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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Ochaco (My Hero Academia) Futa Cock Growth, Mina and Momo Dorse TF, and Sexual Content

WORDS: 8000

Mina invites two of her friends over to join in on a Yaoyorozu family tradition. Whilst Mina and Momo devolve into pleasure obsessed dorses, Ochaco is given the task of taking care of them with her newly grown equipment.

This was a commission for transformationguy365 on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/transformationguy365

My commission info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Enduring a long drive out into the mountains, Ochaco was granted the opportunity to  gaze up at the intimidating structure before her. Brushing aside her neck length, brown hair allowed her to get a better look at the extravagant mansion that might as well have been a castle for how imposing it appeared. Comparing the fantastic building to her plain attire of an orange shirt and blue shorts, she couldn’t help feeling underdressed.

   Mina seemed similarly awestruck by the building as she stepped forward to let her yellow irises and black sclera gaze upon the architecture. The relatively plain black t-shirt and shorts she was wearing served to further emphasize the strangeness of her pink skin and the pair of crooked, yellow horns sticking out of her pink hair. Unlike Ochaco, she seemed more excited than anything as she turned around to shoot a smile towards the person who had invited them to the remote mansion.

   Stepping away from the car after giving the driver a sizable tip, Momo joined her fellow classmates. Typically she would proudly show her lineage to with the Yaoyorozu family with the way she stood up straight with her black hair tied into a neat ponytail. However, Ochaco seemed to notice a few nervous shivers going through Momo that ruffled her baby blue blouse and skirt.

   “Is everything okay?” Ochaco asked.

   “Um, yes,” Momo replied, trying to avoid eye contact with the other girls as she looked upon the mansion.

   “Come on, you don’t have to lie to us,” Mina spoke up. “We’ve been classmates for years now. You can be honest with us.”

   “Yeah, after all we’ve been through together this should be nothing,” Ochaco added.

   “I… suppose that’s true,” Momo relented. “Well, you see I didn’t tell you the entire story about what this trip will entail. You see we will be participating in-“

   Momo was interrupted by the front doors of the mansion swinging open. Emerging from the entrance was an elderly woman with grey hair dressed in a black dress and sun hat. Setting her eyes on the group of young ladies before her, she hurried her way towards them with eager movements of her cane.

   “My, my, Momo,” the woman said, looking over Mina and Ochaco’s bodies, “you have such lovely friends. They should be excellent fits for the ritual. Well, as long as they’re of age of course.”

   “We’re all over 18,” Mina spoke up.

   “Excellent, right this way then,” the woman said, gesturing for the girls to follow her. “My name is Sorde, I am Momo’s aunt,” she explained as they entered the building.

   “She’s never spoken of you before,” Ochaco spoke up.

   “That is by my own request,” Sorde replied. “Amidst our family, I’m kind of a black sheep.”

   “Auntie, there’s no reason to call yourself such a demeaning name,” Momo spoke up. “Especially considering how powerful your quirk is.”

   “True, but it’s not like it’s something I can use out in public,” the woman retorted with a laugh. “Let me be clear that I am in no way poorly treated by the rest of the family.” Continuing into a lounge, she gestured for the others to take their seats while she rested her body in a recliner. “In fact, I am held in high regard for the tradition I carry out for the Yaoyorozu family. Well, at least until it’s decided which of my many children will take on the task.”

   “What are you talking about?” Mina asked, leaning forward with an intent stare towards Sorde.

   The old woman smiled. “A tradition of gifting family and friends a chance to experience unequaled pleasure through the use of my creations: dorses.”

   “Auntie please,” Momo spoke up. “The proper name of the form is a Queen’s Stallion.”

   “Call it whatever you want,” Sorde said with a dismissive wave. “The point of the matter is that you’ll be changing into one of them.”

   “I’m sorry, but I don’t really understand,” Ochaco spoke up.

   “Yeah, I’m confused too,” Mina added. “Momo just told us to come with her to be part of a fun activity.”

   “That’s only partially true,” Momo replied. “I brought you here to assist me in the tradition. It requires at least three people. Two to take on the altered forms and one to be the caretaker.”

   “What exactly do you mean by altered forms?” Ochaco asked.

   Letting out a sigh, Momo lifted up the hem of her blouse and pressed her hand against her stomach. Activating her quirk, she created a photograph and held it up. “This is what Auntie is talking about.”

   “Are you serious!?” Ochaco asked as she gazed upon the image.

   “Wow, that’s pretty freaky,” Mina commented, looking a little too fascinated with the creature depicted. “You’re saying that we’re going to be changed into these?”

   “Two of you will, yes,” Sorde answered. “Your friend here with the brown hair will be given the role of caretaker.”

   “Why me?” Ochaco asked.

   “Looking over the health records Momo provided me, it appears you have a certain unique trait to your DNA that should mix well with my quirk,” Sorde explained. “It should all become clearer as we go along with the ritual. Now that the general introductions are out of the way.” Standing up from her seat, she held out her arms and offered her hands towards Momo and Mina. “If you are ready to begin the process, merely grasp my fingers.”

