unassuming appearance hid amazing technology that could alter a person’s clothes, body, and even mind. Thinking back to how wild I got during my last outing with the device, I opted out of the mental modification to maintain control of myself throughout the event. After all, this was going to be a much more extreme makeover than my previous outing and I wanted to be fully aware of everything that was going on around me.

   With the bracelet wrapped around my arm, the next step came in the form of opening up the box containing the cosplay crystal that would decide which character I would be turning into. The small, pink and red vial fit nicely into the small slot in the bracelet. Looking back towards the container gave me a preview of what I was about to change into. It admittedly took a few moments of me staring at myself in the mirror to decide if I really wanted to do this. Thinking back to the fun I had beforehand, not to mention the cost of the materials, I took a deep breath, put in the desired settings, and activated the device.

   A glow began to emanate from the bracelet that spread out to encompass my entire figure before dissipating into my skin and clothes. Feeling a tingling sensation around different parts of my body, I kept my eyes open for signs of my transformation. Unsure of where the changes would start, I was more than a little eager to see which one of my additions came first.

   The answer came out of left field as I began to shrink down. Brought down to a little more than four feet in height, I nearly fell over from the feeling of disorientation. Stumbling over to the bed to hold onto something to keep myself steady, I watched and waited as my hair started to grow.

   The orange colored hair that I had dealt with my entire life was taken over by a salmon-like hue. Just as the strands began to block my vision, the bracelet showed off the extent of its abilities by manually styling it into a pair of twin ponytails that reached down to my legs. Though at first I walked back over to the mirror to get a better look at the gradients of pinks, reds, and purples along my hair, my attention swiftly drew towards the pair of devilish horns that emerged from my scalp.

   My attempt to reach for the growths along my head was put on hold by the tingling sensation along my arms. Flesh was replaced with thick, dark red scales that covered everything from my shoulders down to my palms. The thicker hide swelled up my stringy limbs into ones fitting for a dragon yet kept the bracelet around my wrist perfectly intact. At the cost of losing a finger on each of my hands, I was given sets of fearsome claws that looked capable of savagely cutting through a foe in one swipe. Tapping the elongated claws together coincided with a fearsome set of fangs replacing my teeth. Turning back towards the mirror I couldn’t stop myself from grinning to show off my new smile.

   Of their own accord my glasses removed themselves from my face to leave me momentarily blind. However, my vision began to correct itself as my eyes took on a pink color. Staring at the modified irises, I barely noticed my face take on gentler curves until the device removed any signs of facial hair. The only thing that could get me to stop my appreciation of my markedly improved eyesight and extreme facial makeover was the lingering question of what had happened to my glasses.

   I found my answer indirectly as I looked down to see the spectacles reshape themselves into a fluffy white collar. The purpose of the flamboyant piece became more obvious as my plain, green shirt reshaped itself into a black robe. Combining with the collar, the top proceeded fasten itself around my upper body with a long cloak to partially obscure my dragon arms.

   Feeling a slight breeze along my belly button, I lifted up the hem of  the shirt only to realize that it left my entire mid-section bare. The only clothing afforded to my lower body was a skimpy, black thong that kept my thighs bare. It was because of the small undergarment that I was able to watch as my bulge gradually sunk into my body. Before I could decide whether or not it was a good idea to reach towards my disappearing manhood with my claws, my attention was yet again drawn elsewhere.

   The loose fitting top began to stretch under the duress of my expanding chest. White seams appeared down the center of the cloth to provide more support to hold back my budding breasts. As each of my newly grown tits became larger than my head, curiosity ended up pushing through concern to make me carefully grasp them with my claws. Gently fondling the pair of boobs proved that they were both soft and sensitive. Prodding my chest with a little more grip forced out a soft moan from my lips that sounded just like the character I was trying to imitate.

