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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Female Dorse/Queen's Stallion TF and Sexual Content

In the hopes of exposing the unethical experiments of Biotech, a woman named Leona infiltrates one of their facilities. Having the misfortune to run into the lab's more freakish creations, she soon joins a herd of dorses as she turns into a beast obsessed with pure pleasure.

This story was for an anonymous commissioner.

My commission info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Using the cover of night, Leona cautiously climbed over the fence that surrounded the complex. The massive building’s remoteness from the nearest city made it the perfect place for scientists from the Biotech company to perform their research in peace. It was that very reason that she saw fit to make sure her long, blonde hair was stuffed into a black beanie and her slim body was obscured by a dark hoodie as she scaled up the side of the structure. Though most people in the nearby town were willing to live and let live with whatever the scientists were doing, she had made it her mission to find out exactly what they were trying to hide.

   Making her way to the top of the building, she skulked around in search of something to justify her infiltration. Her search didn’t take long as she spotted a series of glass windows on the roof. Getting her camera ready, she got down on her stomach as she shuffled towards the view to get a good look at what was inside.

   Leona completely forgot what she was doing as she beheld the bizarre creatures below. The reason for the glass’s existence became clear as extra sunlight was needed for the potted plants below that bared swollen, human breasts and mouth-like orifices that dripped with saliva. Not wanting to think about what kind of use the lab could have for such creations, she moved on to the next window. What awaited her there was what appeared to be massive pairs of orbs pressed up against one another. A closer examination revealed that each set of globes belonged to a person either wobbling around on a pair of constantly lactating breasts or struggling to deal with the urges of their sets of enormous testicles.

   Convinced that she was just seeing a fraction of Biotech’s inhuman experiments, Leona moved on to the next glass plane. Her jaw dropped open as she stared at the creatures that lurked below. Their very existence spat in the face of ethical science, providing more than enough material for her to expose Biotech as the twisted perverts that they were. Tightly grasping her camera, she climbed atop the glass to get the best possible angle. She managed to snap an excellent picture of the creatures just before the glass cracked and she fell through.

   Tumbling through the air, Leona’s fall was cushioned as she bounced off of the back of one of the beasts. Rolling on to the metal floor, she looked up to get a up close view of the creatures. From the top of the building she was right in assuming how closely they resembled the general shape of a horse, down to their four hooved legs and quadrupedal appearance. One of the many things setting them apart was their nearly hairless bodies, save for the strands atop their head. Their long faces were stretched out towards sets of plump lips that constantly leaked out spit that trickled down their hanging tongues. Each stomp of the creatures’ hooves jostled around the set of massive breasts hanging from their chest that were only matched in size by their plump buttocks.

   She couldn’t help letting out a scream as she noticed the girthy, two foot long cocks hanging beneath the monstrous beings. With each drop of cum that leaked from the tips, the beasts let out guttural moans that shook her to the core. Seeing in the back a few of the creatures using their manhoods to violate each other’s puffy anuses and vaginas, Leona’s need to expose the truth was swiftly replaced with an urgent desire to escape.

   Quickly getting up from the ground to avoid having to stare at the dicks any longer, Leona stepped head first into a lingering aroma of musk emanating from the creatures. The smell made her mind become hazy as it felt like her entire body was beginning to shut down. No longer able to stand under her own power, she ended up collapsing into a puddle of leftover cum from one of the beasts. The last thing she saw before she passed out were the creatures crowding around her, licking their lips in anticipation for something she didn’t want to think about.


   Head feeling like she had been tossed around in a washing machine all night, Leona slowly lifted herself up from her resting place. Try as she might to remember where she had been the previous evening, all she could bring up was the image of those creatures crowding around her. She tried to convince herself it was all a dream brought on by a long night of binge reading conspiracy websites. Hoping her mind would be clearer with the help of a cup of coffee, she swung her legs over the side of what she thought was her bed.

