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Prompt: (Female Humanoid Slushie Machine TF) https://www.deviantart.com/2b-labs/art/Refreshing-752017270

   “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Evie’s manager asked, holding out a small cup of blue raspberry slushie.

   “More than ready,” she replied, a grin on her face as she graciously accepted the cup. “This isn’t my first time working for the Slushie Shack.”

   Downing the drink and handing it back to her manager, Evie gave herself to the shivers affecting her body. The tremors brought with it a change in form that replaced her flesh and bones with a plastic material that could be seen right through. Too busy sliding her fingers against her solid hair, she moved a little too slow to remove her bikini top before her breasts began to expand. Swelling into nearly perfect spheres, her boobs popped off the swimsuit to reveal a pair of nozzles where her nipples had been moments before.

   While at this point most people would be understandably freaked out, Evie eagerly accepted a hose from her manager and stuck it in her mouth. Her clear body began to fill with a mixture of blue raspberry slushie. Taking a glance at a hand mirror to watch her clear eyes become a deep blue from the mixture, she pulled the hose out of her mouth and grabbed what needed to begin her shift.

   Walking out onto the beach with a fanny pack of supplies hanging off of her hip, Evie started to shout out if anyone wanted to buy a slushie. There was the expected response of people staring in wonder at her strange form, only the locals and return visitors ever having seen the Slushie Shack’s unique form of business. Eventually though a young man was bold enough to approach with cash in hand.

   Happily accepting the man’s money, Evie pulled out a drink cup and placed it underneath one of her nipple nozzles. Opening up the faucet, she let out a soft cooing noise as the slushie began to pour out from her breasts. Shutting off the flow once the cup had been filled, she placed a top on it, stuck in a straw, and handed it over to the man.  A single sip of the sweet mixture was more than enough to overpower any feelings of awkwardness both he and the other beach goers had about her body. Seeing the line up of people walking over to buy a refreshing treat, Evie put on a friendly smile, more than content to fulfill her duty as a living slushie machine.


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