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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Female Kraid (Metroid) TF, Weight Gain, Giantess Growth, and Sexual Content

Samus's lonely life inside of a cavern fitting of her monstrous form takes a turn when a doctor obsessed with her goes through the same transformation to incorporate the infamous fiend Kraid's DNA into her body.

This is a sequel to a previous story: https://www.patreon.com/posts/metroid-kraid-81061685

Both of these stories were for an anonymous commissioner.

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Running through the halls of a research facility that was about to self-destruct at a moment’s notice, Samus kept her eyes open for the way out. Her rush to escape didn’t stop her from using the full force of her arm cannon to take pot shots at any fleeing space pirates. Their screams of agony mixing with the blaring sirens created a cacophony of chaos that pushed her to move faster and faster. With her slim body clad in her varia suit, she felt invincible as she made her way towards her ship. The only thing that stood in her way was a large cavern filled to the brim with molten lava. Though her armor was able to withstand the brunt of the heat, less certain was its ability to deal with the thing rising up to block her path.

   Samus paused as she looked up to glare at the three-eyed, green scaled, massive beast that was Kraid. Letting out a snarl, the monster tried to take her down by firing spikes out of his prominent belly. She had seen the attack before, making it a simple task to avoid the barrage. While the massive monster waited for its spikes to regrow, she took her time deciding where on his blubbery body to strike. However, the longer she stared at his white underbelly and gargantuan size, the more she realized something didn’t feel right. It was upon her realizing that this was all a dream did she manage to wake up just before Kraid slashed his claws through her.

   The next moment, Samus woke up to find herself in a cavern very similar to the one she had traversed in her sleep. It featured the same lake of bubbling lava, but it had a few key differences. Things such as an observation window filled with researchers watching her every move as well as a metal chute that frequently tumbled out chunks of bloody, alien meat gave the chamber the feeling of an enclosure in a zoo. As humiliating as the idea was, it was something Samus had grown to deal with alongside her monstrous form.

   Lifting her hand up to her face, she let her three-fingered hands run her claws through her ponytail of blonde hair. Careful not to scratch at her fin-like ears or any of her three, orb-like blue eyes, she moved on to picking away at leftover chunks of meat that had been stuck in the fangs jutting out of her massive maw. Finishing her morning ritual by brushing off specks of dried blood from her nose spike, she proceeded to move on with her special form of “exercise.”

   Standing up in her pool of lava still managed to keep the lower part of her 50 foot stature submerged beneath the surface. It only took a single stride of her thick, blue scaled legs to reveal her clawed feet before they came splashing back down. Splatters of searing hot lava rose up to cover part of her massive, white underbelly with each stomp. Reaching around her set of nipple-less, gargantuan breasts, she proceeded to rub the hot liquid across her stomach to revel in its warmth. Feeling her lanky tail slide across her behemoth butt cheeks, she tried to figure out what do to next.

   Thinking back to the previous night’s dream, she stretched her teeth into a mischievous grin as she recalled how much smaller she used to be in comparison to her current form. Hanging on to this thought, she proceeded to jump in place for exercise like when she used to have a much tinier figure. All this accomplished was sending large waves across her lava pool and wildly shaking about her curves with each leap.

   Enjoying herself too much to stop now, Samus curled herself up as if she was trying to activate her morph ball module. What used to be a fluid movement that could fit through small crevasses and move at remarkable speeds instead became the sluggish roll of a massive, living boulder covered in scales. Despite this, she managed to keep herself going long enough to hit one of the walls of her enclosure. Rewarded with another splash of molten rock across her body, she eventually came out of her ball shape to see if her breakfast had arrived yet.

   Samus paused as she spotted something that looked practically microscopic compared to her walking along a cliff near her pool. Stomping her way over, her eyes picked up the telltale white lab coat and long, red hair of Dr. Parker. Squatting down to look the woman in the eyes, Samus began to wonder why she was there. Judging by the sly grin on the doctor’s face, it was safe to say that the eccentric woman was up to something.

   “Good day, Ms. Aran,” Dr. Parker said, maintaining a cheerful demeanor that was mostly absent with Samus’s other visitors.

   “Hello,” Samus replied, her gravely, growling voice barely managing to convey her friendly attitude. “What brings you here? You’re usually not on this side of the glass.”

   “That’s because I have something very special in mind for today’s experiment,” the doctor replied. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a bottle containing a red liquid. “I just got this from my associates at the lab.”

