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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Yellow Pearl (Steven Universe) Weight Gain

In an effort to one up her sisters, Yellow Diamond fattens up her Pearl into an immobile blob obsessed with stuffing her face.

This story was for an anonymous commissioner.

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Though the Diamond Authority’s entire way of life was based on adhering to their strict rules, there were moments where boredom could have a drastic effect on their culture. In recent times, this took the form of high ranking members of their society modifying their servant Pearls to go along with a radical trend of modification. To say that the recent practice was taboo was an understatement. Even still, that didn’t stop the gems from seeing how far they could go to fatten up their Pearls to see who could claim to have the largest one.

   Yellow Diamond at first was able to resist the petty nature of this contest. After all, she saw little reason to modify Yellow Pearl considering her servant’s lithe body and refined movements made her perfect for fulfilling any task given to her. This lasted up until the phenomenon spread to the other Diamonds.

   Always one to want to stand above the others, White Diamond had showed little restraint in fattening up her Pearl. The formerly reserved Pearl seemed all too eager to show off the new fat rolls contained by her black and grey outfit, alongside the skirt that curtained her sizable backside. Blue Diamond wasn’t much help either, finding comfort in the act of spending hours stuffing food into her Pearl to make her chubby cheeks further push up her locks of blue hair.

   Having to accept this as just something she would have to deal with, Yellow Diamond summoned her Pearl to her chambers. Standing at attention, Yellow Pearl looked as pristine as ever with her hair styled into a sharp point to match her triangle-shaped nose. Ruffling the frills around her shoulder, Yellow Pearl made the appropriate greeting towards her master and prepared herself to fulfill any order that would be given to her.

   When Yellow Diamond explained what she intended to do to her, Yellow Pearl stumbled for a moment. Though the behavior was curious, Yellow Pearl managed to recover with her usual obedience, pledging to do whatever it took to raise her Diamond’s status. Once more satisfied with her subject’s loyalty, Yellow Diamond began to make the necessary preparations.

   While White and Blue had seen fit to fatten up their Pearls with whatever supplements they could find, Yellow was inclined to take a more scientific approach. From what she had seen from images of Earth, the humans had a knack for creating foods that were perfect for increasing one’s size. Getting in contact with the Human Zoo, she managed to work alongside Holly Blue Agate to create the necessary meals for her purposes.

   Spreading out the feast in her chambers, Yellow Diamond took her place on her throne and ordered Yellow Pearl to begin eating. Looking away from her superior, Pearl cast her gaze across the doughnuts, cakes, and other baked goods that had come in the first batch. Not needing any food to sustain themselves, Yellow Diamond assumed that it would take some time for her Pearl to mentally prepare for the strange sensation of digestion.

   Yellow Diamond’s eyes went wide as she watched her Pearl dutifully begin to scarf down the pastries. Though there was a bit of hesitation between some of the courses, her servant shoved the massive amount of food down her throat in an astoundingly short amount of time. Upon finishing up the last few crumbs of the meal, Yellow Pearl stood at attention to salute her leader. Glancing at the sizable potbelly left behind from the feast, Yellow Diamond put on a small smile while she praised her Pearl on her performance.

   Every few days Yellow Diamond would provide another feast for Yellow Pearl to consume. Each time she would pick a different variety of Earth delicacies to keep things varied. No matter if it was a collection of fresh produce or plates of juicy meat, Yellow Pearl would devour it without question. After all, it was all in service of raising her Diamond’s renown.

   After several stuffing sessions, the effects of the constant binging had taken its toll on Yellow Pearl’s body. The leotard adorning her body was pushed to its limits to contain the bundles of chub around her mid-section. Her pudgy arms worked alongside her developing breasts to further strain the attire. Though she had to stop a few of her tasks on occasion to pull the material out from betwixt her chubby rear, Yellow Pearl was always ready to accept another meal to continue pleasing her master. As impressive as her body’s progress was as it surpassed 200 pounds, it was far from Yellow Diamond’s final goal.

   Still having to hear her sisters drone on about the sheer girth of their own Pearls, Yellow Diamond decided to start increasing the portion sizes of the feeding sessions. Walking into the throne room one day to see a wide spread of food stuffs that was triple the usual amount, Yellow Pearl looked towards her Diamond for an explanation. Reiterating her need to see results, Yellow Diamond merely gestured towards the spread with the command to eat.

   Yet again, Yellow Pearl showed no signs of hesitation as she dug into her meal. It was over the course of this feast that Yellow Diamond hazarded to approach the table to check on her Pearl’s progress. This closer examination gave her a chance to see the ravenous way Yellow Pearl shoved every morsel down her throat. She thoroughly ate everything given to her, dragging her tongue across the platters to ensure that not a single bit of food was wasted. Diamond had assumed that this was just her Pearl trying to appease her, but there was a certain fire in the gem’s eyes that made it appear that she was driven by something else. Something quite unbecoming of a Pearl.

   Yellow Diamond didn’t have a chance to further study this phenomenon as her Pearl quickly ate up the rest of the feast. Trying to take up her usual pose, the grace and poise Yellow Pearl typically showed off was besmirched by the leftover stains clinging to her lips and the crumbs scattered across her outfit. Though Yellow Diamond wanted to reprimand her, she was aware that it was all caused by her own orders. Thanking her servant for her loyalty, Yellow Diamond began to make the necessary preparations to continue the process and further look into this new sensation.

