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Prompt: (Female to Male Face TG TF) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45481347/

   “Testosterone Face Toner” was plastered all across the container of face cream, making Charlotte wonder how she had accidentally picked it up. The unassuming bottle certainly had the same extreme price tag as her usual cosmetics, leading her to believe it was just as potent. Curious to test out the new product, she twisted off the cap and began to apply the cream to her face.

   Finished rubbing the cream into her face, Charlotte stared at her reflection to try and detect any differences. Though she didn’t notice anything at first, she got her first big clue as her vision became obscured by her locks of hair beginning to fall out in front of her face. Already freaking out at the loss of her luscious follicles, the emergence of her more prominent nose and rugged chin took a moment for her to register. Not content with just taking away the strands from her scalp, the cream also removed her eyebrows to make way for her jutting forehead that appeared to shape her face into a permanent scowl.

   Terrified by the masculine shout that left her lips, Charlotte stepped back from her reflection to get a better look at herself. Everything from the waist up hand changed into the figure of a hulking behemoth, complete with bulging biceps and a pair of hardened pecs that were a far cry from her luscious breasts. With only her lower half intact with her curvy bottom and pink pajama pants, she shuffled into her bedroom to see if you could find anything to cover up her body long enough to get a return on the cream.


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