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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: King of Fighter Women Weight Gain, Futa Dick Growth, and Sexual Content

In search of Mai, King and Yuri travel to an ancient temple. Upon seeing what the Hiyokuna Shibo Style has done to their friend, they soon join Mai in using their bodies to their full extent.

This was a commission for Br3ndan5 on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/br3ndan5

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Standing at the bottom of a set of stone stairs, King pushed her short blonde hair into place to look at the intimidating building before her. Tapping her black shoes against the stone, her eyes homed in on the temple waiting for her at the top. The structure filled her with a sense of unease that had her fixing her black gloves and vest in preparation for whatever fight may come her way.

   “That’s the place?” Yuri asked, leaning forward to have her long braid of brown hair skirt the edges of her karate gi and bounce against her purple leggings.

   “Probably,” King said, gesturing for her companion to follow her up the stairs. “This temple is said to have the ability to instill warriors with enormous power.”

   Keeping pace with King, Yuri bumped her gloved fists together to keep herself hyped up. “Do you think any of that’s true?”

   King shook her head. “No, but this is the place Mai said she was going before she disappeared. Hopefully we’ll find her here.”

   “I don’t know what you’re so worried about,” Yuri commented as they reached the top steps and entered the temple grounds proper. “We’ve both been with Mai for ages. She can probably handle any trouble she runs into.”

   Yuri’s words were almost immediately proven wrong as a series of cries echoed across the grounds. Both women got into fighting stances, their eyes swiveling back and forth in search of the source. Their attention followed the sounds to a building near the center courtyard. What truly got them running at full speed was the familiar voice of Mai drifting into their ears.

   Rushing to save their friend from her grim fate, Yuri and King made a mad dash towards the inner area. Hearing the sounds become louder and louder, they realized something felt off by the time they stopped in front of a set of sliding doors. Vague shadows moved about in the next room, illuminated by a flickering flame. Once more hearing their comrade let out a loud cry, they steeled themselves for a fight and barged in.

   King and Yuri’s aggressive demeanor faltered upon seeing the scene before them. Two identical women with long black hair and soft features were busy pleasuring someone that couldn’t have been less than 800 pounds. One of the ladies was focused on sliding her hands across the person’s numerous fat folds, more than once smothering their belly button with soft kisses. The other was busy pressing her palms against her pudgy partner’s meaty rear, helping her shove the foot long dick as deep as possible into her womanhood. Based on how hard she was pushing and the glint in her eyes, it appeared as if she was trying to extract every last drop of semen from the throbbing member.

   Desperate to look at anything else, King and Yuri’s eyes drifted upwards only to rest on the fat person’s chest. The heaving bosom was gigantic, complete with plump nipples that looked awfully familiar. Continuing to drag their gaze across the person’s multiple chins and chubby cheeks, they were struck with a bolt of realization as they stared at the person’s brown hair tied up in a neat ponytail by a white ribbon. Looking past the fattened facial features, they locked eyes with the stranger and spoke.

   “Mai?” they asked in unison.

   Hearing her name shook off Mai’s lingering ecstasy and got her to turn towards her companions. “Umm, hello,” she replied, body shaking as a second gush of semen filled her partner. “I can MMMMPHHH explain.”


   The air was heavy with the lingering stench of sex and regret as everyone waited for someone else to bring up the obvious questions. King and Yuri tried to keep their attention focused on the cups of tea the shrine maidens had provided them. However, they couldn’t stop their eyes from drifting towards their companion to confirm that what they were seeing was real.

   The awkwardness wasn’t missed by Mai, trying in vain to lighten the mood with a smile on her chubby face. Her expression did little to prevent her companions from constantly glancing at her fat body draped in an ill-fitting, red and white kimono. Before King and Yuri let their views dip to see if they could get a glance at Mai’s extra equipment, they were saved by the shrine maidens returning to the room with their hands carrying plates of snacks and their bodies adorned with white robes.

“I do hope you find the accommodations to your liking,” the one named Tia said. “It has been quite a while since the temple has seen guests.”

“Apologies again for the state you found us in,” the other known as Tai added. “You caught us in the middle of taking care of our master’s needs.”

“Master?” King asked, she and Yuri turning their gazes back at Mai.