   A hold was put on my session of self-groping as I felt the tingling sensation rush towards my lower body. Taking my claws away from my massive tits, I turned around to see what was going on. My answer came in the form of a small bump emerging from right above my buttocks to begin pushing against the cloak. Still unsure of the inner workings of the device’s mechanics, I had a momentary fear of where my lost penis was about to poke out. Not helping matters was the feeling of the growth becoming larger and more rigid as it slid down the length of my cloak. Thankfully my fears were put aside as I pulled up the hem of the cape to reveal a long, dragon tail covered in the same scales that were along my arms.

   Giving my new appendage a few experimental swishes to get a feel for it, I turned myself back around to face the mirror. Taking a step back to fully take in the sight of my form, any fears I had about the effects of the device were dismissed by my smile. Posing and modeling myself in front of my reflection, I couldn’t stop myself from shaking as I realized that I was an exact copy of Ilulu, the Chaos Faction dragon from “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid”.

   I spent longer than I want to admit just admiring myself in the mirror. Just as I was about ready to squeeze my “flame sacs” again, I heard another roar of excitement from the floors below me. Aside from thinking that the hotel had some pretty thin walls, the sound reminded me of the reason I was doing this in the first place. Turning my gaze towards the door, I had to take a moment to consider if I was ready to show myself off to other people. Putting on Ilulu’s toothy grin for support, I placed my convention pass around my neck and headed out of the room.

   Just getting on the elevator posed a bit of a problem. When the doors opened up, I had to carefully squeeze in between the other guests to make myself fit. Though I managed to barely slide in, it came at the cost of giving more than a few people a hands on impression of my ample bosom. Content that I was able to avoid scratching anyone with my claws or knocking someone over with my tail, I waited until the elevator reached the bottom floor. Just as I was about to step out, someone tapped me on the shoulder.

   “Excuse me, miss?”

   Turning around, I spotted a man wearing a shirt with a scantily clad anime girl on it.

   “Can I get a picture?” he asked, holding up his phone.

   The smile returned to my face more powerful than ever. “Sure thing,” I said, stepping to the side to let him take a few snap shots of my impeccable cosplay.

   The same scene played out multiple times during my trek through the hotel. Each time someone called out Ilulu’s name or tapped me on the shoulder, I was more than happy to oblige in making specific poses or to play along with certain scenarios. On a few occasions, I even told a person they had full reign to grab my tail or chest for a picture of us together. As much fun as I was having with these moments of adoration, they ended up making my travel time to the main area one hour instead of ten minutes.

   Managing to make my way over to the dealer’s room, I realized almost immediately the risks that came with my choice in cosplay. Everywhere I turned I seemed to be bumping into people with either my tail or chest. Any attempts to get a better look at the wares the vendors were selling were made almost impossible thanks to my claws. Even my visibility took a hit as my short stature left most of the other guests blocking my view of the various booths.

   As time went on, more guests began to pour into the area. It was at this point that I started to become smooshed in with the crowd of people. Barely able to move, my only choice was to go along with the flow, hoping that I would be spit out close to where I wanted to be. As two people dressed up in bulky robot suits collided into me, I swore that I was going to pass out from the lack of air.

   Just before my strength gave out, someone grasped my wrist and dragged me out of the open space. Collapsing to the ground, I took deep breaths in an attempt to recover from the impromptu mosh pit. More than a little grateful to my savior, I tilted my head up to properly thank them.

   The view of my hero’s face was blocked by a set of breasts that were nearly as large as mine. Her impressive bust was contained by a skimpy, black tank top that left her shoulders and arms bare. Unable to see the head of my savior, I lowered my gaze to glance at the blue short shorts that tightly hugged her hips and the black, thigh high stockings that looked painted onto her legs. Crawling backwards to identify the person, I got my first clue as I spotted a pair of curved horns sticking out of a pink cap. More evidence was shown in the form of her, long blonde hair and the smile on her face. It was upon seeing her two differently colored eyes, one green and the other black, that I managed to recognize her.

   “Lucoa?” I called out.

   “Correct,” she replied, in the same cheery voice as the dragon girl. Taking hold of my arm, she held it up to hers to compare it to the Full Dive Cosplay device she had strapped to her own wrist. “Well, at least for right now.” Picking me up the rest of the way, she beat out any wrinkles along my coat and helped fix up my hair. “Is this your first time using the device?”

