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Prompt: (Female Cock TF) https://twitter.com/Revengean/status/1620072136357601280/photo/3

   As much as Winifred wanted to study for finals in peace, her fellow senior Varu wasn’t making it easy. Varu had found out about Winifred’s active sex life and was more than willing to use it as a basis to toss insults to make herself feel superior. While Winifred was more than capable of defending her freedom to be with whoever she wanted, it was upon Varu making an offhand comment about spouting out cum from all the guys she’d been with that Winifred decided a more drastic solution would be necessary.

   A wave of Winifred’s fingers was all it took for the curse to find its mark. Varu’s childish name calling became interrupted by a series of hacking coughs. Though the popular girls entourage tried to help, they were pushed back as something flung past her lips. They were only given a moment to recognize the sticky substance as semen before their attention was drawn to a more bizarre sight.

   Varu’s breasts and butt rapidly swelled up into massive spheres to rip apart her uniform and send her toppling to the ground. Sucking up most of her mass in the process, her curves began to merge together to make everything below her shoulders into a pair of beanbag-char sized orbs. Varu got a better perspective on her transformed state as her neck stretched out several feet to tower above her original body. Coughing out more cum as she tried to call for help, her words became further muffled by her cheeks filling up to make her head resemble the very thing she had accused Winifred of enjoying too much of.

   Winifred couldn’t help but laugh as the living cock uselessly flailed her arms around. In a matter of seconds a massive puddle of the sticky residue had surrounded the person-sized dick to splash with each wobble of her swollen testicles. Watching the other students run off to call for help, Winifred calmly sat back down in her seat to continue studying for her next test in relative peace.


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