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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Female Anthro Horse TF and Sexual Content

The usually reserved AJ somehow gets roped into a weekend retreat at a cabin by a mysterious lake. Though she's nervous at first, a quick dip into the enchanted waters is more than enough to give her both a new point of view and a more liberating body to fully enjoy her visit.

This was a commission for 14Doranc on FA featuring their OC, AJ.

Horse icon created by TheMerryWolf: https://twitter.com/TheMerryWolf1 

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   The way the bus shook as it drove through the woods on a dirt road did an excellent job of hiding AJ’s nervous shivering. Glancing out the window to see the trees passing by, she got a good look at her face and her blonde hair tied up into a neat bun. Chewing on her lip, she hazarded to look towards the one-piece, blue swimsuit adorning her lithe body. Despite how conservative the outfit was, even the tiny amount of skin that was shown off was enough to make AJ question why she had agreed to go on the weekend retreat.

   “Hey there.”

   AJ jumped in her seat at the sudden voice. Turning towards the source, she was relieved to see it was just a guy with short brown hair wearing a pair of swim trunks. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to freak out like that,” she said as he sat next to her.

   “It’s alright, my fault for sneaking up on you,” he replied, trying to break the tension with a friendly smile. “What’s your name?”

   “Angela Jean, but you can just call me AJ.”

   “Pleasure to meet you,” he said with a wave of his hand. “My name is Allan. Never seen you on this trip before. Are you new?”

   "Yeah, I won this trip from a contest. My friends insisted that I try it out to help me open up a little and meet new people.”

   “Oh, so then you don’t know?”

   “Don’t know about what?” AJ asked back.

   “Well you see, the lake…ah, never mind. Probably better to leave it as a surprise.”

   AJ tapped her fingers against the seat in front of her. “What do you mean?”

   “You’ll find out when we get there I promise,” he replied with a sly smile. “We still have a way to go. Hopefully we arrive before the sun sets. Feel free to take a nap if you’d like. You look a little tired.”

   “Sorry. I accidentally stayed up late last night.”

   “Nothing to apologize for. So, what kept you up?”

   AJ opened up her mouth to reply, only to stop before a word could leave her mouth. Turning her head away from Allan, she finally responded. “Just some, um, indigestion. That’s it.”

   “Well I hope it passes by the time we get to the lake,” Allan replied, getting up from the seat. “I’ll give you some privacy if you want to rest up. You’re going to need the energy for tonight.”

   With Allan gone, AJ turned back towards the window to think over the actual reason she had stayed up. It had been a strange dream to say the least, featuring a world filled with anthropomorphic horse people. However, the part she focused on specifically was the equine version of herself that brimmed with a confidence she could only wish for. This other self was a world famous porn star that reveled in the adoration of her fans and lovers. While AJ could never see herself being such an outrageous creature, there was a part of her that pined to have even just a fraction of that horse woman’s ambition.

   The bus stopped at the side of lake near a sizable cabin just as the sun was beginning to set. Stepping out of the vehicle with the rest of the group to stand in the twilit wilderness, AJ waited for the coordinator to take up her position. Clearing her throat, the woman got the group’s attention with a whistle and a flourish of her red hair.

   “Hello everyone and welcome to the Enchanted Lake Retreat,” the woman began. “My name is Brie and I’ll be leading you through the activities. That being said, anyone who’s been here before should know that there isn’t any solid itinerary. For the new members among us, just have fun. I promise that by the end of the trip, you’ll feel brand new.”

   Pausing to allow the group to let out an applause, Brie once more whistled to get their attention. “The staff will take your bags into the cabin. For now though, let’s jump right in and head on board the yacht to start this weekend off right.”

   Following after the others, AJ walked up the gangplank and boarded the boat. While the rest of the group passed the time talking amongst themselves, she was finding it hard to build up the courage to even interact with any of them. All of them seemed so confident and friendly with one another. To her, these were all complete strangers that had probably been doing this for years. Secluding herself to an empty corner of the deck, she spent the next few minutes trying to deal with how out of place she felt amongst the group.

   AJ’s doubts were put on hold as the boat came to a stop in the middle of the lake. Peeking up her head to check on the rest of the party, she noticed that everyone was making their way over to the yacht’s bow. Curious, she started walking forwards to see what was going on. Though her intention was to try and get a good look from the back, someone grabbed her by the arm and pushed her through the crowd towards the front. Stopping with only a young man and woman standing between her and the edge of the boat, she looked past them to see a diving board hanging over the water’s edge.

   “Okay everyone, the time has come!” Brie announced. “Please step up to the board and remember to take a deep breath before jumping in. This may be a magical lake, but that doesn’t mean you should be reckless around the water.”

