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Prompt: (Male to Female Slob TF) https://www.deviantart.com/leyers/art/Network-Downgrade-894339633

   Terry stood there, awestruck as he flipped through channel after channel on his new television. The crisp viewing experience had come with a complimentary assortment of hundreds of channels and streaming services. At a loss of where to even begin, Terry’s fingers continued to press buttons until he landed on something called “Trash TV”. More than a little curious, he settled onto his couch and began to watch a near endless onslaught of low budget reality shows.

   As low bar as the entertainment was, it was still more than enough to keep Terry entertained. He rarely left his spot on the couch, only tearing his gaze away from the worst humanity could muster to use the bathroom or get food. It was this trance-like state the channel put him in that allowed him to remain blissfully ignorant to what was happening to his body.

   Despite making numerous trips to the kitchen for snacks, he never seemed to run out of food. This never ending supply of junk food rapidly swelled his scrawny form up with hundreds of pounds of doughy flesh. His expanding belly and buttocks strained his clothes as they spread further across the couch cushions. Annoyed by the constant tearing and not caring if anyone would see him, he tossed off the ragged clothes to leave himself completely nude. To celebrate his newly acquired freedom, he lazily ran his plump fingers across his chest, unaware of the plump set of feminine breasts he had developed.

   Hours passed and Terry still kept his gaze on Trash TV rather than his every changing form. To go along with his meaty bosom, his genitals were replaced with a vagina that was completely hidden by his hanging gut. The newly deemed Trish was further differentiated from her original self with a long, greasy locks of black hair going down her back fat and a set of gold, hoop ear rings that hung from her ears. Brushing crumbs off of the heart-shaped tattoo on her shoulder that bared her nickname, Trash Bag, she decided to stop snacking in favor of moving onto other bad habits.

   Popping open a bottle of beer, she chugged it down in a matter of seconds. Letting out a bellowing BWOOOOOOOORRP from her red painted lips, she tossed the bottle away and lit up a cigarette. The foul vapors as she let out a puff of smoke were soon overridden by a horrendous fart spurting out from her thick rear. Leaning over to the side to release more gas, she snickered to herself with pride at her own disgusting nature. Hoping the neighbors would hear her various expulsions, she sat her fat ass back down on the couch to watch a Cooking War marathon and eagerly await the pizza delivery boy.


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