   “Are you talking about the ones that you brought on to try and cure my condition?” Samus asked, receiving a nod in reply. “I appreciate it, but like I’ve said, I don’t have any intention of changing back. Especially not after I’ve gotten used to its special ‘features’.”

   “I am well aware of your intentions and your daily activities,” Parker said with a sly grin. “To clarify, this is not an antidote. This is a recreation of the very same serum that the space pirates used to merge Kraid’s DNA with your own. The main difference is that my team put their own efforts into it to make it’s even more potent.”

   “Why would they make something like…”

   Samus trailed off as she let her vision drift between the bottle and the look in the doctor’s eyes. “Wait, you’re not seriously considering using that on yourself are you?”

   “Indeed I am,” Dr. Parker replied, showing her conviction as she began to undress. “After watching your metamorphosis into such a magnificent form, I can’t help myself from wondering what it feels like to experience it firsthand.” Taking off the rest of her undergarments, she strode her slim form over to the edge of the cliff. “To be honest, this serum hasn’t been tested on a person yet.” With a wave of her hand, she gestured towards the observation window to show the group of researchers watching the events unfold. “I may have told them that I was doing this all for the sake of research, but you can probably guess what my true goal is.”

   “I still think you should consider what you’re doing before you change yourself into a gigantic, scaley-“

   Samus’s words fell on deaf ears as Dr. Parker quickly chugged down the concoction. Tossing the empty bottle alongside her discarded clothing to burn in the lava below, the doctor let her fingers slide across her body as her skin began to turn a warm red. A much more vibrant, scarlet color was added to her thanks to the scales that began to appear along her flesh. Her slim figure became distorted as she began to rapidly put on weight, starting with a sizable potbelly before gifting her with a set of heaving breasts and a chunky backside. The thicker hide heralded the arrival of a long, lanky tail to go along with the claws on her fingers and toes. Unable to stop herself from smiling as she developed a third eye atop her forehead that looked like a yellow sphere, the doctor made a mad dash towards the cliff and dove into Samus’s bath of molten rock.

   Given a powerful reminder of just how insane Dr. Parker was, Samus rushed forward to try and catch her. Though her arms were long, the burden of lumbering her heavy form around made it impossible for her to catch the doctor in time. A shudder went down her spine as she watched Parker splash down into the molten ooze. Ears picking up the collective gasp of the scientists watching from the observation chamber, she could only stare in disbelief at seeing the end of one of the few people who considered her bestial form something other than terrifying.

   Samus broke out of her stupor as she watched a collection of bubbles pop at the surface of the lava. The molten liquid began to shift as something emerged from beneath it. Pushed away by the rising figure, her mouth hung open as she watched a creature that looked all too similar to herself appear before her.

   Most of the creature’s body was covered in crimson red scales, reaching from the peak of its finned ears, down to the lanky, spiked tail that lazily hung over its gigantic backside. As the monster stomped its thick legs around with the support of its clawed feet, the tremors made their way across its stark white underbelly to jiggle its enormous gut. Paying passing glances to the prominent spikes adorning the creature’s front, Samus let her gaze drift towards the enormous breasts hanging from the monster’s chest. Considering the massive size of each sack of blubber, it seemed to be a fair trade in losing her nipples for the sake of her reptilian biology. Tilting her head up higher let her lock eyes with the beast’s maw of jagged teeth and the intimidating spike atop its snout. The powerful gaze given off by the monster’s three, yellow, orb-like eyes was offset by its mane of mangy red hair and the fact that it was about ten feet shorter than Samus.

   “This is amazing,” Dr. Parker commented, using her new, three fingered hands to let her claws poke and prod at her body. “Not only does the thickened hide perfectly protect me from the heat, but it also lets it wash over me like a comforting bath.” Groping at her chest, she let out a satisfied hiss with her forked tongue as she tightly squeezed her engorged bosom. “I could get used to this.”

   Samus momentarily stopped the doctor’s self-examination by grasping her wrist. “You’re completely insane you know?”

   “Not at all. I was confident in the research team’s work. I had nothing to fear.” Using her free hand to grasp Samus, Parker pulled herself in to press their bellies against one another. “Besides, I’d say the results are more than worth it. Now you have someone your own size to keep you company.”

   Despite the earnest meaning behind the doctor’s words, Samus couldn’t suppress a chuckle. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, pipsqueak,” she replied, bumping her belly against Parker’s to show the difference in their sizes. “I’ve still a got a ton or two on you.”