   More than a little confused by Brie’s choice of words, AJ watched as the couple in front of her clasped their hands together and walked towards the edge of the board. Sucking in mouthfuls of air, the pair took the leap into the water. A huge splash rose above the deck to nearly drench AJ in the process. After the initial dive, it was a few seconds before she heard anything else. Just as she considered calling out for help, her ears picked up something that sounded like farm animals coming from below.

   Inching her way across the diving board, AJ peeked over to see two things floating across the water’s surface. As she got a good look at pair, she couldn’t help letting out a huge gasp. These things weren’t human, yet the couple couldn’t have looked happier. Watching the transformed man and woman embrace each other, AJ only had a moment to gawk at the strange phenomenon before a misstep sent her tumbling into the water.

   Moments before AJ dove beneath the surface, she managed to grab a quick mouthful of air. The small breath helped to calm her down as she sunk deeper and deeper into the lake. Upon feeling her feet touch the bottom, she immediately turned her head towards the light shining down from above.

   On instinct AJ began to swim back towards the surface. The higher she rose up, the more she felt a tingling sensation spread over her body. She thought little of it at first, more concerned with filling her lungs with fresh air. However, she was forced to stop as she waved her arm in front of her face and saw something that shouldn’t have been there.

   Stopping a few feet away from breaching the water, she brought her arm over to her face and let out a gasp as she saw the thin layer of yellow fur creeping up her fingers and over her wrist. As the hairs reached her elbow, they took on splotches of black that looked similar to the pattern on a giraffe. Reaching out an attempt to brush away the follicles with her other hand, she was stopped again as she noticed that it was going through a similar transformation.

   Now more than ever AJ wanted to get out of the lake. Aiming her head back towards the surface, her view of the boat was blocked as her face elongated into a long muzzle. Sliding her fingers across her elongated face and feeling the wide nostrils, she tried to figure what she was becoming. It was upon the feeling of her ears sliding up to the peak of her head did she get an inkling of what was going on with her body.

   The panic AJ felt was overcome by another sensation as the fur spread itself across her chest. Her heart began to beat faster and faster, her legs waving in the water like crazy and swishing about the pair of hooves that had replaced her feet. As this feeling reached its peak, the fear she felt beforehand was replaced with a different emotion: euphoria.

   A moan bubbled out of AJ’s lips as her fingers began to explore her body. First reaching for her chest, her hand grazed across the thin hairs lining her skin just in time to feel her bosom start to expand. In the process of tripling in size, her breasts popped right out of her swimsuit to freely jostle about in the water. Leaving one hand to tease her exposed nipples, the other moved further down her body. Though she spent a few moments toying with the long, blonde hairs making up her tail, her attention was inevitably drawn towards her backside. Placing her palms against her butt cheeks, she reveled in the moment that they tore through what remained of her suit to fill up her hands. Tossing away the remnants of her swimsuit, she allowed herself to fully enjoy her new figures. Squeezing and groping her new curves, she nearly lost herself to the sheer pleasure of touching her exposed hide.

   The need to breathe ultimately forced AJ to turn her attention back towards finding air. Though it was a little awkward trying to swim with hooved feet, she managed to make her way back to the boat. Breaching the surface and taking a deep breath, she swung about her mane of blond hair that had fallen into her face to find a nearby ladder on the side of the yacht. Climbing up to the deck, she was helped back onto solid ground by a kind stranger grasping her wrist and pulling her in.

   Tumbling onto the boat, AJ tilted up her head to get a good look at her helper. She paused as her eyes beheld a horse man standing before her. His tight muscles and broad shoulders were covered in chestnut brown fur, with a white line going down the front of his face. Inevitably her attention was drawn to glance at the sizable member hanging freely between his legs, that came with an equally impressive set of heavy testicles. Common decency forced her to look away from the horse man’s flared tip to look at his equine head once more. Though the face was foreign, the eyes seemed to be familiar to her.

   “Allan, is that you?” AJ asked.

   “Yup, that’s me,” he replied, taking the opportunity to flex his muscles as he stomped his hooved feet against the deck.

   “You look…amazing.”

   “Thanks,” he replied, flourishing his dark brown mane. “You’re not half bad yourself.”

   A slight blush ran across AJ’s cheeks. “Um, thank you.”

   In the process of looking away to hide the redness on her face, AJ got to watch as more people jumped off of the diving board and into the lake. After a few seconds of bathing in the water, they would climb up the same ladder to reveal that they had gone through the same transformation. Despite the strange appearances and the fact that they were completely nude, the group of horse people showed no hesitation in mingling with one another. Some were even so bold as to fall into each other’s arms to get a better feel for their bodies’ features.

