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Prompt: (Samus (Metroid) Bellsprout/Succ plant TF) https://www.deviantart.com/tail-blazer/art/Samus-Bellsprout-TF-854393370

   Following a call from the Galactic Federation, Samus perused the collection of strange items that had been recovered from a long forgotten set of ruins. Though there were a plethora of strange relics at her disposal, the one that got her attention was a ball with a red top and a white button. Pressing the silver button in the center created a flash of light that momentarily blinded her.

   When Samus regained her vision, it was to see the small creature perched in the palm of her hand. A first glance made it appear no more than a potted plant. As she looked over its pair of leaves to stare at its bell shaped top. Perhaps sensing her gaze, the plant began to move the opening to its bulb as it stared at her with its beady, black eyes. Crying out the name “Bellsprout” the creature made Samus regret leaving her varia suit behind as it shot a cloud of pink mist into her face.

   Dropping the plant to the floor allowed the creature to uproot itself and run amok the ship. In the meantime, Samus was busy dealing with the strange sensation going through her entire body. This culminated in the loss of her feet as her lower body became encased by a brown pot similar to the one she had found the creature in. Struggling to escape the pile of soil around her waist became more difficult as her arms disappeared to be replaced with a pair of thick leaves.

   Just as the bounty hunter was about to cry out for help, a strange buzzing noise in her head removed her ability to speak. Tilting her head down, she watched as the majority of her mass was redirected to overly engorge her chest into a pair of udder-sized boobs that pushed her suit to its limits. The appearance of the oversized mammaries was met with a dull gaze moments before her eyes changed to mimic the creature’s own. The change in view came alongside a shapeshift of her entire skull to create a bell shape that ended in an opening made up of her plumped up, thick lips.

   While half of the nearby soldiers ran off to catch the creature, the rest of the group approached Samus. As they tried to help her, she returned by hopping herself towards them. Sensing the lust behind their bodies, she let her tongue drag across her hungry mouth at the thought of sucking on the bulges in their pants. Sending the group running down the hall, Samus the succ plant gave chase, her ponytail the only thing resembling her former self flapping with each eager hop.


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