   “I want to make it clear that you don’t have to do this,” Momo said towards her companions. “I’m aware that I invited you here under false pretenses, so you are in no way obligated to participate.“

   “Let’s do this,” Mina said, grinning ear to ear as she unflinchingly grasped Sorde’s hand.

   “Well then, I suppose if you’re willing…” Momo said, stepping forward to cautiously grasp her Auntie’s free hand.

   With both girls grasping her fingers, Sorde momentarily made her body glow. Sparks transferred from her palms to strike the girls and send them reeling back. Though they were disoriented, neither of them seemed hurt.

   “Wait, wasn’t something supposed to happen?” Mina asked as she looked over her body.

   “It will begin in just a moment,” Sorde explained. “For now, let me get your caretaker settled. Are you ready, young lady?” she asked, offering a hand towards Ocahco.

   “I guess if they’re doing it,” she replied, timidly stepping forward to grasp Sorde’s hand.

   Though Ochaco managed to watch the moment the old woman’s body began to glow, her attention was drawn away by the sound of a pair of yelps leaving her friends’ mouths. Looking over her shoulder, her eyes went wide as she watched a pair of sizable bulges emerge from the girls’ crotches. The identity of the lumps was swiftly revealed as Momo’s skirt was pushed down and Mina’s shorts were torn asunder. Unwilling to accept them as real, Ochaco stared in awe at the sight of the girthy manhoods, complete with their own sets of swollen testicles.

   Too busy staring at the newly formed penises sway about, Ochaco was far too slow to stop Sorde’s quirk from sending a spark into her body. Letting go of the woman’s hand, she turned her attention towards her groin. As she feared, she began to see a lump form between her legs. Just as her swelling genitalia filled the front of her panties and pressed against her womanhood, it suddenly stopped. Unable to stop her curiosity, she pulled at the waistline of her pants to see for herself her newly formed dick and balls.

   “Why is hers so small?” Mina asked, waving about a cock that matched her pink skin color.

   “As I explained before, she will be a little different than the two of you,” Sorde explained. “Her equipment is more adaptable to help her with her duties as a dorse caretaker.”

   “What do we do now?” Momo asked, wincing at the feeling of her balls jiggling between her legs. “Though I have heard much about the ritual from my fellow family members, this is my first experience with it firsthand.”

   “We go have ourselves a nice dinner of course,” Sorde explained, completely unfazed by the strange occurrences. “The changes will take some time to go into full effect. Before that though, I should have time to explain the details of your stay. Now come along and be careful where you swing those things. I’d rather not have to go through the trouble of replacing my vases again.”


   Surviving an awkward morning routine of dealing with her two sets of genitalia, Ochaco made sure her manhood was properly covered up by a baggy pair of sweatpants as she made her way down to breakfast. Waiting for her in the dining area was Sorde, the woman casually sipping at a cup of tea as she read through her morning paper. Far less relaxed was Momo, who sat adjacent to her aunt as she attempted to keep her girthy cock hidden below the table. Trying not to stare too long at her friend’s sizable dick and balls, Ochaco waved them a quick hello before helping herself to a piece of toast. Chewing on the modest breakfast to give her energy for whatever her duties of a dorse caretaker entailed, she pondered where Mina was. It didn’t take long to receive her answer.

   As opposed to Momo and Ochaco’s efforts to hide their bulges, Mina didn’t seem as concerned as she made her way into the room with her pink penis and testicles freely swinging between her legs. Trying to find something else to look at, Ochaco managed to catch the sight of Mina’s shirt looking a little tighter around her chest. She could see something similar with the way her shorts hugged her backside, giving her a bit of trouble as she sat down to help herself to a muffin.

   “Morning,” Mina said as she chewed, displaying her typical perkiness despite her exposed genitals.

   “Good morning,” Sorde replied, giving the pink girl a nod.

   “Mina, do you have no shame?” Momo asked.

   “What, it’s not like we don’t all have them,” Mina replied, grasping her member with her free hand to wave it around.

   “I am glad to see that you’ve picked someone with an open mind,” Sorde commented. “Mina was it? I take it you already had an opportunity to sample a portion of her your body’s new pleasure capabilities?”

   Mina let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah, I did a little experimenting last night when I was in my room. I couldn’t fall asleep with this thing constantly throbbing against my leg.”

   “Then that would explain the increased size of your curves,” Sorde explained. “With each release, your bodies will become more accustomed to my quirk to aid you in your metamorphosis.”

   “Are you serious?” Mina asked, giving her bosom and buttocks a squeeze to confirm. “Huh, I though I just brought some undersized clothing with me.”

   “All the more reason that we need to keep track of our bodies’ changes,” Momo spoke up. “Ochaco, I believe we should start today’s activities by measuring our… additions.”

   Ochaco nearly choked on her food. “Why do we need to do that?”

   “It is part of the tradition,” Momo replied, pulling up her shirt to create a tape measure with her quirk and hold it out towards Ochaco. “We need to record every moment of our transformations. Since Mina has already ‘indulged’ herself, it might be best to start with her before she changes any further.”