   “Sort of,” I replied, tapping my claws together. “I had a short experience with it when I volunteered at my last con. It was for working at a booth, so I didn’t get a chance to use it for more than a few hours.”

   “I take it that your last costume wasn’t as exotic?” she asked, fixing up my collar before returning to stand across from me.

   “Yeah, but I really wanted to go all out this time,” I replied with a flick of my tail. “Ilulu was one of the first characters that came to mind when I was shopping for a Full Dive Cosplay device. I didn’t think there was any other way to copy her… features,” I said, not so subtly shaking around my chest.

   “I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you’ve probably figured out the downsides by now,” Lucoa said, gesturing towards my breasts for a moment before clarifying with gestures towards my tail and claws. “Aside from being barred from official cosplay contests, another negative of using a device is that being in a different body can really put a hamper on your ability to remain aware of your surroundings. You really need someone to watch your back if you’re going to be doing a cosplay with large features such as yours.”

   I lowered my head, clasping my hands together as I dragged my tail along the floor. “I don’t… have anyone else here with me.”

   Lucoa walked up and placed a hand on my shoulder. “You’re really here all by yourself?” she asked.

   “Y-yeah,” I said. “I don’t really have many friends that are into this stuff. Let alone people that I would be comfortable seeing me like this.”

   Patting me on the head, Lucoa shot me a smile. “I don’t know what you’re so worried about. You look cute enough to satisfy any sweet tooth. Tell you what. How about I tag along with you?”

   I’m sure there was a glimmer in my eye as I looked up towards her. “You mean it?”

   “I sure do,” she replied, unflinchingly taking my hand in hers. “Stick with me and I’ll make sure to keep you safe and show you a fun time.”

   With my surrogate big sister in tow, I was led over to a less hectic area in artist’s alley. Lucoa was able to take on the task of pointing out interesting artists all the while keeping me out of harms way. As to be expected, the two of us were stopped multiple times for photo shoots. The numerous pictures I got to see showed a wide grin on my face that perfectly encapsulated how great it felt to not only show off my body, but to also be with someone that understood me. So caught up by the hustle and bustle of the event, I failed to notice how late it was getting until we were politely moved out of the room when the convention had to shut down for the evening.

   Lucoa and I stopped to catch our breaths and rest our weary feet at a small café inside of the hotel. Still not completely able to handle my claws, she was more than willing to hand feed me small bites of a sandwich. While I was appreciative of everything she had done for me that day, the most important thing at the time for me was the chance to just sit and talk.

   “Is that really how your first experience with the device went?” Lucoa asked.

   “Yeah, it took me a while to look at squid the same way again after that,” I said with a grin. “Not that it was a bad experience. It was kind of like someone dropped a whole gallon of whip cream over an already sweet day. I found it a little overwhelming, but still appreciated it when all was said and done.”

   I noticed a sly grin stretch across Lucoa’s face. “Have you done anything like that with a Full Dive Cosplay device since?”


   Leaning in close, she placed her hand on mine. Looking into my eyes she asked, “Would you like to?”

   A shudder went down my spine as I played the question over and over again in my head. I had just met the woman that day. She was a complete stranger to me. For all I knew, she could have been setting me up to rob me blind. Then again, I’d never had someone willing to take the lead like this and help me out in a tricky situation. I’m still not sure what possessed me at that moment. Maybe it was the excitement getting to me or just me finding her attractive. Regardless of the reason, I still nodded my head and let her lead me to her hotel room.

   “Before we begin,” she said, closing up the door and putting a “DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the knob, “may I see your device again?”

   Holding out my arm, I was surprised that the bracelet was still tightly wound around my scaley limb after everything I had been through that day. Grasping my wrist, Lucoa took her time looking over the various features of the device. As she continued to look, her face went through a variety of excited expressions.

   “You really sprung for a fancy model, didn’t you?” she asked.

   “Yeah, I wanted to make sure I had the best I could afford,” I replied, unwilling to admit the full amount out loud.

   “Are you aware of its special features?”

