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Prompt: During an encounter with a unique dragon, an adventure has his stats drained and his body fattened as the creature shapes him into a pet kobold blob.

   Tales of dragons’ legendary fury did little to stop Ethemus from delving into the forest cavern to claim the glory of defeating the scaly creature. He had taken on his fair share of monsters before, having gained quite the reputation himself during his career as a seasoned adventurer. Ego getting the better of his judgement is what led him to upon seeing the dragon, to run sword first towards its emerald green body with the intent of slaying it.

   “Awww, how cute,” the dragon said, freezing the adventurer in his tracks with a snap of their fingers. “Been awhile since I’ve had a toy to play with. Hope you don’t mind a little dress up.”

   Another snap of the dragon’s fingers sent a wave of their magic coursing through Ethemus’s body, starting his transformation by shrinking him down to a mere three feet in height. Dropping his weapon as he began to violently shakes, he watched as claws emerged from the tips of his fingers and poked through his leather boots. Scales of similar green coloring as the dragon’s crept along his body, staring from the tip of his newly acquired snout down to his snake-like tail.

   “The kobold spell worked,” the dragon commented, scratching their chin as Ethemus slid his forked tongue against his sharp teeth. “However, I think I have just the thing to make you into my perfect pet.”

   With another snap of their fingers, the dragon once more overflowed the adventurer with magic. The muscles he had spent countless years building were swiftly replaced with pudgy blubber that spread across his form. Through the emergence of his doughty gut, his armor was pushed to its very limit. Upon his pecs turning into a set of sagging man boobs, his torso broke free from his clothing to show off his pudgy figure. The lower half of his outfit was undone by the thick ass cheeks that jostled against his tail as they surged to massive proportions.

   No longer able to hold up his own weight any longer, Ethemus collapsed to the ground with loud thud. Legs uselessly squirming as he continued to degrade into an immobile blob of scaley flesh. As he reached the size of a carriage, the dragon’s influence began to weaken his resolve. With a greatly diminished intellect and wisdom, Ethemus the kobold was now more than ready to fall into the clutches of his adoring master.


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