   “Alright,” Ochaco said, begrudgingly accepting the measure before approaching Mina.

   While the pink girl continued to eat through her morning meal of glazed doughnuts, Ochaco set to work recording her sizes. Using Mina’s own memory of her old sizes, Ochaco was able to confirm that her curves had gone through a sizable growth spurt. While she would have liked to just end it there, it was hard to ignore the existence of her friend’s twitching member. Stretching the measure across the veiny, pink shaft, she was able to record it an astounding, twelve inches in length.

   Though Ochaco started to wrap the tape around the girth to measure its thickness, she stopped as she heard a moan part from Mina’s lips. Noticing the look on her friend’s face, she shuddered at the realization that she was enjoying this. Moving quickly to work through her own awkwardness, she managed to call out the measurements for Mina’s testicles before quickly backing away.

   “Are you feeling okay?” Ochaco asked.

   “Y-yeah,” Mina replied, a red blush showing across her pink cheeks. “Just a little riled up is all.”

   “Okay, Momo,” Ochaco began, turning her back on the droplets leaking from the tip of Mina’s manhood. “It’s your turn. Could you please push your chair back?”

   “If I must,” Momo said, hesitating for a moment before she moved away from the table to leave her cock and balls on full display. “I was able take the measurement of my curves before we arrived at the mansion so that won’t be necessary. All you need to focus on is my-MMMPPHHH!”

   In effort to complete her task as fast as possible, Ochaco wrapped the tape around Momo’s dick. Moving quickly to record the penis’s length and girth, she tried to ignore the moans that occasionally left Momo’s lips. Grasping her fingers around the shaft to get a better look at the balls, she made a fatal mistake in the form of a few slides of her palm against it. Her only warning was a loud cry of euphoria from Momo before a wad of semen shot out of her cock to splatter across the table.

   “S-sorry,” Momo said, her body shaking as Ochaco stood up to gaze upon the mess. “Everything was so sensitive and I-MMMPHH!”

   Fearing another load of cum, Ochaco ran over to stand next to Mina. Stationed safely behind her friend’s chair, she watched as Momo squirmed in her seat from the feeling of her breasts and butt going through a growth spurt. With her bosom popping through her blouse and her ass cheeks hanging off of the chair, it looked like she would hit her limit at any moment. It was through the strange sensation of her neck stretching out several inches that allowed her to give the table a secondary helping of her seed.

   Frozen in awe as she tried to contemplate what she had just seen, Ochaco was knocked aside as Mina got up from the table. With her rigid cock swinging between her legs, Mina made her way over to Momo’s area. Setting her eyes on a plate covered in a puddle of cum, she moved like she was possessed to begin licking up the mess. Not stopping until she drank up every last drop, she then turned her attention towards the semen still leaking out of Momo’s tip. Before she could have a chance to wrap her lips around it, she was hoisted into the air by Ochaco activating her quirk.

   “What’s gotten into you?” Ochaco asked, keeping her friend aloft.

   “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” was Mina’s response as her body floated above the table.

   “It is merely reactionary,”Sorde explained. “Another feature of your changing bodies is an affinity for sexual secretions, specifically semen. By the time your transformation is complete, it will be the only nourishment you need.”

   “Auntie, you can’t be serious,” Momo said, struggling to walk around from the combined disorientation of her increased curves and longer neck.

   “Oh very much so,” Sorde replied. “With that being the case, you two seem to be progressing far faster than I thought. I suppose now would be the perfect time to move you to some more fitting accommodations. Ochaco?”

   “Yes, mam?”

   “Be a dear and give Momo a lift, so to speak.”

   Following the woman’s orders, Ochaco tapped her fingers against Momo to raise her into the air. “Now what?”

   “Lead them over this way,” Sorde said, getting up from her chair and gesturing for the girls to follow. “It’s time I show you all the stables.”


   A loud crash from the nearby room raised Ochaco from her slumber. Waking up in a bed connected to the stables, she looked towards the wooden door connecting to her friends’ quarters just as another thumping noise was made. Worried that Mina and Momo were in trouble, her hero training kicked in to get rid of her lingering grogginess and push her out of bed. Tossing off the sheets and running to the door in her night gown, she managed to grasp her hand around the knob before she realized that something was off.

   Ochaco froze as she felt her dick swing between her legs. Her tired state from the previous evening of cleaning up her friend’s multiple instances of masturbation had left her unaware that she had forgotten to put on panties. While her companions had become very eager to pleasure their added genitalia, Ochaco had been resistant to even look at her cock, let along try to masturbate with it. Unfortunately, another crashing noise forced her to eschew looking for a pair of undergarments in favor of rushing through to find her friends.

   Opening up the door revealed a set of wooden pens that were usually meant to hold horses. However, each of the compartments were filled with plush pillows rather than stacks of hay. Even the walls were made of a similarly fancy architecture that could be found in the main house. Trying to ignore the various stains spread along the tiled floor leading down the walkway, Ochaco hurried to find her friends in a compromised position.