   “Well, I did just transform,” Dr. Parker replied. Seemingly to show off the benefits of their size difference, she leaned forward to nuzzle her face in between Samus’s boobs. Just as her claw began to creep their way over to the former bounty hunter’s butt, her ears flickered at a familiar sound. Pulling her head up, she made sure Samus could see the smile stretched across her face. “While I can’t do much about my height, I think I hear something that will help me catch up to your weight.”

   Breaking away from Samus, Parker tried to run towards a metal platform made up of bars attached to the side of the cavern below the large chute. Though her efforts were impressive, her movements were a slow waddle thanks to her unfamiliarity with her larger proportions. As much as Samus enjoyed watching the doctor’s enormous ass cheeks wobble about, a growl from her stomach got her to hurry up. Managing to easily pass up her fellow monster, she managed to reach the dining tray just as chunks of meat rolled their way out of the hole.

   Without a second thought, Samus dove her head forward to begin gobbling up the chunks of the recently killed alien creature. Her fearsome maw ate the entire hunk of flesh, bone, and all within a matter of a few bites. The display of gluttony was the perfect example for Dr. Parker, allowing her to figure out how to best meet the needs of her modified taste buds. The combined efforts of the two hungry beasts allowed them to quickly eat their way through the entire spread within a matter of minutes.

   While Samus was preoccupied with sliding her tongue along the grate to collect any leftover droplets of blood, her ears wiggled at the sound of Parker rapidly thrashing around. Worried that the doctor might have choked on a bit of bone, she turned to see the scaley beast rolling back and forth in the lava. The reason was soon made clear as she watched the doctor try to reach out with a claw towards her nether region. Chuckling at the woman’s one-track mind, Samus stomped over and grasped Parker to stop her from rolling.

   “Here, let me show you,” Samus said as she grasped Parker’s wrist.

   Puppeteering Parker’s hand, Samus led her claws to glide across her underbelly. Eager to play with her new toy, Samus guided the doctor’s claws across her own curves to continue building anticipation for the two of them. Positioning her partner at the right angle, Samus moved forward to have Parker give her monstrous vagina a gentle rub. Finally finding purchase with her desires, Parker took the lead from there as she began to slide her fingers across her needy womanhood.

   Watching Parker indulge in her first session of masturbation with her new body, Samus licked her lips as she felt her own desires come up. Planting her ass in a spot across from the doctor, she began to squeeze and grope the curves she had grown to love over the course of several months. Though her initial intention was to merely masturbate with her claws, a sudden idea demanded that she give her partner a demonstration of her abilities.

   Wanting to put on a show for her new cave mate, Samus twisted about her lanky tail to have it slide towards her groin. Sinking the appendage deep inside of herself, she began to move it back and forth as if it were a makeshift sex toy. While her tail took care of her pussy, her hands were free to continue poking and prodding at her body to further entice herself and the good doctor. As much as she wanted to go at her usual speed, she discovered newfound entertainment in moving her tail thrusts in unison with the flicks of Parker’s fingers. With both monstrous women thoroughly aroused by the sight and stimulation of each other’s masturbation session, the moment came to a head as they reached their climaxes.

   The resulting orgasms filled the cavern with a cacophony of moans. Splashing down into the lava in the wake of their ecstasy allowed waves of molten liquid to crash against the pair. Basking in the aftermath of their indulgence, Samus glanced over to see the various researchers that had watched the event unfold. At first she had considered their constant surveillance a nuisance, but now she saw them as an audience to fully witness the extent of her magnificent body. Considering the way Parker was reaching towards her womanhood again, it appeared she shared a similar sentiment.

   Rather than let Parker continue exploring her body by herself, Samus hoisted herself back into a standing position and stomped her way over. “Is that really all you want to do with yourself?” she asked, watching the way the red-scaled monster’s chest continued to rapidly rise and fall.

   Parker let out a chuckle. “Forgive me for not being as flexible as you are,” she replied, pulling back her hand. “How long did it take you to learn how to use your tail like that?”

   “Long enough,” Samus replied, shaking the appendage against her backside. “Not like I’m doing much else down here. Figured I might as well try out some new things to make the most of my time.”

   “And it shows,” Parker said, licking her maw as he watched Samus’s tail continue to flail around. “Would you mind demonstrating how to do that? I want to put my body through its paces.”

   Samus scratched her chin. “I could… or I could show you another way to take care of that little issue.”

   “What exactly did you have in mind?”