   “Yes, but I didn’t want to do the mental changes this time. I figured it would be better to have my own personality still intact to better experience everything.”

   Lucoa shook her head. “I’m not talking about that. This device in particular has a special function for using your cosplay for certain ‘adult’ activities. Would you like for me to show you?”

   Curiosity getting the better of me, I nodded my head. In turn, she slid her finger along the bracelet until she located the setting controls. Meticulously typing in a series of specific commands, she stepped away just as I felt the tingling sensation return to my body.

   Feeling something begin to stir between her legs, I tried to peek past my chest to see what was going on. While at first I realized how futile it was trying to see over the massive jugs, I could certainly sense that something was emerging from my crotch. Making my way over to the full length mirror, my mouth hung open as I watched a lump begin to form in the confines of my undergarment again. Snapping the material apart with a flick of my claws revealed the growth to be a red, scaley protrusion that had appeared above my womanhood. Daring to press the palm of my hand against the girthy thing proved that it was exactly what I thought it was.

   “I grew a dick?” I asked as Lucoa walked up beside me.

   “I don’t know why you seem so surprised,” she commented. “Isn’t this your default equipment?”

   “Yeah, but Ilulu isn’t supposed to have one.”

   “All part of the special features,” Lucoa pointed out, placing her hand on my shoulder.

   The slight touch sent a shudder through my body. Suddenly my heart started to beat faster as my breathing grew heavy. Feeling a warmth spread out from my groin, I watched as my already sizable member grew more rigid.

   “I feel so… hot,” I said, grabbing at my clothes to air myself out. “What’s going on?”

   “You’re going into heat,” Lucoa replied. In a single motion, she managed to slip out of her shirt to reveal her bare breasts. “I figured it would make our time together more fun. That being said, if this is too much I can shut it off.”

   Though I gave the option to back out thought for a moment, it was hard to say no as I watched Lucoa slip out of her shorts and pull off her stockings to leave herself completely naked. Too far in to stop now, I showed my own resolve by using my claws to tear apart my outfit. No longer bound by my cloak, my heavy breasts were free to slunk down and jostle with each step. The lack of support for my chest strained my back, but it wasn’t enough to stop me from following Lucoa over to the bed.

   Sitting on the edge of the mattress I watched as Lucoa wrapped her fingers around my shaft. As monstrous as my dick appeared, she seemed to view it as little more than an exotic plaything as she continued to slide her hands along its length. The motion helped me to ease into the sensation of my draconic manhood, making me lick my lips as she fed into my rising libido. She only stopped once droplets of pink-colored pre-cum started to leak from the tip. Looking up towards my face, she gave me a look asking for permission.

   A nod of my head sent Lucoa down to swallow up my cock. Still reeling from the fact that she was able to take in the entire thing, I continued to let out gasps as she proceeded to bob her head up and down. I clasped my claws into the sheets as her tongue expertly dragged across the length of my dick. In my haze of ecstasy, I could tell that this wasn’t the first time she had done something like this. Unable to take the stimulation any longer, I let out a euphoric cry as my seed poured down her throat.

   Keeping her mouth in place, she proceeded to swallow every last drop. Dragging herself back up the length of my cock, she released the tip with a loud popping noise. Licking her lips in satisfaction, she turned to me while keeping a hand around my member.

   “How was it?” she asked.

   “Amazing,” I said, my breath still heavy with lust. “Can we go again?”

   “Of course,” she replied, going back down for another round only to be stopped as I tapped my hand on her shoulder.

   “Actually, I was hoping we could do something more… direct,” I spoke up.

   Lucoa let out a playful giggle. “Glad to see that you’re enjoying yourself,” she said, spreading a red shaded blush across my face in the process. “Alright, then. Lean back and I’ll take care of you.”

   Doing as she asked, I spread myself out on the bed and waited. Crawling along my body, Lucoa got in a position to have her womanhood grinding up against the base of my cock. Rather than immediately putting me inside her, she instead reached out to place her hands on my meaty tits. Taking a moment to knead my breasts like dough, she waited until I let out a cute moan before she hoisted up her hips to slide my member into her womanhood.