   Laying face first on the ground, Momo’s naked figure was spread across one of the piles of cushions. A day’s worth of stimulation had left her with a sizable belly and bosom that made it near impossible to find any type of clothing to fit her body. Rather than try to obscure the extra heft to her buttocks and added length to her shaft, Sorde had suggested just leaving her nude for the duration of her stay.    Besides, it wasn’t like there was anything that could hide the foot long, veiny neck that Momo had yet to learn to control.

   Not far from Momo laid Mina, her bare, pink body in a similar state of distress. Though Ochaco had to assume that her friend had fallen for the same imbalance of her added belly fat and breast size, there was something else that caught her attention. Trying to ignore Mina’s cock leaking droplets of precum along the tiles, she stared in awe at the pink girl’s pair of massive ass cheeks. The enlarged backside would have given her a pear-shaped figure if she had the ability to stand on her own. As Ochaco leaned forward to glance at the puffy, doughnut-like anus that came with Mina’s enlarged posterior, a call for help brought her attention back to the task at hand.

   “Are you okay?” Ochaco asked as she helped Momo to her feet.

   “Yes, I think so,” Momo replied, holding onto the wall to try and keep herself balanced. “We didn’t want to bother you about cleaning up our morning relief session, so we tried to take care of it ourselves. Unfortunately, I think we failed to adjust to our bodies in time.”

   “It wasn’t a total loss,” Mina commented as Ochaco lifted her up. “We were still able to lick up the mess.” Grateful for Ochaco’s help, Momo managed to grasp the side of the pen to remain on her feet. “That being said, I’m still a little hungry.”

   “Probably because you’ve been on an all liquid diet,” Ochaco pointed out. “I know what Sorde said, but I can’t imagine that feeding on that stuff alone is enough. Let me see if I can grab some food from the house.”

   “OR I can just help myself to a tasty treat I see right in front of me,” Mina replied, purposefully letting herself fall back to the ground.

   Moving herself forward by crawling on her hands and knees, Mina made her way towards Momo. The constant wobbling of the pink girl’s ass cheeks managed to get Momo’s cock to full erection by the time she arrived. Lifting herself up, Mina pressed her lips on the tip of her friend’s girthy cock to let her intentions shine through. Momo’s willingness was seen as she slid back down to the ground to give Mina the perfect angle.

   Swallowing up the girthy member with little difficulty, Mina set to work sliding her tongue along its shaft. Though it was her first time performing the act, she still managed to make Momo cum in a matter of seconds thanks to the rapid movements of her tongue and lips. Gorging herself on a mouthful of semen, Mina’s own cock let loose a wad of jizz from the strange pleasure that came with taking in the large load.

   Watching as Mina pulled away to slump against the pillows, Ochaco ran over. “Are you okay?”

   “I’m more than fine,” Mina said, shuddering from the lingering effects of her release. “Just give me a moment to recover.”

   “But, what about me?,” Momo asked, her usually reserved nature betrayed by the way her tongue hung out of her mouth. “Ochaco, I hate to ask, but could you please help me… procure a meal?”

   “Me!?” Ochaco said, throwing up her hands in shock as her face went red. “I mean, I did say I would help you, but I don’t think that would work. My thingy is way too short for you. If I could make it longer I would, but I-“

   A shudder went through Ochaco the moment the words left her mouth. Following the sensation down her body, she dared to stare back at her cock the very moment it began to change. As if being pulled by a machine, the once tiny penis began to stretch out to three times its original size to emerge from beneath her night gown. Left with a manhood that was able to match the other girls’ length, she was left too awestruck by her modification to get out of the way of Momo’s mouth.

   Copying Mina’s method of locomotion, Momo crawled forward to swallow up the entirety of Ochaco’s member. A moan left Ochaco’s lips as her companion repeated the process Mina had performed on her. Overcome by the wealth of new sensations she felt as Momo continued to suck, Ochaco held onto her shoulder to try and keep herself steady. Only barely able to last a little longer than her pink friend, Ochaco inevitably gave Momo what she wanted in the form of a torrent of her jizz pouring down her throat.

   Ochaco was released from Momo’s grasp as she pulled away from her dick to lick up the few stray drops that had escaped from her lips. Turning away just as Mina joined in to help slurp up any leftover semen, Ochaco began to make her way back towards her room. Her intention at the time was just to wash herself off to prepare for the day, but the true reason was to give herself time to contemplate what she had just done.


   “Are you serious?” Ochaco asked, sitting across from Sorde at a table set up in the stable bed room. While the old woman was dressed in her usual attired, Ochaco had to settle for an oversized gown to obscure her nether region.

   “Quite so,” Sorde answered before sipping at her tea. “Since there is no telling the exact shape and preferences someone will take over the course of their metamorphosis, caretakers are able to adjust their own equipment at will to do whatever is necessary. While it can be controlled with practice, it will also activate to meet whatever desires your companions express.”

   “That would explain why it grew so long when Momo was hungry yesterday,” Ochaco commented.

   “I take it that means that their cravings have started?” Sorde asked.

   Ochaco tapped her fingers on the edge of her cup. “Yes, along with other urges.”

   “Such as?”