   Mai stopped shoveling handfuls of cake into her mouth upon taking notice at her friends’ confused looks. Swallowing her latest bite, she licked the icing off of her lips before she spoke. “Maybe it would be better for the twins to explain it.”

   “Yes, she is the new master of the temple,” Tia answered. “Long have my sister and I waited for someone worthy to visit us. Though she is still new to the ways of our techniques, we can sense in her a burning passion that will ensure she uses her powers to their full potential.”

   “What kind of power does this to a person?” Yuri asked, unsubtly pointing towards Mai’s flabby gut.

   “A most magnificent one,” Tai answered. “Only strong warriors are chosen by the scroll to be given this gift. During her stay, my sister and I have performed various tests on her strength, endurance, and, above all, passion. Our thorough examination has deemed her more than worthy to fulfill the role as our new master.”

   King crossed her arms, glaring at the twins before turning her attention towards Mai, grimacing as she watched the formerly fit fighter indulge herself with more cake. “How did you become like this in the first place? I know you were searching for a way to become stronger, but I didn’t think you would do something as insane as this.”

   Downing her snacks with a gulp of sake, Mai let out a haggard breath. “I didn’t,” she proclaimed, scrunching up her belly rolls as she leaned forward, only to sit back down as she felt her kimono begin to come loose. “Well, at least not on purpose. When I arrived at the temple, Tai and Tia greeted me with open arms. I was so caught up by their hospitality, I laid bare my desires to become stronger. At the time, I didn’t think there was anything devious about it.”

   “And look where that got you,” King commented. “Fat as a whale and lugging around a penis that would make a horse feel inadequate.”

   Mai slammed her pudgy fist against the floor. “Don’t give me that! How was I supposed to know that their definition of a strong body included packing on hundreds of pounds of fat and growing an extra something between my legs?”

   “Cut it out!” Yuri spoke up, standing between her friends to act as the voice of reason. “What’s done is done and we just have to deal with it.”

   Partially out of surprise, Mai and King sat back down. Though King still glared at the twins, Mai seemed to calm down after pushing a few more cakes past her lips. As proud as Yuri was for her actions, her poignant face was overcome by a bewildered expression as her mind became burdened with a lingering thought.

   “How did this happen anyway?” she asked the twins.

   Tia and Tai smiled. “Through the power of the sacred scroll,” they said in unison.

   “What in the world is that?” King asked.

   “It is a relic passed down for generations to gift the Hiyokuna Shibo Style to those deemed worthy,” Tai explained.

   “I find it hard to believe that merely practicing a new fighting style would have such a drastic change on a person’s body,” King followed up.

   Tia shook her head. “My sister said that it gifts the style. I should clarify, it is not through simple lessons or training sessions. The scroll uses the spirits of the previous masters to fill worthy visitors with the essence of Hiyokuna Shibo.”

   “From there,” Tai continued, “the energy morphs the chosen’s body into a form perfectly suited to exemplify the various qualities of the style. The process itself is painless, bringing with it a wealth of sensations and knowledge the two of us only know of secondhand. Master Mai’s body is a pinnacle of perfection in terms of fighting prowess and other benefits. One of which you witnessed yourselves when you first arrived at the temple.”

   “Please don’t remind them,” Mai spoke up, her face becoming red from just the mere mention of the act.

   “Now, now, master Mai,” Tia spoke up as she patted her hand against Mai’s broad shoulders. “We keep telling you there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You should rejoice in your ability to freely express your body’s passion through your vigorous acts of love-“

   “I said that’s enough!” Mai said, only unclenching her pudgy fingers once Tia nodded her head in agreement and stepped away.

   “Let me get this straight,” Yuri started, briefly pausing to shove the last slice of cake down her throat before Mai could snatch it up. “All you have to do is read the scroll and you can get a body like Mai’s?”

   The twins nodded.

   Yuri rocked her head back and forth for a moment. Nodding in agreement to her own idea, she slapped her face with both hands to prove her resolve and stood up. “Take me to it.”

   “What?” Mai asked, she and King sharing the same look of bewilderment.

   “I said, take me to the scroll,” Yuri explained. “I want to see it with my own eyes. After getting a good look at Mai, I’m more than a little curious.”

   “You can’t be serious,” King commented.

   “If our guest wishes to see the sacred scroll of her own volition,” Tai spoke, “then we have no right to keep her from it.”

