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Prompt: Spider Gwen lands in a universe where everyone is a slob. Soon after, her body adjusts itself to better fit in.

   Spurred by her own boredom, Spider Gwen made a trip through the multiverse. While the white clad heroine had seen her fair share of different and strange realities, there was a certain something about one gate in particular. A fog of green gas prevented her from looking through the portal, but she could sense a feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment she never sensed before on the other side. More than a little curious, she leapt in.

   Landing in the center of that universe’s times square, Spider Gwen was shocked to find that not a single person was less than 1000 pounds in weight. Despite being little more than blobs of fat with legs, the citizens went about their daily lives in peace. Waddling their way through the streets, they would greet each other with rancid belches before parting ways with bombardments of powerful farts. Unable to withstand the combined stink of the people, she made the decision to make a sprint back towards the portal.

   Moments before her fingers were pushed through the opening, she was pushed back by her  mouth opening up to release a loud belch. Reeling from the gnarly stench clinging to her breath, she shuddered as she watched her chest blimp up into a pair of gigantic breasts that strained the limits of her suit. Just as she was about to topple forward into her cleavage, she was given back her balance thanks to her pair of elephantine butt cheeks. The cost for keeping her standing came in the form of a horrendous PHHHHHHRRRRTTTT ripping out of rear to surround her in its pungent smell. Straining to see past her teary eyes, she let out a gasp from her pudgy cheeks as she beheld the massive belly taking up her mid-section that reached all the way down to the ground.

   While Spider Gwen tried to make sense of her new, slobby form a haze appeared in her mind. Drool began to seep out of her mouth as she struggled to remember what she was doing. Her dimwitted self was brought to attention as a call for help came out through the crowd. Looking past the pedestrians, she watched as an overweight man went waddling down the streets with a woman’s purse clutched beneath his blubbery arms. Leaping into the air, she strained to swing her slobby self after the criminal, letting out gleeful, idiotic chuckles a she listened to the burp-laden cries from the crowd that called out the name “Spider Slob”.


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