   Leona paused as she felt her bare legs hang over a basic cot rather than her fluffy mattress. The replacement bedding was seen as an afterthought in the wake of her seeing that her slim figure was lacking in any form of clothing. Being completely nude gave her ample opportunity to gaze at the girthy, foot long cock hanging between her legs. Feeling her swollen testicles press up against her womanhood, she was about to cry out in a panic only to stop as she heard a strange, yet familiar noise from nearby.

   Looking over to the side, Leona leapt out of bed as she came face to face with one of the creatures she had hoped was just a nightmare. As more of the abominations noticed that she was awake, they let out a cacophony of moans and grunts that sent a shiver down her spine. Though the beasts crowded around her, not a single one seemed to be interested in doing anything other than staring at her. The reason became clear as she noticed the seams making up the glass enclosure surrounding her makeshift bedroom. Aside from a door leading to the outer area as well as several holes with unknown purpose, she couldn’t help feeling like a fish trapped in a aquarium.

   “Oh good, you’re awake.”

   Looking around for the source of the voice, Leona’s eyes eventually fell upon a speaker in the corner of her room. Tilting her head up and seeing the nearby observation window, she was able to piece together that the shadowy figures were the ones speaking to her. Clenching her fingers in righteous fury, she marched over to the speaker and took a deep breath.

   “Listen here, you sick freaks,” Leona began. “You better change me back to normal and release me before I have to-“

   “Gah, could you not yell?” asked the voice back at her. “This equipment is fairly sensitive.”

   Leona let out a huff. “What, your budget for twisted science experiments isn’t large enough to afford proper equipment?”

   “Ah, I see that there’s been a misunderstanding,” the man replied. “My name is Dr. Teld. I’m the director of this facility and caretaker of our-“

   “Victims?” Leona interrupted.

   “Er, well not exactly. What you see here is merely the byproduct of an accident with one of our gene splicers. These creatures, which we have given the name dorses, are former volunteers and staff that unfortunately ran afoul of a mixture meant to greatly increase a person’s pleasure. We’re keeping them in isolation here while we try to find a way to reverse their conditions.”

   “How exactly are these things considered pleasurable?” she asked, gesturing towards the aforementioned dorses.

   “I know they look strange, but you have to believe me when I say they have the ability to experience a level of sexual gratification a mere human cannot attain. Well, you might get a better idea once your transformation is complete.”

   “My what!?”

   “That’s why we’ve placed you in that containment area,” the doctor explained. “You unfortunately got a heavy dose of dorse sweat and semen during your little break-in last night. In a few days, you will change into one of them. I do apologize, we’ve been meaning to get the windows redone for ages now.”

   “T-this can’t be happening,” Leona said, looking between her rigid member and the creatures looking longingly at her. “You have to stop this.”

   “I would if I could. Like I said, we’re still hard at work trying to find a way to reverse the effects. All we can do for now is to try to keep you comfortable as you transition into your new form.”

   “How am I supposed to be comfortable with this thing between my legs?” she asked, heaving up her monster cock.

   "Why do you think we put the holes into your container?”

   Glancing back over to the dorses outside her walls, Leona watched as a group of them huddled around one of the openings. A series of twitches going through her member told her exactly what the doctor had meant. Even still, she found it absolutely revolting that she would willingly offer herself to these creatures. However, her ability to resist these urges waned with each passing second. Though she tried to ease her burden by stroking her cock herself, it was clear that it wasn’t going to be enough. Swallowing her pride, she begrudgingly shuffled her way over to one of the openings. Locking eyes with a dorse with dark skin and curly, brown hair, she ever so carefully slid her member through the hole.

   The dorse managed to wait long enough for Leona’s entire member to be revealed before wrapping its lips around her tip. Putting its elongated face to good use, it managed to swallow up the entirety of her cock with little effort. Moving its head back and forth at a rapid pace, the creature slid its tongue along her shaft. Pressing her hands up against the wall, Leona tried to hold back a series of moans as she experienced her first blow job. Unable to resist for much longer, she gave the dorse exactly what it wanted as she let a load of semen release from her tip.