   AJ herself couldn’t stop watching the mares and stallions go about their frolicking. Chewing on her bottom lip, she could feel a warmth in her body that tried to take hold of her. A desire to join the others in exploring her new body began to fill her thoughts. She was stopped only by Allan stepping in front of her with a look of concern on his face.

   “Are you feeling alright?” Allan asked.

   “Yeah, just a little disoriented,” she replied. “How is something like this even possible?”

   Allan paused to scratch his chin. “Brie explained it last time I was here, but it was kind of complicated. Something about an ancient horse spirit blessing the lake with their magic. Regardless of the reason, the outcome is that whoever jumps in the water comes back up like this.”

   “And everyone is okay with that?”

   “Yeah,” Allan said, giving AJ a good look at his tight butt and dark brown tail as he walked over to the side. “That’s the whole reason we keep coming back here. The feeling of freedom these bodies allow is unparalleled. Don’t you think?”

   “It is…pretty amazing,” AJ admitted, glancing back down to admire her curves. “What do we do now?”

   Allan gestured for her to join him at the edge of the boat. “Aside from meeting up for meals in the cabin’s kitchen, we’re free to do whatever we want. Did you have anything in mind?”

   “I’ll get back to you on that,” AJ said, clopping over to him and leaning over the side to let the water’s reflection give herself a good look at her new body.

   So lost in admiring herself, AJ failed to notice the yacht drifting across the lake until it came ashore. Lifting up her head, she watched as each of the guests made their way over to the cabin. Following close behind, she more than once ended up bumping her expanded curves into the others. Each slight brush filled her with a spark of pleasure that harkened back to her transformation in the lake. Considering the excited looks she received in return, she had to assume that everyone else was feeling the same way.

   Managing to get everyone into the cabin just as night fell, the group spread about the building for an impromptu party. A feast of vegetables awaited them in the kitchen area, providing something for them to nibble on as they interacted with one another. Though the bottom floor seemed to be exclusively for casual talking, it was hard for AJ to ignore what was going on in the bedrooms upstairs.

   Every so often AJ would watch as two or more horse people would climb up the stairs and out of sight. Moments later, she would hear the thumping of hooves and muffled whinnies coming from above her head. Her ears twitched at every far off moan, igniting the same desire in her own chest to put her new body to good use. Making her way through the party, she eventually managed to find Allan mulling about the eating area. Watching him chew on a carrot, she summoned up her courage and approached.

   “Allan,” AJ said, pushing past her lingering sense of shyness to say what was on her mind. “Would you…like to go upstairs with me?”

   The stallion replied with a sly grin. “I thought you’d never ask.”

   Taking her hand in his, Allan began to lead AJ up the stairs. Feeling her heart rapidly beat in her chest, AJ wasn’t exactly sure why she was doing this. In the end, what pushed her to enter the room with the stallion was a mix of curiosity and the desires she had been holding back far before every arriving to the lake.

   “So, how would you like to start?” Allan asked, closing the door behind them as he gestured towards the bed. “If you’d like, you can sit on the edge of the bed and I can ease you into what your new body feels like.”

   AJ shook her head. Pressing her body against his, she reached down to let her fingers grasp his manhood. “No, I want to take care of you first,” she said, showing off a mischievous smile as she gently stroked his length. “You’ve already been so kind to me despite having just met. Allow me to return the favor.”

   Only able to nod in agreement in the wake of her boldness, Allan stomped his way over the bed and sat down. Getting down on her knees in front of him, AJ resumed groping his genitals to get a good idea of her task. Despite the intimidating size, there seemed to be an innate instinct inside of her that pushed her to keep going. Cradling his shaft between her breasts, she licked her lips before leaning forward to wrap her mouth around his tip.

   AJ had never done anything like this before, but neither she nor Allan would know that judging by the way she handled his cock. The soft embrace of her tits combined with the bobbing of her head were more than enough to force a collection of horse-like whinnies from her partner. Her tongue dragged along the length of his shaft, pushing out a few droplets of his seed to spill down her throat. Enamored with the taste and sheer depravity of what she was doing, she continued to gradually up her speed in response to the stallion’s shivering body.

   For her efforts, AJ was rewarded with the sound of a loud neigh leaving Allan’s lips. The moan preceded a wad of semen coming forth to fill her mouth. Though it was a sizable amount, she still managed to swallow up every last drop. Reveling in the bitter flavor, she dragged her tongue across his member to clean it off before tilting her head up to look into his eyes.

   “How did I do?” AJ asked, enjoying the lingering expression of ecstasy on his face.

   “Amazing,” Allan replied, taking in deep breaths. “Alright, your turn.”