   Putting on a mischievous smirk, Samus continued to lumber forward until she loomed over the doctor. Slowly bringing her massive form down onto Parker, Samus reveled in the feeling of their guts pressing against one another. Shuffling her way forward to have her gigantic breasts smother the doctor’s slightly smaller bosom, she moved into position to have them stare at each other face to face.

   Figuring out what Samus was trying to do, Parker leaned forward to let their lips lock together. As the pair let their tongues intertwine in their passionate kiss, their hands went to work exploring each other’s bodies. Not a single area of their flesh was neglected, finding just as much pleasure in giving out their exploratory squeezes as they did receiving them. The constant foreplay momentarily broke up their kiss from time to time to let out a series of guttural hums. These monstrous noises were little more than Kraid’s species version of a moan, signaling to each other just how close they were to fully giving in to their desires.

   Breaking off the kiss, Samus leaned back to tower over her partner once more. “Are you read for the next step?” she asked, receiving a nod in reply. “Then allow me to give you a taste of what these bodies can really do.”

   Keeping herself balanced atop Parker, Samus shuffled around to have her massive ass cheeks pressing down on the doctor’s chest. With her backside keeping her partner securely pinned down, Samus leaned forward to dive her face towards Parker’s nether region. While it had been some time since Samus had performed the act, the true obstacle was trying to fit past Parker’s belly. This issue served as the perfect opportunity to put her long, slender tongue to good use.

   A guttural moan emanating from Parker let Samus know that she had found her mark. Completely embedding her face in between Parker’s thighs, she set to work slowly dragging her tongue across the expanse of her womanhood. Her intentions at the time were to ease the doctor into the sensation while she tried to figure out what worked by the shivers going through the scaley, red beast’s body. However, the good doctor has other things on her mind.

   Samus’s mouth came to a screeching halt as she felt something she hadn’t experienced in a long time. Feeling the doctor reaching out to squeeze her buttocks, Samus sat there as she felt Parker going at her own womanhood with a level of ferocity and lust fitting for her twisted personality. Having to chew on her lips in an attempt to stifle a moan, Samus made the decision not to let herself so easily be dominated by the new arrival.

   Diving between Parker’s legs, Samus upped her efforts to try and bring her to orgasm. Her increased efforts were reciprocated by the doctor, each of them sucking and licking to the best of their abilities. While they focused their mouths on dragging across each other’s clits, they dared to let their hands reach out to squeeze and grope what they could of each other’s bodies. They could both tell that their little contest would be coming to an end soon.

   In the hopes of gaining the upper hand, Samus wrapped her arms around Parker’s thighs and rolled her through the pool of lava. Tightening her own grip on Samus, Parker moved with the jerking motion to try and force herself to be in the top position. This constant struggle back and forth led to their formerly peaceful lava bath being turned into a bubbling hot spring of molten waves that splashed across the cavern. The chaos surrounding their act of passion added to their desires, the warm heat surrounding their bodies being the final push needed to bring them to their orgasm.

   The resulting cacophony of roaring moans escaped the lava in the form of a collection of bubbles. Though both of the monsters had finished their sessions, they were more than content to lay in the lava to bask in their ecstasy. Wearily drifting their bodies around, they resumed their earlier position to get their lips to press against each other to cement their strange relationship. It was only through the sound of something toppling into the feeding area that got the pair to rise to the surface once more.

   Breaching their heads from the lava, the women locked their eyes on more servings of alien meat tumbling onto the metal grate. A little hungry from their session of intimacy, they held on to each other’s form as they waddled over to their next meal. Grabbing a few chunks of meat to sink their teeth into, the pair sat down to rest their weary bodies.

   “That was amazing,” Parker commented between bites.

   “Glad to see I haven’t lost my touch,” Samus replied, licking off droplets of blood from her claws. “Been awhile since I’ve had someone to play around with like that. Felt even better getting to do it with a person just as large and monstrous as me.”

   “Indeed,” Parker replied, offering up a chunk of meat for Samus to wolf down in a matter of seconds. “I would very much like to continue exploring what these bodies can do. That is, as long as you’ll accept me as your ‘playmate’ so to speak.”

   “It would be my pleasure, Dr. Parker.”

   “Oh please,” she replied, holding her hand against her chest, “I think we’ve long gone past those formalities. You can call me Melia.”

   “Okay Melia,” Samus said, nuzzling up to her new partner. “Up for round two after we’ve finished digesting?”

   “It would be my pleasure,” she replied, more than ready to join Samus in their life as a pair of hedonistic beasts completely obsessed with one another.


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