   Only once the dorse had sucked every last drop of cum from Leona’s dick did it see fit to pull away. Staggering away from the hole, Leona managed to direct herself back towards her cot. Sitting down to catch her breath, she stared back at her still throbbing member to try and comprehend what she had just done.

   “I see you’ve already taken to one of the many relief methods,” the doctor explained. “I must say, you’re one of the more eager subjects I’ve seen. They usually don’t give themselves up so easily.”

   “T-that’s because your science experiment forced it on me,” Leona called back.

   “Hmm, it’s possible that your libido is reacting stronger to the gene splicing sequence than most. I’ll have to look into this matter. For now, feel free to use the holes if you need some more relief. The dorses would greatly appreciate it, I assure you.”

   As the speaker clicked off, Leona was left with only the noise of her own breathing and the grunts from outside to keep her company. Glancing back over to the hole, she could see a few of the dorses still hanging around in hopes of getting a chance at a meal. Unwilling to completely accept her fate, she rolled over on her cot and placed a pillow over head to block out the noise. Hopefully when she woke up, things would make more sense to her.


   Leona paced back and forth inside of her cell, trying to ignore both the dorses moaning outside and throbbing of her own cock. Despite her disgust at what she was becoming, she had spent the majority of her first day in the facility shoving her dick out of cell’s various openings to have it sucked. As pleasurable as it felt, she still couldn’t deny how revolting it was to willingly give herself to the dorses.

   The only break in between these sessions of self-humiliation was when the scientists came in to study her. They collected samples of her hair, blood, and semen, all while dressed in hazmat suits. It was there that she got to meet Dr. Teld in person, albeit it was brief meeting since the team had to rush out while the dorses were distracted by something on the opposite side of the room. Though she couldn’t tell what was going on, the sounds of pleasure echoing from the creatures had not helped her endeavor to resist her own urges.

   Watching the dorses shuffle their way back towards her cell, Leona couldn’t keep her eyes off their swaying breasts. Cupping her own tits, she could feel the bit of extra heft that had been added to them. As similar phenomenon had increased the thickness of her rear to go along with a sizable layer of fat around her mid-section. However, her attention once more fell on her prominent member, feeling it cry out for some form of release.

   “Come on,” she said, trying to push down the monster cock. “We just got sucked off an hour ago. What else do you want me to-“

   Leona let out a yelp as one of the dorses slammed up against the cell. Just as she was about to rush over to the call box to ask for assistance from security, she watched as a dorse with short, spiky blonde hair slowly backed itself up to one of the openings. Looking past the creature’s plump buttocks, she instead focused on the pair of holes nestled into his rear. Its anus looked like a puffed up doughnut that still leaked with the fluids from its previous partner. More drippings could be seen coming from the hole right below it, a vagina that had obviously seen its fair share of action. The more the dorse pressed its hindquarters against the glass, the more its musk seeped into Leona’s room. Forced to deal with the mixture of smells and stimulations bombarding her body, she once more stepped forward to give her manhood exactly what it wanted.

   Stumbling her way back over to the hole, Leona grasped the wall as she tried to maneuver her dick inside once more. Pushing through to the other side, the next hurdle came in the form of lining up her tip with one of the dorse’s orifices. In her haste to get it over with, she ended up shoving her member in the creature’s anus. The result was a pungent smell of musk further drifting into her face. As she inhaled the stench, she subconsciously let her tongue hang out of her mouth as her hips began to move.

   Keeping a tight grip on the wall, Leona continued to jolt forward to slide her cock in and out of the dorse. Each shove came with a plethora of moans that emanated from both her and her unusual partner. Gritting her teeth as she gradually increased her speed, she gave it her all to push herself as deep inside as possible. With a final thrust, she managed to blow a load of cum into the creature’s ass just as it let its own seed splatter across the floor.