   Getting back to her feet, AJ slid her bosom across Allan’s chest as she stood up. Meeting him face to face, she leaned forward to peck his cheek with a soft kiss. Smiling at the way his tail shook from the small sign of affection, she took him by the hand to guide him onto the floor. Taking her place on the edge of the bed, she watched as he got down onto his knees and into position. Holding onto her thighs, he waited until she gave a nod of her head before he dove in.

   AJ sunk her fingers into the sheets as Allan set to work putting his lips to good use. The once reserved woman showed no hesitation in letting her ecstasy show in the form of her euphoric moans. The drag of her partner’s tongue across her labia made her stomp her hooves into the floor. As he began to focus on her clit, she tried to hold on for as long as possible. When her orgasm did come, it was accompanied with a loud whinny from her mouth as her body shivered in ecstasy.

   Falling back onto the bed, AJ tried to compose herself. Watching as Allan pulled away to find something to clean his face, she let herself bask in her lingering euphoria. This state of pleasure made it take a moment for her to hear someone at the door.

   AJ’s mind became momentarily clear as the door to the bedroom opened up to reveal a bulky figure standing in the entryway. It was another horse man, this one covered in a shade of grey fur with a silver mane to go along with his long tail. Stomping his way into the room, he flared his nostrils as he looked over AJ’s nude body.

   “Looks like someone was lucky tonight,” the new arrival said towards Allan. “Mind if I join you?”

   “Sorry Matt,” Allan spoke up. “She’s new to this place. I don’t think she’s going to want to-“

   “No, he can stay,” AJ spoke up, her eyes more concerned with the new arrival’s genitalia rather than his face. “In fact, I want the both of you right now.”

   “Are you sure about this?”

   Climbing up off the mattress, AJ sauntered her way over to the two stallions. Grabbing their waists, she pulled them in to give them both a chance to feel her curves. “Oh, I’m very serious,” she answered, bring her hands down to feel both of her partners’ rigidness. “Get on the bed. I’ll take it from there.”

   Not hearing a single complaint from the stallions, AJ watched as Allan and Matt climbed up onto the mattress. Crawling onto the bed on all fours, AJ took her sweet time to let them get a good look at her body. This time allowed her to look over their equipment in an effort to decide the best way to use them. She eventually settled on pressing her hindquarters up against Allan’s crotch while her hands pulled Matt in to have his cock rub against her cheek. From there, all she had to do was let instincts take over.

   Matt was the first one to move, holding his dick still to give AJ the opening she needed to swallow up his member. Allan didn’t immediately follow, both he and AJ finding pleasure in the simple sensation of his cock bouncing against her butt cheeks. When he did get around to sliding himself inside of her dripping womanhood, AJ’s response was a neigh that became muffled by the massive horse cock shoved down her throat. With everything in place, all that was needed was a snap of AJ’s finger to push them towards the edge.

   With Matt holding AJ’s shoulders and Allan grabbing her hips, the pair of stallions began to thrust their hips. The room echoed with the sound of moans and flesh slapping together as both of AJ’s partners freely used her body to satiate their needs. AJ herself was content with her ability to satisfy them, reveling in the feeling of pleasure coursing through her veins similar to what she felt in the lake. Digging her hooves into the bed as the stallions tested her limits, she managed to hold on even as her mouth became filled with Matt’s seed. Moments later, a final shove from Allan was enough to make him cum and bring AJ over the edge. With ecstasy overflowing through her body, AJ finally gave in to her desires as she collapsed on the bed to revel in the aftermath of her orgasm.

   As her partners pulled away, AJ was left sprawled out on the mattress. Turning herself over, she placed her hand against her chest as she looked up towards the ceiling. The feeling of liberation she felt with this body was nothing like she had experienced before. It felt as if the lake had changed not only her physical self, but her mind as well. This moment of epiphany was put on hold as a glass of water was held above her head.

   “Here,” Matt said, handing the glass over to AJ. “You’re going to want to stay hydrated otherwise you’ll pass out before the weekend’s up. Trust me, I’ve been there and it’s not fun.”

   “How long will we be like this?” AJ asked as she sipped at her water.

   “The transformation lasts for a few days, afterwards we return to normal,” Allan answered, parching his own throat with another glass.

   Downing the rest of her drink, AJ walked away from her bed to look at herself in a full length mirror. “Then let’s not waste any time,” she said as she admired the look of confidence on her face. “Now come on. I’m still far from being done. I intend to put this body through its paces.”

   “Then we’d be happy to oblige,” Allan answered, watching as the new and improved AJ walked back towards the bed to continue enjoying her one of a kind weekend retreat.


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