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Prompt: Male into female humanoid basketball.

   “I’m the magic basketball fairy!” claimed the talking basketball with cartoony eyes as Benjamin looked at it. “Merely speak your basketball-related wish and it shall be granted.”

   Having struggled to get on his college team for the longest time, Benjamin went along with the odd situation and spoke his wish. Upon hearing his request, the fairy stuck out her tongue to let a spark of energy hit his body. Feeling the magic course through his veins, he watched in anticipation to see what kind of shape he would take to make him the perfect addition to the team.

   Benjamin’s optimism came to a screeching halt as he watched his skin become a dull orange color that was separated by white lines. The change to his body was more than just color as every inch of him was covered in miniscule bumps. Sliding his hand across the harsh texture, he instantly recognized it as the same material used in basketballs. Though he wanted to ask the fairy what exactly she was thinking, he was stopped by a softer voice leaving his throat to go along with his other changes.

   Though he lost the definition in his muscles, they were made up for a set of breasts pushing out his top. Swinging back his elongated hair to gaze at the basketball-sized boobs had the unintended effect of wobbling about his equally prominent bubble butt within the confines of his short shorts. Through this constant jiggling, he was able to discern that the changes had affected his groin as well to complete his transformation into a humanoid basketball girl.

   “That should do it,” the fairy proudly proclaimed. “Now you’ll be a shoe in for the girls’ basketball team. Or at the very least, their new mascot.”


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