   Removing herself from the dorse, Leona backed away from the hole. Too weary to hear the clopping noise echoing through her room, she continued to stumble backwards until she sat on her cot. Hanging off the side of her bed, she looked down to check on her member and saw that at some point during her moment of pleasure, her feet had morphed into a set of hooves. As terrifying as the sight was, the exhaustion that overcame her from her orgasm was enough to put her back to sleep to regain her strength for another round.


   Stumbling about her pen with her thick legs, Leona tried to decide which hole to stick her raging member into next. She had lost count of how many times she had dived her cock into the dorses’ orifices over the past few days. That first hit had been all it took to let her leave most of her inhibitions behind in favor of fulfilling her body’s desires. Even still, it felt like there was something missing.

   Despite the numerous relief sessions, there was still an emptiness inside of Leona that wouldn’t go away. She tried to ease her burden by other means, such as letting her hoof-like hands drag across her meaty breasts and ample butt cheeks. However, these methods only increased her desire for something specific, although she couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Hoping the answer would come to her in time, she started to make her way towards a hole with a needy dorse’s pussy waiting for her on the other side.

   Leona’s path was blocked by a monstrous cock sticking through a hole in front of her. Looking to the side to see the owner, she witnessed a dorse with long, fiery red hair breathing heavily as it pressed itself against the glass. The tip of the beast’s cock was leaking cum onto the floor of the cell with each shake, making it clear what it wanted. The longer Leona watched the display of lust, the more she subconsciously began to smack her lips. Unable to fully understand what was taking over her body, she made her way forward to return the kindness the dorses had shown her.

   With Leona’s hands unable to grasp anything, her only option left was to try sucking off the enormous member. Unsure how she would fit even half of the enormous member down her throat, she cautiously wrapped her lips around the tip. Slowly she began to slide down, dragging her tongue along the way. As scared as she was by the task at hand, her worries were numbed thanks to the strangely delectable flavor of the dorse’s semen dripping onto her taste buds. Enamored with the other worldly flavor, she only came to a stop as she pressed herself up against the glass. Noticing that she had taken in most of the gigantic dick, she proceeded to the next step.

   As Leona pulled herself back along the shaft, she could feel a tingling sensation along her face. Though she was moving back from the cock’s base, her lips seemed to be growing further and further away from her. The reason became apparent as her face stretched out into a long muzzle that perfectly copied the morphed heads of the dorses. By the time she finally managed to extricate herself from the member, the damage had already been done.

   Stumbling back from the wall, Leona tried to yell out in terror only to let out the same bestial grunts the dorses frequently made. These cries for help pushed around her still dripping tongue as it twirled around her permanently, O-shaped lips. Rather than bemoan her distorted facial features, there was a certain sense of strange satisfaction she felt as saliva continued to leak from her mouth. Unsure what exactly was going on with her, she followed her instincts to once more swallow up the dorse’s cock.

   Driven by this increased fervor, Leona effortlessly pushed her lips all the way down to the dick’s base. The rapid bobs of her head back and forth forced her to slide her hoof hands down the wall. Getting down on all fours, the added bulk around her body kept her at the right height to continue servicing the dorse. Feeling her own dick spurt wads of cum along her cell’s floor, she used the lingering ecstasy to continue pleasuring her partner until she received a mouthful of semen. Not stopping until she had sucked up every last drop, she let her tongue drag across the dorse’s length to make sure nothing was missed. Too busy savoring the taste of the creature’s cum, it took her a moment to hear the words coming from the intercom device.

   “Hello, Leona?” asked Dr. Teld. “Do you hear me?”

   Leona tried to speak, only to have a series of grunts leave her lips.