   There was no need to respond as a series of euphoric moans echoed from the adjoining room. It was the same sound that echoed through the stables multiple times a day to signal Mina and Momo’s repeated attempts to fulfill their overactive libidos. While Ochaco winced at the sound, it made a sly grin appear on Sorde’s face.

   “Glad to hear them so easily adapting to their new desires,” Sorde said before taking another sip of tea. “By the sound of it, they might need some assistance. Please attend to them. I’ll be waiting here when you get back to continue our conversation.”

   “Right, thank you,” Ochaco said, begrudgingly making her way over to the door.

   Stepping inside of the stable, Ochaco followed a series of cum stains to find her friends yet again coupled together. Hands balanced on the edge of a wall, Momo put her hooved feet to work to keep her stabilized as Mina shoved her pink penis into her womanhood. Each jolt sent both of their sets of sagging breasts into a session of wild shaking to go along with their distended stomachs. Craning up her elongated neck, Momo marked each penetration with a moan to go along with the jostling of her testicles and the droplets leaking from her cock. Putting her own hooved feet to good use to ensure she was giving it her all, Mina made one last shove to fill up Mina’s pussy and have her friend’s seed splatter across the ground. Reeling at the sight of her fellow heroines so easily giving into temptation, Ochaco regardless approached to see if she could assist.

   “Is everything okay?” Ochaco asked as the girls slurped up the puddle of Momo’s cum.

   “Everything is absolutely excellent,” Momo replied, her words slurred slightly as she licked the semen from her lips.

   “I’m glad to hear that,” Ochaco said, trying her best to keep up a shaky smile for their sake.

   “That’s great for you,” Mina said, puckering her lips to savor the leftover taste of semen. “I on the other hand, still haven’t had my holes filled yet.”

   “I can try again if you’d like,” Momo suggested. “You seemed pretty happy when I violated your womanhood,” she added, the vulgar language making Ochaco’s cheeks turn nearly as pink as Mina’s own.

   “That’s not what I mean,” Mina said, walking on all fours towards Ochaco. “While I appreciate the offer, your cock isn’t the right fit for the hole I want to fill.” Reaching her bewildered friend, Mina turned herself around to present her plump posterior and puffy anus. “You can change your equipment at will, right?”

   “As far as I can tell from what Ms. Sorde told me,” Ochaco answered.

   Moving her body back and forth, Mina wobbled around her butt cheeks. “Then I want to you to give it to me. Make your dick nice and thick so it can fill up my ass.”

   As much as Ochaco wanted to say no, she received protests from both the look of wanting in Momo’s eyes and the rigidity of her cock. Sheepishly pulling up the hem of her gown to unveil her dick, she stepped forward to place her tip at the entrance of Mina’s anus. Shuddering from the sensation of her cock vibrating from the sensation of Mina shaking her body about, she let her mind focus on the image in her head of what would be enough to satisfy her friend’s needs.

   A gasp left Mina’s mouth as a sudden growth spurt of Ochaco’s dick led to it shoving itself inside of her anus. Nestling itself into the orifice, her member proceeded to thicken itself up to completely fill the hole. Driven by the loud gasp of ecstasy that left Mina’s lips, Ochaco paused to ensure that she hadn’t hurt Mina in the process. Tilting herself forward to see the look of ecstasy on her friend’s face, a head nod from Mina was barely enough to convince Ochaco to continue.

   Grabbing  hold of the dorse’s hindquarters to keep herself steady, Ochaco began to move her hips back and forth. Each repetition further filled the pen with Mina’s lustful cries and splattered drops of her cum along the floor. Giving herself into a fraction of the urges her friends had fallen into, Ochaco tried to push herself forward in an attempt satisfy Mina’s needs. Her efforts resulted in her going through her own release as Mina hit her orgasm and reveled in the feeling of Ochaco’s seed filling up her insides.

   Staggering backwards, Ochaco was prevented from falling to the floor thanks to Momo catching her at the last second. “There, was that enough?” she asked with an exasperated breath.

   “Not even close,” Mina said, a hungry look in her eyes as she turned to face her friends. “I can’t stop with just one. Especially since it felt soooooo good. I still need that fat cock of yours.”

   “There’s no way that I can do that again, not so soon,” Ochaco spoke up.

   “But I neeeeed it,” Mina whined. “Your dick is the only thing that can fill me up.”

   “That might not be entirely true,” Momo stated. “I think I have something to keep your urges at bay and give Ochaco some peace.”

   Rather than explain herself, Momo let her body glow as she activated her quirk. From atop her back began to emerge a strangely shaped object. With a wave of her head, Momo gestured for Ochaco to pull out the item. Retrieving the tool, Ochaco was shocked to have someone like Momo produce such a crude object. Nonetheless, she was grateful to have something to deal with the pink dorse’s constant need to be satisfied. Tightly grasping the item with her fingers, Ochaco made her way over to her overstimulated companion.

   Mina’s excessive pleas for Ochaco to fill her gaping hole were put on hold as she beheld the thick rod in her friend’s hand. The device was shaped like a rounded cylinder that required both of Ochaco’s hands to wrap around its entire width. A pattern of purple and turquoise splotches was spread across the object, making it reminiscent of Mina’s hero outfit. Any more calls for Ochaco to use her manhood on Mina’s anus were silenced the moment the switch was turned on to make the sizable plug rapidly vibrate.

