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WARNING THE FULL STORY WILL CONTAIN: Female Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting), IQ Loss, and Sexual Content

   The usual relief Phoebe felt after surviving the work week was nowhere to be found as she stepped inside of her apartment. Knowing what the weekend entailed, she begrudgingly got out of her work uniform to change into a pair of pajama pants and an old shirt she wouldn’t mind missing. Undoing the tie keeping her shoulder length, black hair in place was her way of getting herself ready to try and throw away her typical manners in favor of indulging in her partner’s more peculiar interests.

   Waiting for Phoebe in the living room was her boyfriend, Landon. Like her, he had prepared for the weekend’s activities by adorning himself in a t-shirt and pair of pants that he wouldn’t worry about getting dirty. Though he could tell that she was nervous about what he had planned, he couldn’t have been happier. Hoping to get a laugh to ease her nerves, he approached her with a smile as he flamboyantly flung his fingers through his short, black hair.

   “So, are you ready for the big show?” Landon asked.

   “Not really,” Phoebe replied, glancing away from her boyfriend to stare at the ominous, black box sitting on the coffee table.

    Putting on a more empathetic expression, Landon walked forward to place his hand on her shoulder. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I’ve gotten by so far with pictures and stories on the internet for this long. Getting to experience it in real life isn’t worth making you do something we’ll both regret.”

   Phoebe shook her head. “A deal is a deal.” Acknowledging Landon’s concern, she tried to put on a small smile. “Besides, it’s only fair since you won the coin toss. I’ll have my turn with you next weekend.”

   “Heh, heh, yeah,” he replied, nervously scratching the back of his head. “Wait right here, I’ll get it out for you.”

   Excitement overriding any fears that Phoebe would completely reject him, Landon opened up the box and picked out what was inside. The black collar looked normal enough, with a intricate pattern woven into the fabric to make it extra eye catching, However, the offsetting part was the metal protrusion in the center that was directly connected to the remote in Landon’s other hand.

   “So, this is it?” Phoebe asked as she was handed the collar.

   “Should be considering the price tag,” Landon said as he looked over the control. “The collar is supposed to have the ability to change a person’s body to meet whatever desires they want. They’re usually a lot more expensive, but I was fortunate enough to find one at a discount that had our specific specifications in mind.”

   “That’s…strangely convenient,” she commented.

   “Well, apparently it’s second hand. Another couple used it so much that the setting was stuck on one specific set of features. Thankfully enough, they just so happened to have the same kinks as me.”

   “There are more people into…this?” Phoebe asked.

   “Are you really surprised?” Landon replied as he continued to fiddle with the controller. “We live in a modern age where people from across the world can talk to one another. Statistically you’re bound to find someone with the same interests.”

   “Yeah, but…I didn’t think it would be for this,” she said, tapping her fingers along the side of the collar.

   “You can still back out if you want,” Landon said. “It’s not too late.”

   Taking a deep breath, Phoebe put the collar on. “I’m ready when you are,” she said, putting on a small smile to try and ease her boyfriend’s concerns.

   “Then here goes nothing,” he replied, hitting a button to activate the collar.

   For a few seconds the couple stood and waited for something to happen. Though Phoebe attempted to breath a sigh of relief from the assumption that the collar didn’t work, her calmed state didn’t last for long. Ominous groans began to emanate from her belly, coming alongside a pressure that continued to build. Hearing the noise grow louder, Landon stared intently at her and the small bulge forming around her mid-section. Upon Phoebe pressing her hand up against the protrusion, the gurgling noise gave way to a small burp escaping her lips.

   “I think its working,” Landon said, unflinchingly stepping through the belch.

   “Is this really what you UUURRRP want?” Phoebe asked, rubbing her hand against her gut to try and ease the pressure. “This is so BWOOOOOOOORRRRPPP disgusting.”

   “Better get used to it,” Landon commented. “This is just the beginning. If you wanted to stop now you could-“

   “BOOOOUUUURRRPP no,” she belched back. “A promise is a promise. I’m going to UURRP see this through.”

   “Then, would you mind if I touch your belly?”

   Phoebe opened up her mouth to protest, only to be interrupted by another belch. Mumbling to herself asking why she had agreed to this, she nodded her head. Graciously accepting her invitation, Landon got down on his knees to press his hand against her gut. Softly pressing his fingers into the swollen sphere forced out more burps from her mouth. Perhaps getting a little to excited over getting to experience this for real, he pushed his head against her stomach. The sudden press pushed out another gas bubble, this time in the form of a squeaky fart from her rear.

   “Ugh, that reeks,” Phoebe said as she pinched her nose. “It’s smell like a…a…that square thing.”

   “You mean a trash can?”

   “Yeah, that’s BOOOURRRP it,” she belched out. “I think this gas is getting to me.”

   “Maybe you should sit down for a bit,” Landon suggested as he guided her over to the couch.

   “You’re probably right,” she replied, taking her seat, and wincing as another fart rippled out.

   “Sit tight here, I’ll be right back with a little treat,” Landon said before rushing into the kitchen.


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