   “Ah I see, it appears your transformation is nearly complete. This would be the part where we introduce you to the rest of the herd, but we want to make sure you’re ready for it. Just tap your hands, er, hooves against the door and we’ll open it up for you.”

   Driven by her needy cock and the droplets of natural lubricant emanating from her anus and pussy, Leona began to trot over to the entrance. She didn’t know what she was thinking, but she was certain that she would find what she was aching for right outside. Tapping her hoof against the pen opened up the door just as the redheaded dorse walked up to meet her. Stepping outside of the safety of her cell, Leona did what came natural to her twisted mind and turned around to present her backside.

   Leona let out a huff as the dorse climbed atop her body. As the beast tried to maneuver its cock into one of her orifices, her nostrils were left to deeply inhale the musk of the multiple dorses watching nearby. When her partner finally made its decision, it moved forward with a powerful thrust into her pussy. Though she was uncertain how the gigantic cock managed to fit inside, she had long gone past the point of caring.

   While the dorse viciously fucked Leona from behind, the dorse from the first day with a head of curly brown stepped forward. Rolling onto its back, it only had to let out a snort to get Leona to lean forward to swallow up its cock. Ensuring both ends of her body were being put to good use, Leona allowed herself to bask in the ecstasy of her pleasure. She felt no shame or humiliation, only euphoria as her mouth and womanhood were filled up with cum as her dick splattered a load across the ground.

   Sinking down to the floor in a puddle of her leftover semen, she tilted up her head to see the redheaded dorse looming over her. Getting down on its knees, it brought its mouth up to hers to share a sloppy kiss. Eagerly reciprocating the moment of intimacy, Leona marked this as the very moment that she had completely given in to her fate.


   Leona was roused from her morning slumber as she sensed her usual wake up call standing over her body. Without even opening up her eyes, she leaned her head forward to swallow up the rigid member in front of her for a morning meal of semen. When she finally bothered to see who she was sucking off, it was only to confirm that the red headed dorse named Shiann was once more on wake up duty.

   There was barely a chance for Leona to get up on her legs before another dorse shoved its cock into her anus. Turning as much as her thick neck would allow let her see that Edgar, the dorse with spiky blonde hair was the one penetrating her backside this morning. The vigorous pounding had the intended effect of bringing her body into a more wakeful state, with the constant stimulation of her prostate bringing her massive member to orgasm in no time at all. Though she received a mouthful of cum from Shiann, it wasn’t nearly enough. Pulling away from the cock, she joined her partners in sliding their tongues along the ground to make the most of their morning meal.

   Finished cleaning up the aftermath of her wake up session, Leona trotted her way through the herd towards the northern wall. Waiting for her there was a series of touch screens the scientists had set up that were nearly as large as the dorses themselves. Stepping up to a free one, she began to type in a message with careful presses of her tongue.

   Unable to speak normally or even attempt to use sign language with their hooves, these screens were the only way that the dorses could communicate with the scientists and each other. Through these text conversations, Leona discovered that despite their monstrous appearances, each of the dorses still retained most of their mental abilities. They were able to share basic things like names as well as information about what they were like before they transformed. Each of them shared her desire to go back to their old lives, but none of them were entirely unhappy with their current situation. Sure, they were being driven by over active libidos and animalistic instincts, but their bodies were fulfilling their purpose of allowing them to experience near-constant, unequitable pleasure. It was because of this that whenever the screens weren’t being used for small talk, they served the purpose of advertising exactly what a dorse wanted. Such as when Leona finished typing in: “I want to shove my cock into somebody’s pussy.”

   The blunt statement worked in getting the dorse with curly brown hair named Emily to saunter up to Leona in a matter of seconds. Watching the dorse turn around to present its backside, Leona wasted little time making good on her promise by heaving her body on top of it. Roughly shoving her cock into the waiting pussy, she thrust her hips back and forth to try to ease both of their urges. When she finally reached her climax, it came with a set of bellowing moans from the pair that joined with the other cries of ecstasy that could be constantly heard throughout the pen.