   “Is that for me?” Mina said, her vision intently focused on the shaking device.

   “I know it might be a little unorthodox,” Ochaco said. “But it might be just the thing to both satisfy you and give me a chance to have a break once in a-“

   Ochaco had to step back to avoid getting hit by Mina swinging her backside around. Lowering her upper half onto the floor, Mina presented her ass in all its glory in full acceptance of her gift. Wincing at the sight of Mina’s puffy hole pulsating in anticipation, Ochaco proceeded to slide the toy inside. Trying to ignore the sounds of moans and gasps leaving Mina’s mouth with each push, Ochaco kept at her task to get the entire thing into place. As the last bit of the toy filled up the majority of Mina’s anus, the pink girl celebrated the insertion by splattering a load of her cum along the ground.

   “Yessssss,” Mina said, her body shaking along with her vibrating plug. “This will be perfect.”

   Backing away from Mina as the pink dorse experienced another orgasm, Ochaco was stopped as she bumped into something. She managed to look around just in time to see another set of glowing lights appear along Momo’s back. Seeing something begin to take shape, she reached out to grab it. Pulling the object out of her friend, Ochaco stared in confusion at the red ball connected to a set of white leather straps.

   “What is this?” Ochaco asked.

   “Auntie told me that it was called a ball gag,” Momo explained. “While I may not have the exact same features as Mina, I do have my own specific urges.” Glancing down at Ochaco’s member, she involuntarily licked her lips. “I know how much you’ve been doing for us, and I am quite grateful you’re here to help us through this ritual. However, I couldn’t live with myself if I worked you to death.”

   “I appreciate the sentiment, but what does that have to do with…” Ochaco trailed off, able to answer her own question as she watched saliva leak from Momo’s mouth. “Is this really necessary?”

   “Ochaco please,” Momo said, her body shuddering as she tried to hold herself back. “I don’t know how much longer I can take it. If not for your own sake, do it for me.”

   Unable to deny her friend’s request, Ochaco relented. Getting down on her knees, she plugged up Momo’s mouth with the ball. Securing the straps to ensure the gag wasn’t going anywhere, she stood back to take a look at her progress. Though the device did stop Momo from lunging out to wrap her lips around a cock, it could do little to prevent the droplets of saliva that managed to seep out. Looking between her friends to glance at the toys keeping their libidos at bay, Ochaco feared just how far they would fall before the ritual was complete.


   In the dead of night, illuminated by the dull moonlight seeping through the windows, Momo walked as slowly as possible to prevent her four, hooved feet from making too much noise. What she couldn’t prevent was the constant sound of her massive, over two foot long cock bobbing against the ground with every other step. Each bump of her tits along the shaft was enough to push a collection of cum droplets onto the floor. As much as she would have liked to help herself to the delicious liquid, the gag stuffed in her mouth prevented her from licking it up. While she was annoyed by the toy, it was a necessary evil to prevent her from moaning all night long for the sake of Ochaco’s sleep. However, her need to let her friend rest paled in comparison to her desire to find release.

   Making her way into Mina’s pen, Momo looked over the pink girl’s similarly horse-shaped body.  Saliva dripped across the ball in her mouth as she glanced across Mina’s sizable manhood and assets. Unable to control herself in front of the sight of Mina’s enormous pair of ass cheeks, she hazarded to tap her hoof against Mina’s bulky torso to wake her up.

   Stirring from her sleep, Mina pushed herself to her feet. “Momo, what are you doing up so late?” she asked.

   Momo tried to answer but was only able to produce a series of muffled grunts. Regardless of her inability to speak, Mina could figure out what she was trying to say. Nudging Momo back, Mina turned herself around to show off the sizable vibrator still shoved inside of her anus.

   “The entire point of Ochaco putting these in us was to keep us quiet,” Mina explained. “Not to mention you’re the one that came up with the idea in the first place. Considering all that we’ve put her through over the course of the last few days, do you really want to risk waking her up for the sake of…”

   Mina trailed off as Momo rolled onto her back. Though incapable of talking or touching her body, Momo did manage to wobble herself back and forth to tantalize her friend with trails of cum leaking out her tip. Involuntarily Mina licked her lips, paying little mind to the bowl of semen Ochaco had left in her pen to keep her sated over the course of the night. More interested in getting a fresh meal straight from the source, she slowly brought her lips over to Momo’s cock.

   Wrapping her mouth around the massive member, Mina let her tongue drag along its length. Body shaking from the delectable taste of cum, she proceeded to increase her speed at the cost filling the barn with the sound of their bodies slamming together. Over and over Momo tried to moan, her constant cries turning into a dribble of saliva that encased her ball gag. Feeling Momo’s body shudder as it reached her limits, Mina pushed her entire self forward in preparation of her high class meal.

