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Prompt: Dave wishes his roommate Pan, a satyr would stop bringing strange women to the apartment. He wakes up the next day as a sexy woman.

   Dave knew something was off as he rolled out of bed and stumbled into the apartment’s living room. Waiting for him on the couch was his roommate Pan, a man who had just recently been turned into a satyr. The presence of Pan’s horns, cloven feet, and furry lower half had only slowed him down for a day before he was out using his features to attract women. The combination of Pan’s muscles and ability to play the flute had been more than enough to allow him the ability to bring in new partners every night. It was this very issue that had led to him and Dave having an argument about the various women Pan brought it. Upon wishing out loud that Pan would stop bringing in strangers, Dave’s memory of the rest of the evening went blank.

   Seeing an apologetic look on Pan’s face, Dave opened his mouth to ask what was going on, only to stop upon hearing a feminine voice. The sound got him to move his dainty fingers across his body to explore the various changes that had been made the previous evening. A set of boxer shorts hung off of the sides of his curvy rear and allowed him to press his hand against his groin to feel his newly formed womanhood. Pulling his hands up, his fingers dwindled on the set of prominent breasts hanging from his bare chest. Giving his tits a tweak to confirm they were real, he moved his attention upward to feel his softer facial features and wind a finger through his long, silky smooth, blonde hair.

   “Sorry,” Pan said, getting Davi to stop examining her body. “I kind of got carried away with one of my flute spells last night. It’ll take me a while to figure out how to reverse your condition. Anyway I can make it up to you in the meantime?”

   Davi thought for a moment, sliding her pink nails across her puffy lips. “I want you to buy me lunch at the café around the corner.”

   “Anything else?”

   After a momentary pause, Davi replied. “I want to wear a dress. A pretty one. Did any of your dates leave one behind?”

   Pan smiled, getting up from the couch and gesturing for Davi to follow him. “Right this way.”


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