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WARNING THE FULL STORY WILL CONTAIN: Female Horse Girl TF, Futa Horse Cock Growth, and Sexual Content

   The dim light of a lantern helped to keep the interior of the rustic barn lit even as the last few rays of sunlight disappeared to give way to night. The flickering flame illuminated the well-worn hay that lined the floor. Stables that used to house all kinds of livestock now were left empty save for pieces of random farming equipment. While there were quite a vast collection of different devices and tools, it was the newest addition that got the brunt of Betsy’s attention.

   It had taken quite a bit of time and patience, but Betsy had finally gotten her hands on a piece of high quality farm equipment. Brushing back her locks of brown hair to reveal her tanned, freckled face, her eyes gleamed over the metal contraption to take in every detail. The muscular arms she had acquired through hours of farm work had proven invaluable in getting the machine the barn and modifying to her liking. Even still, she could feel a slight ache in her toned legs from the sheer effort in moving in and setting up the device known as the Stallion Extractor.

   For such an intimidating name, the machine was merely a horse semen collector. Despite its crude purpose, the extractor was a top of the line model that was a hot ticket item amongst horse breeders. The interior was custom made to be both inviting to any stallion that saw it, alongside having more than enough power to ensure not a single drop was missed. Making her way to the business end of the saddle shaped object, Betsy set her gaze upon the deep hole. Rolling back her sleeve, she reached inside with her arm to feel the various bumps and grooves inside. Satisfied that she was getting her money’s worth, she pulled her arm back and got ready to give the Stallion Extractor a test run.

   While Betsy didn’t have any male horses on standby to put the machine through its paces, what she did have was a vast collection of transformation potions created from her experiences as a shapeshifter. Though she was more than capable of changing her form of her own free will, the particular form she had in mind required absolute control to avoid any unforeseen variables. Even the slightest mistake could lead to her body being twisted into a malformed beast completely unrecognizable from being human. With this danger lingering on her mind, she regardless moved ahead to strip down to her birthday suit.

   Holding the pink liquid up to the light, Betsy’s eyes focused on the swirling black particles that swirled about the mixture. More worried about the taste than the actual dangers, she took out the cork and put the bottle to her lips. Chugging down the potion before she could have a chance to linger on potential risks or the tastes, she put the empty bottle aside and waited. Upon feeling her body begin to shiver, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she let the changes take hold.

   The first thing Betsy felt were her pair of ears migrating towards the top of her head and molding into points covered in a thin layer of fur. Similar hide began to creep its way across her lower half, but never went above her waistline. As the hair reached her feet, they replaced her toes with a set of hooves that clopped around the barn floor. These blind steps let her feel the long hair that made up the newly grown tail that hung right above her butt. These features were a promising start for her transformation into a horse person hybrid, but they were far from her main focus.


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