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Prompt: A young woman’s career working on a farm hits a snag when her new boss says she isn’t fit to take on the arduous tasks of running a farm. Undeterred, she willingly agrees to down a mystery bottle of booze to turn her into bulky, boar man.

   In an instant Hilda’s dream had been taken away from her. When asked why she couldn’t take the farm job, the owner plainly stated that her skinny body wasn’t fit for the arduous labor needed for the position. Getting down on her knees, Hilda begged for something, anything to make her fit for the job. While she had expected the usual advice of protein shakes and exercise, she wasn’t expecting the farmer to hand her a jug of moonshine. All it took was a hasty explanation that the booze would make her more suited for the job to get her to chug the liquor down without a second thought.

   Hilda’s grasp on the empty jug was weakened by a fuzzy sensation spreading through her body. The container was left to roll across the ground as she was forced to deal with the extra fat layering itself onto her hands and limbs. More blubber began to encase her formerly skinny body, making her weight soar to be over 500 pounds. Too busy contending with her belly ripping through her shirt and her extra chins, she failed to notice the other changes coming alongside her added girth.

   A hide of black fur began to cover her skin, reaching from her pair of floppy ears, all the way down to her cloven feet. Clasping with her hoof-like fingers, she reached towards her thick rear to pull away the remnants of her pants and give her newly formed, curly tail a chance to wave around. Letting out a squeal as she watched her face form a full on pig snout and tusks, she turned towards the farmer for an answer. His only response was that she wasn’t done yet.

   As Hilda pondered what the farmer meant, her eyes drifted towards her chest. Though they were much larger than before, they lacked much in the way of shapeliness. Hoisting up the thick pecs with her hooves, she realized that they more resembled a pair of sagging man boobs. This discovery went along with the sensation of something thick and hard swinging between her legs.

   Still coming to grips with his new identity as an obese pig man, Hilda scrambled to catch the set of work clothes the farmer threw him. Congratulating the dumbfounded Hilda on his new job, the farmer said to meet him out back for his first task. Stretching a wide grin on his pudgy face, Hilda scrambled to squeeze into his overalls so that he could get to work right away.


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