   Using my chest as a means to keep herself balanced, Lucoa proceeded to jolt her body up and down. While the constant movement sent her own massive breasts into a shaking fit, mine were kept in place as her fingers pressed deeper into their heft. I began to cry out in euphoria from the overstimulation of my chest and manhood. Eventually she added her moans to the mix, albeit between small giggles that I had to assume came from seeing the way I acted with each penetration and slight jostle of my breasts.

   Giving one last shove, Lucoa got me to cum again into her shaking womanhood. Letting out a sigh of relief, she let herself topple forward to bury her face in my cleavage. Tilting her head up from the pillowy embrace, she pushed forward to place a small kiss on my lips.

   “Was it good for you?” she asked, letting out a laugh as I nodded my head once more. “I can already feel you becoming hard again. Give me a moment to rest and I’ll go for another ride.”

   While I was more than willing to take up her offer, the intense rut that had taken over my body pushed me towards a different method of relief. “Actually, could I take the lead on this one?” I asked.

   Lucoa gave me a curious look as she tilted her head. “Aww, and here I thought I was doing a good job.”

   “No, it’s nothing like that,” I quickly spoke up. “You’ve been great. It’s just that I have all this pent up lust and you’re so beautiful and I just want to… want to…”

   Placing a finger on my lips, Lucoa smiled at me. “It’s alright. I completely understand.” Leaning in close, she put her ear close to my mouth. “Now tell me exactly what you want to do to me.”

   Chewing on my lips, I eventually admitted my desires. Hearing her giggle with excitement, she rolled off of my body and offered me her hand. Grasping her arm, I moved her over to the edge of the bed with me. Swinging my legs over the side, I attempted to pick her up. Though she was much larger than me in height, the dragon arms proved more than capable of lifting her. Trying to keep my own strength in mind, I slid her down onto my lap to leave her back to press up against my chest. Keeping a tight grip on her thighs, I spread open her legs and pressed the tip of my cock up against her womanhood.

   “Are you ready?” I asked, my body shaking with anticipation.

   “More than ever,” she replied. “Show me the extent of your passion. Don’t hold anything back.”

   With a primal grunt, I heeded her command as I shoved my cock into her womanhood. Powering through the overwhelming pleasure brought upon by the mere act of insertion, I began to shake her body up and down as if she were a kind of sex toy. Getting a bit more used to the position, I added jolts of my hips to the act to ensure that each repetition pushed my dick in as deep as possible. My efforts bore fruit in the form of the moans of ecstasy that poured out of our mouths. While my breasts were still tightly pressed by Lucoa’s back, hers were free to shake around with reckless abandon as a sign of what my unrestrained libido could do. Gritting my teeth to hold on as long as possible, I put my all into trying to please both of our desires.

   Unable to handle the wealth of stimulation any longer, I pushed Lucoa down one more time to overflow her womanhood with my seed. Upon feeling her body experience its own, orgasmic shivers, I hazarded to fall back onto the bed. Thoroughly exhausted from the experience, I didn’t move from my spot even as Lucoa removed herself from my grasp. It was only once I felt something cold against my scaley arm did I lift myself up to see her holding out a bottle of water for me.

   “You did great,” she said, sitting down next to me as I chugged down the beverage. “As much as I would love to spend the weekend in this room with you, I’m assuming you still want to go explore the convention. I’ll deactivate the features on your bracelet before we head out in the morning. Wouldn’t want you getting kicked out for indecent exposure. It’s not fun, trust me.”

   Wiping my face clean with the back of my hand, I spoke up. “Would it be alright if we go one more round before we end it for tonight?”

   “I think I can manage that,” she said, pressing her body up against mine to smoosh our chests together.

   “Thank you,” I said, pulling her into the hug. “Not just for this, but for everything you’ve done for me. I don’t know what I would have done without you, Lucoa.”

   Pulling away for a moment, she gave me a look of confusion. “Oh, right. I never told you my real name. Once this is over, you can call me Lenora.”

   I showed off my fangs in a wide grin. “And you can call me Max.”


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