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Prompt: (Female to Male T-Rex TF and IQ Loss) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49980627/

   The museum’s new dinosaur exhibit came with a plethora of features to entice people to come in and learn about the long forgotten giants. Working animatronics and stellar documentaries were enough to garner attention for most people, but for Rena her interest was a bit simpler. Upon entering the museum, she had made a beeline towards the cafeteria to sample what they claimed was authentic, Paleo-era cuisine. Though she was suspicious that it was all just a means to offload huge chunks of cooked meat with a cartoonishly large bone sticking out of them, it nonetheless got her to order one for herself just to try it.

   Sinking her teeth into the juicy meat rewarded Rena’s taste buds with a plethora of unbelievable flavors. Bite after bite she rejoiced in the indulgent meal as she was determined to finish off every chunk. Making her way down to the bone, she went so far as to allow her teeth to slide across the surface in the hopes of scraping off any leftover meat. What was supposed to be a soft gnaw escalated into a fearsome bite that split the bone in half.

   Rena reeled back from the sudden destruction of the bone and slid her fingers along her mouth to see if she had damaged anything. She only had a few moments to inspect the sharp fangs that had grown over her teeth before her hands were pushed away by a scaley muzzle emerging from the front of her face. Letting out a huff from her newly formed nostrils, she let out a series of confused growls as her glasses barely managed to stay balanced atop her snout.

   Rena’s once small body erupted with hundreds of pounds of bulky scales as her head pressed up against the ceiling. Further damage was done to the eating area as she developed a long tail to swipe away at the nearby tables and shoo away any onlookers. Three-toed claws took the place of her feet to both scratch up the tiled floor and better match the thick, bent legs that strained the limits of her jeans. Though her pink shirt managed to stay intact through her changes, it was a silver lining to the loss of her breasts. She tried to rip off the tight fabric clinging to her thick torso, but that was deemed useless as they were reduced to a pair of stubby limbs with small claws that desperately tried to grasp at her body.

   As Rena’s body finished up her physical changes, the panic in her mind started to be overtaken by a hazy mist. Going along with her T-Rex like physique, her brain began to shrink down to the size of a peanut. Her fear was replaced with her base instincts, with her lost brain matter being transferred into a sizable lump that hung between her legs. Shuffling around and jostling about his manhood within the confines of his overburdened jeans, the male T-Rex turned his glazed over eyes to the food area. Smacking his massive jaws in anticipation, he stomped his way over to the vast collection of tainted meat to fuel his search for a mate.


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