   As Mina swallowed up the load of semen, she was surprised to hear an uncovered moan leave Momo’s lips. Glancing her eyes upwards, she watched as Momo’s ball rolled across her tits to join the scattered remains of the leather straps. The reason for the device’s destruction came in the form of Momo’s mouth having been stretched out by several feet to better mimic a horse’s own face.

   Gawking at the sight of Momo’s tongue hanging out of her O-shaped lips, Mina pulled her head back with the intention of running out to find Ochaco. Despite trying to remove herself from Momo’s cock, her mouth remained at the base until she moved back from the entire length. Finally freeing her lips with a loud pop, Mina’s eyes traced the sight of the saliva that connected her elongated face back to the cock. Sliding her tongue across her puffy lips and leaking out drool, any attempts to speak resulted in the same sounds of indecipherable grunts and moans that Momo had let out beforehand.

   Turning her head back towards the door to Ochaco’s room, Mina began to trot her way over. Though she had hoped to get in touch with Sorde to figure out what was going on, she stopped moving as she heard another pop echo through the stable. Struggling to look behind her, she watched as the vibrator that had previously been shoved inside of her ass was now hanging in Momo’s mouth. Spitting the toy across the room, Momo heaved herself up to have the tip of her cock nudge the entrance to Momo’s anus. Thoughts overridden by the need for her ass to get the relief it desired, she gave a single nod to push Momo to continue. Moments before the dorses could begin their act of depravity, the door to the stable slammed open to reveal a tired looking Ochaco.

   “Can’t this wait until morning?,” Ochaco asked, rubbing at her eyes as she stumbled in the stables in her night gown. “Don’t tell me you already got bored of the toys. Momo, I thought you made them so strong specifically to satisfy your…”

   Ochaco trailed off as she got a closer look at her friends. Eyes going wide as she took in the entirety of their disfigured forms, any sense of tiredness was wiped away. Flipping on the lights to get a better look, she was left stunned by the sight of the once proud heroes completely transformed into the creatures that they had seen in the pictures Sorde had shown when they first arrived.

   Remaining absolutely still, Ochaco left it to Mina and Momo to break away from one another to approach. Momo led the pair at the front, her lead attributed to the extra few feet in length her long, veiny neck provided her. Not wanting to be left behind, Mina started to gallop to get to Ochaco faster and wobble about the set of juicy ass cheeks that outshone even Momo’s sizable backside. Arriving at roughly the same time as each other, the dorses tilted their head up to let Ochaco stare into their lust-filled eyes.

   “W-what happened to you?” Ochaco asked, slowly backing away from the pair.

   Momo and Mina’s attempts to answer came out as a slurry of indecipherable words. Each moan that managed to escape their lips came with a drizzle of saliva leaking down their tongues. It was only through Ochaco’s repeated sessions of intimacy with the two that she was able to understand a fraction of what they were trying to say.

   “No, this isn’t right,” Ochaco replied. “This has gone on too far. Look at yourselves. I can barely recognize you now. I need to wake up Sorde and get her to change you back right away.”

   Regardless of Ochaco’s words, Mina and Momo continued to moan as they approached her. Unsure of what exactly to do, Ochaco could only stand there as the dorses nudged their mouths up against the bulge showing through the fabric of her gown. A combination of the repeated whines and the look on their modified faces made Ochaco rethink her stance. At the end of the day, she still considered herself a hero whose duty was to help those in need. Convincing herself to move forward with this thought in mind, she lifted up her gown to present her rigid member to Mina.

   Eagerly taking in Ochaco’s cock, Mina quickly put her mouth to work sucking and licking its length. It was only through Ochaco’s repeated session with the girls that she managed to endure the sloppy blowjob. Even still, the addition of Mina’s modified mouth meant it didn’t take long for her to release a wad of cum to sate the dorse’s hunger.

   Pulling herself free once Mina had finished licking her penis clean, Ochaco turned her attention towards Momo. Knowing of the dorses’s preferred cuisine, Ochaco recalled the lessons given to her by Sorde. Stretching out her cock to the length needed to reach the back of Momo’s throat and then some, she remained steady as Momo swallowed her up.

   The added length gave Ochaco plenty of chances to revel in the feeling of the beast’s tongue sliding along her shaft. Multiple times the sheer sensation of Momo’s lips sliding around the base of her shaft threatened to bring Ochaco to an early finish. Keeping herself going with the thought of helping her companions with their needs, she managed to hold out just long enough to release at the same moment Momo spilled her own seed across the floor.

   Once more remaining still until her friend had eaten her fill, Ochaco pulled herself back after her cock had been licked clean. Bringing her manhood back down to a more manageable size, she attempted to turn back towards her room to go to sleep. She was stopped as she felt a tug on her gown. Looking over her shoulder, she met the gaze of Mina.

   “What’s wrong?,” Ochaco asked, leaning over to meet her face to face. “Are you still hungry?”

   With a shake of her head, Mina swiveled herself around to present her gaping, puffy asshole to Ochaco.

   “Momo must have taken out your toy,” Ochaco commented as she continued to stare at the throbbing anus. “Then again, I guess it was silly of me to think that would be enough to satisfy you.” Pulling her gown off, Ochaco approached and placed her palms on the pair of plump, pink ass cheeks. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you what you need.”

