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Prompt: (Chun-li (Street Fighter) to Fat Juri TF) https://twitter.com/sweetnessadmir1/status/1651312880850018304?s=46&t=y3eNPRmvAtdP9YgS7ERntQ

   In a fit of maniacal laughter, Juri downed the experimental serum in spite of Chun-li’s orders to stop. While her body turned into a white mist, Chun-li could still hear Juri’s voice echo throughout the lab. Unsure of what was going to happen, she got herself into a fighting stance. However, no amount of preparedness could help her for the moment that she felt an invisible force slam itself into her back.

   “Mmm, this could be fun,” Juri’s voice echoed in Chun-li’s head. “It’s kind of cramped in here though. Hope you don’t mind me making myself at home.”

   Chun-li’s confusion grew to coincide with her flat stomach surging into a sizable potbelly. As her gut continued to fatten up and spread its weight towards other parts of her body, she got a glimpse of the added flesh thanks to her blue dress coming apart at the seams. Just as the fabric around her torso was about to be ripped apart by her engorging bosom, it changed in shape and color to mimic Juri’s own white top. Bewildered by the sight of the spider-like markings along her exposed cleavage, she remained oblivious to her hair bursting out of their buns to reshape into a pair of horn-shaped protrusions reminiscent of Juri’s own style.

   As her leggings turned black and stretched across her thickening thighs and wobbling butt cheeks, Chun-li could hear Juri’s laughter becoming louder and louder. It was through the constant jiggling of her plump cheeks and thick neck was she able to figure out that the sound was coming from her own mouth. Moving on their own accord, her plump fingers reached up to show off the black and purple gloves that had appeared around her hands. Stomping over to a nearby mirror, her body stopped at just the right range to reveal that she had been transformed into an obese doppelganger of Juri, complete with a set of purple eyes.

   “Didn’t expect us to turn into such a fat ass,” Juri’s voice spoke through Chun-li’s mouth. Waddling her way around to admire her enormous curves, she gave her rear a swift smack. “Ah well, should still be fun to run around with.” Purposefully ignoring Chun-li’s internal pleas to stop, Juri proceeded to shuffle out of the lab to see if she could find something to put her new vessel through its paces.


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