   Extricating herself from her partner, Leona climbed off and rolled on to her back. Slowly shuffling their way towards Leona, the curly haired dorse wrapped its lips around her cock to clean off the leftover semen. Though her partner managed to finish off the job quickly enough, it wasn’t long until the dorse moved on to sliding its tongue along her length to get a second helping. More than willing to give the dorse and herself exactly what they wanted, Leona obliged by shooting out another load into her partner’s mouth.

   Getting back to her feet, Leona took notice of the group of dorses making their way to the east side of the pen. The area was always a buzz with activity due to it being the place the researchers were offering different toys for keeping their libidos sated in-between fucking sessions. Even know, Leona could see a few content dorses trotting away with vibrators shoved into their orifices, pocket pussies tightly clenched around their members, or even ball gags to avoid waking up after a nap in a puddle of their own drool. Trying to decide which toy she would want them to use on her first, she came to a halt as she was stopped by a scientist in a hazmat suit.

   “Let me see,” the man said, the voice identifying him as Dr. Teld. Reaching around her thick neck he pulled her collar around to take a look at her ID tag. “Yup, you’re Leona, just the one I was looking for. Are you feeling alright today?”

   Leona let out a series of grunts to try and express her content. It was only through the doctor’s constant interaction with the dorses did he manage to understand a fraction of what she was trying to say.

   “I’m assuming you’re getting used to your life here?” he attempted to clarify, receiving a nod in return. “That’s good to hear, er, see I suppose. With that being the case, would you mind following me? I have something I want to show you, something you might have seen on your first night here.”

   More than a little curious, Leona followed the doctor over to a corner of the room. Waiting for them there was a cart full of what first appeared to be potted plants. As Leona grew closer, she began to recognize the more bizarre features of the flora, such as their puffy lips and pair of hefty breasts. Unable to keep her eyes off of the drool leaking from the plant’s mouth, her desires were momentarily put on hold by a soft tug on her hair by the doctor.

   “We call these succ plants,” the doctor explained, holding one of them up to Leona. “They were another endeavor in trying to increase pleasure. They’re nearly ready for mass production, but we want to give them a test run. I don’t suppose you would be willing to be one of the first to try it?”

   Without any hesitation, Leona rapidly nodded her head. Placing the succ plant on the floor, Dr. Teld stood back to watch as she trotted up to it. Sliding her cock into the plant’s waiting mouth, her entire body shuddered as it got to work servicing her. She had experienced many other sets of lips embracing her manhood before, but never had they been so desperate to pull out every last drop. Even after her typical morning ritual, the plant managed to come away with a massive load of semen for its troubles.

   The resulting moan echoing from Leona’s lips were more than enough to get a group of curious dorses to make their way towards the plants. In turn, a group of researchers were standing nearby to give every one of them a turn to try out the product. Yet again, cries of euphoria could be heard coming from the creatures as each of them let the plants service their cocks.

   Seizing the opportunity at hand, Leona made her way through the crowd in search of a free hole to use. While her intention had been to find an unused plant, she instead licked her lips at the sight of the red headed dorse making liberal use of the flora’s abilities. Galloping her way to her frequent partner, she heard no complaints as she climbed a top it to begin fucking their ass. Hearing moans of ecstasy coming from the beast that was just as depraved as her, Leona let herself completely indulge in her libido.

   While Leona and the rest of the dorses preoccupied themselves with their new toys, Dr. Teld rapidly wrote down on a notepad. Just as he had hoped, the output of the dorses’ semen had increased tenfold ever since Leona had been introduced. Whether it was something special about her musk or the potency of her cum, she was seen as the ticket to bringing his plan to fruition. Hidden behind the hazmat’s visor, he hazarded to put on a wide grin at the thought of the day he would have enough of the tainted semen to unleash a plague of dorses upon the entire world.


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