   Placing the tip of her manhood at the entrance of Mina’s anus, Ochaco once more activated her gift from Sorde. Thickening up her cock to be larger than Mina’s own massive member, she shoved it inside with reckless abandon. Aware that Mina could take anything she could give, she kept her grip tight on her hindquarters as she proceeded to thrust back and forth. With each slap of her waist against the dorse’s backside, Mina let out a series of grunts and moans to keep her partner motivated. Making a recreation of the same sounds with her own mouth, Ochaco gave it her all to fulfill the hunger of her friend’s corrupted libido.

   Yet again, Ochaco managed to keep herself going just long enough to reach her orgasm as the same time as Mina. While the pink dorse was content to let her seed spill across the floor for a later snack, Ochaco wanted to make sure her cum completely filled her friend’s hole. Sinking her fingers into Mina’s butt cheeks as she let out a few more helpings, she pulled away to watch the droplets begin to leak out of the still pulsating anus. Though her job seemed finish, she couldn’t stop herself from eyeing up the semen that slipped down to seep into Mina’s pussy. Cock becoming rigid yet again, she started to stagger forward to go for another round.

   Before Ochaco could make her move, Momo trotted her way over in-between her and Mina. Heaving up her bulky body, Momo managed to place her upper half on top of Mina’s rear. Through a series of pleading moans, Momo proceeded to shove her rigid member into Mina’s pussy. At any moment Ochaco expected herself to become the witness to their depravity, but no matter how much Mina called out for it, Momo would not move.

   Through a series of exchanged grunts and moans, the dorses turned their heads to face Ochaco. Despite being unable to understand either Mina or Momo’s slurred speed, Ochaco could tell what they wanted. Making her way over to Momo’s backside and seeing the way her womanhood dripped with desire, Ochaco stepped forward to fulfill her duty as their caretaker. Wrapping her arms around Momo’s mid-section to ensure she had a strong grip, Ochaco plunged her cock into Momo’s vagina to begin.

   Moving in unison with Momo’s thrusts inside of Mina, Ochaco let herself fully give into her desires. Mimicking the jolts of the beasts’ hips, she gave up on the notion that this act was merely to ease her companions’ burdens. Letting out her own garbled speech of moans and grunts, her tongue hung out of her mouth as her grip on Momo’s body became tighter. Completely losing herself to lust, Ochaco grabbed onto Momo’s ponytail to pull in close as she flooded her womanhood with her seed. Gritting her teeth as she let every last drop spill, she could hear Momo let out her own cry of ecstasy as she gave the same gift to Mina’s womanhood. Just as Momo began to fall off from exhaustion, Mina splattered her seed across the floor to give the trio a soft landing as they collapsed.

   Resting amidst the worn out beasts of pleasure, Ochaco paid little mind to the puddle of semen she was laying in. Content to just stay there to bask in her lingering ecstasy, she only started to move as she felt something nudging at her side. Sitting herself up, she sat there as both Momo and Mina moved forward to drag their tongues across her shaft to collect any leftover cum. As the dorses continued their cleaning duty, Ochaco put on a small smile as she reached out to pet the sides of their heads.

   “Don’t worry,” Ochaco said, running her fingers through the creatures’ hair, “I’m here as long as you need me.”


   “I am so glad to see that you’ve adapted to your position here,” Sorde said, remaining as civil as ever despite Ochaco being completely nude for their tea date. “Not many guests are this well accustomed to their duties during the month long ritual.”

   “It’s not all just me,” Ochaco said, sipping away at her personal concoction of tea mixed with samples of her friends’ semen. “I was only able to get where I am thanks to your advice. Not to mention everything Mina and Momo have done for me.”

   “And what you have done to them,” Sorde added with a sly smile on her wrinkly face.

   “I guess you could say that,” Ochaco replied, blushing a little as she reminisced about the various long nights spent with Mina and Momo. “I’ve never felt so close to them before. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity.”

   “Oh please, save your thanks for Momo. Well, at least when she can speak again,” Sorde commented. “In a few days I will be reversing the effects of my quirk so make sure you have your fun while you can.”

   “I certainly will,” Ochaco said, taking the last few sips of her tea before standing up. Walking over to the door leading to the pen, she looked back towards Sorde. “If you’ll excuse me, I think my friends need me.”

   “By all means, go along dear,” Sorde replied, grinning as she watched Ochaco stroll into the next room.

   Making her way through the stable, Ochaco found her friends still in the aftermath of their last session. With each of their holes stuffed full of vibrators to keep them momentarily sated, they had passed the time taking turn sucking off each other’s cocks. Upon noticing Ochaco’s approach, Mina and Momo stopped licking up the remains of their liquid meals to greet her.

   "Sorry I took so long,” Ochaco said, wrapping her arms around their necks to simulate a hug. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

   Releasing the dorses from her grasp, Ochaco moved over to their backsides. One by one, she plucked out the sex toys to let a flood of semen pour out on the floor. Leaving her throbbing member to decide on which hole to use first, she intended to make the most of what time they had left.


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