   The larger meals became more frequent as time went on, sometimes as often as twice in a single day. During these extravagant meals, Yellow Diamond made sure to keep an eye on the way her Pearl devoured everything in front of her. It took a few sessions to figure it out, but it was clear that these constant feeding sessions had awakened something inside of the once reserved gem. There was an idea that it was simply a hunger brought about by a need to contain the massive amount of food presented to her, but something still felt off. By the time Yellow Diamond began to ponder if her Pearl actually enjoyed stuffing herself, they had already gone far past the point of no return.

   Yellow Pearl had easily increased her weight five times over her original form with the aid of the constant feasts, leaving her at a staggering 500 pounds. This growth was most prominently seen in the doubled-over belly that jiggled within the confines of her sized up leotard with every stomp of her bulky legs. Forced to waddle as she went about her daily tasks left the Pearl with a constant wedgie lodged within the confines of her thick butt cheeks. Watching her servant shuffle through the halls, jiggling about the massive sacks of flesh that were her swollen breasts, Yellow Diamond pondered if she had taken things too far. Any concerns she had were typically dismissed by seeing the smile on Yellow Pearl’s chubby face as she received praise for her progress.

   In time, Yellow Diamond’s Pearl managed to succeed in becoming the largest one on home world. There was even a meeting where the other Diamonds had to relent in admitting that Yellow Diamond’s servant far outsized their own. Given a chance to see the various Pearls gathered together, it was clear that Yellow Pearl had managed to just barely outsize them by about 50 pounds or so. Though this should have been more than enough to end the contest and satisfy Yellow Diamond, that didn’t stop her from noticing the lingering hunger in her Pearl’s eyes that aligned with her own desire to ensure she would keep her lead for a long time to come.

   Looking back over the methods to fatten up her Pearl, Yellow Diamond decided to take on a more extreme measure she had at first written off as too bizarre. Considering the unusual method she had come up with, she went against typical protocol and didn’t command Yellow Pearl to perform the task. Rather, she asked outright if she would be willing to continue gaining and growing for her. Despite being declared the victor in the contest and her dwindling ability to perform her every day duties, Yellow Pearl bowed towards her Diamond to eagerly express her desire to continue.

   Between the typical feasts, Yellow Diamond and her Pearl began to partake in a more radical method of increasing the obese servant’s weight. Creating a liquid slurry of the various meals, Yellow Diamond would have it pumped through a long hose directly into her servant’s waiting maw. The Pearl wasted little time sucking down every drop, the look of pure euphoria on her face as her belly swelled to contain the torrent of nourishment sparking something in Yellow Diamond. It was a feeling that that had been lying dormant ever since she had first seen her Pearl stuff herself. Rather than fight against it, she increased the speed of the machine to further delve into this new fascination.

   The tube feeding sessions became a frequent activity between Yellow Pearl’s typical feasts. Even more of these liquid meals were distributed as the Pearl’s ability to perform her daily tasks became hindered by the staggering amount of weight that piled onto her once lithe body. Thankfully for her, Yellow Diamond had come up with a way to retain her mobility while simultaneously showing off her achievement to anyone that passed her in the palace.

   A chair in the shape of a hollowed-out egg kept Yellow Pearl’s elephantine rear aloft as it floated through the halls. Though the device was more than capable of carrying her over 1000 pounds of flesh, it also showed off the impressive sight of the enormous gut sunk between her immobile, blubbery legs. Resting atop her belly was a platter of food to keep her fed outside of her scheduled feeding times. As she used her plump fingers to shove the snacks into her face, her exposed, bare breasts used their massive heft and spherical shape to catch anything that missed her lips.

   Day after day Yellow Diamond would watch her Pearl float through the halls in this manner, unworrying of her lack of decency. Rather than disgust, any gems that met the plump Pearl were eager to come up to her to compliment her loyalty and get a squeeze of her various folds. These moments left Yellow Pearl to bask in her new status as her Diamond’s prized possession, more than eager to show off every inch of her blubbery self.  It was clear now more than ever that over the course of her weight gain she had acquired an obsession with growing and gorging nonstop. Even knowing that this was far from proper behavior for a Pearl, Yellow Diamond couldn’t bring herself to reprimand her.

   During one of Yellow Pearl’s feeding sessions, her Diamond kept her eyes trained on a trickle of the liquid feast that dripped down her servant’s body. Watching the drops cascade down her fat rolls to seep into her belly button, Yellow Diamond’s mind became wracked not with guilt, but with her own strange desire. Clenching her fingers into the armrest of her chair, she ordered Pearl to stop. Assuring her servant that she had done a fine job for the day to ease her worries, Yellow Diamond place another platter of snacks on her engorged chest before sending her out of the room.

   Left by herself, Yellow Diamond made her way over to the feeding machine. Picking up the end of the nozzle, she lifted it up to her face. Watching as the last few droplets from the feeding session spilt onto the floor, she couldn’t help wondering why her Pearl had become so obsessed with fattening up.

   Under the guise of figuring things out for herself, Yellow Diamond placed the tube in her mouth and turned the machine back on. It was only upon the liquid hitting her tongue and sliding down her throat did she realize her mistake. Recognizing her own innate desire to gorge herself, Yellow Diamond allowed herself to drink deeply from the machine, starting her down the path to copy her loyal servant’s pudgy proportions and insatiable hunger. In the end, she would become just like her Pearl: a mass of flab obsessed with eating for the sake of earning the admiration of those around her.


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