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Prompt: Link, (BotW,) is marked by an ancient spirit to bring bounty and great harvests to every region he visits. After discovering this, the people of Gerudo Town decide the best way to keep him there is to render the adorable femboy too fat to move.

   When Link exited the temple of harvests, he wasn’t exactly sure what the gift the spirit had given him was supposed to do. That was until one of his trips to Gerudo Town triggered an unheard of level of prosperity with the town’s crops. Upon learning of his special skills, Lady Riju asked if he would be willing to stay for a while to bolster their harvest for the harsh summer months. While Link was more than eager to accept, it was done under the idea that it would only be a short time. Unfortunately, things didn’t go exactly as he had planned.

   Being the main cause for the town’s abundance of fresh fruit, Link was in a constant state of feasting as the woman carried in food to thank him for his gift. Unwilling to say no, he happily accepted everything that was given to him. Blinded by his own need to graciously accept their generosity and growing appetite, he failed to see the side effects of Lady Riju’s plan until it was too late.

   It had been three months since Link was supposed to have left, but he was still located in a special chamber in the palace. This room was adorned with bowls of fruit and pillows to keep him in a constant state of comfort. All of this was necessary to facilitate the hundreds of pounds of flesh that ensured he would be around to continue spreading his gift through the region.

   The enormous amount of food that had been shoved into Link’s chubby cheeks had turned his once skinny form into a massive blob of flesh. Though the Gerudo had been kind enough to give him some shawls to cover him up, they barely hid his thick ass cheeks and meaty man boobs. With his boulder-like gut sunk between his legs, there was little hope of him moving from his spot without the help of several Gerudo warriors. Not that he was in any hurry to leave, especially considering how easy it was to get him to open up his mouth to eagerly accept whatever delicious food was given to him.


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