   “Agreed,” Tia said, gathering up the empty platters and handing them off to her sister. “Miss Yuri, please follow me. I will take you to the location of the scroll. Sister, would you kindly take our other guests to their respective rooms?”

   “Of course,” Tai replied. “Right this way, Miss King. You as well, Master Mai.”

   “I told you that you can stop calling me that,” Mai said, heaving herself into a standing position. “Besides, I know how to get to my room from here.”

   “Understood, master. Should I prepare your usual evening liquor and snacks?”

   Mai hesitated for a moment before turning towards Tai. “Sure, but only a little,” she replied, trying to ignore the disapproving expression on King’ face. Waddling into the hallway, she turned back to look towards Yuri. “Be careful, alright?”

   “I’ll be fine,” Yuri said, shooing Mai away. “Now you two rest up. I’ll join you later for an old-fashioned girls’ night sleepover.”

   “We’ll see,” King commented, allowing Tai to lead her towards her room.

   “Are you ready, Miss Yuri?” Tia asked.

   “As I’ll ever be!” Yuri replied, eagerly following after the shrine maiden.

   The temple grounds took on an eerie feeling as the sun began to set. Any feelings of dread that tried to claim Yuri were repelled by her sheer excitement. She was so focused on getting to see the legendary scroll that she ended up accidentally running into Tia. Reeling back, she was about to apologize, only to be dismissed by a wave of the maiden’s hand. Baring a wide smile that sent a shiver down Yuri’s spine, Tia pushed open the door to an ornate shrine and stepped aside.

   Entering the room, Yuri’s eyes passed over the dimly lit torches and piles of soft pillows scattered across the floor to focus her attention on the table in the middle. Considering it was placed on a pedestal and held up by a bronze statue of an obese man, she had to assume that the rolled up piece of paper was the scroll she was looking for. Picking up the artifact with utmost care, she turned her attention towards Tia standing a few feet behind her.

   “Go on,” the maiden said with a nod of her head. “Take as long as you like to look over every detail of our way of life.”

   Though her motivation took a hit from Tia’s unsettling smile, Yuri unfurled the scroll and began to read. She found what she had hoped in the form of various techniques that put a practitioner’s wealth of weight to good use. However, these various fighting moves were interspersed with hints on how best to use the girth of their body and manhood in a much less confrontational way. Yuri’s face grew redder with each explicit detail she read about how to properly wield such a monster sized member. Just as she was about to give up on gaining anything useful, she managed to make it to the final line. Prompted to read the words aloud for full effect, she took a deep breath.

   “Power of the Hiyokuna Shibo, fill me with your spirit!” Yuri shouted, shuddering as the words echoed off the walls.

   Still mentally recovering from the act of calling out something so embarrassing on a whim, she turned to Tia in hopes of receiving some type of condolence. What she saw instead was a face of pure delight that couldn’t take her eyes off of the young fighter. These feelings of confusion only worsened upon Yuri sensing something akin to a cool breeze brush against her neck. She felt a strange presence maneuver itself down her throat and spread throughout her body. The force exerted on her insides left her to stumble around the room. Panting heavily as her body was overcome with shivers, Yuri once more turned towards the maiden for assistance, only to see a pair of eyes intently staring at her changing body.

   Yuri’s once slim and toned figure became disrupted by the emergence of a sizable potbelly tearing apart the front of her gi. Reeling backwards from the emergence of her engorged gut, she managed to balance herself at the cost of feeling her swelling stomach jiggle against her thighs. Grasping her mid-section between her hands, she could still feel the presence inside of her going wild in an attempt to further distort her body.

   The surplus of energy came out in the form of a sizable bump to Yuri’s once flat chest. Ripping straight through her bra and what remained of her gi, her breasts were released to show off their glorious new shape as something similar to a pair of overripe melons. Between her jiggling jugs and barrel-like belly, Yuri barely had a chance to notice her extra chins and the added padding around her limbs. However, she soon became very aware of a certain growth spurt centered on her lower half.

   Peeking past her belly, she let out a yelp as she saw an unflattering bulge begin to form in the front of her pants. She tried to hide from it, using her gut to cover it up as much as possible. Her attempt to ignore what was happening to her became fruitless as her lower body took on the brunt of her weight gain. With her widening hips and meaty butt cheeks working together, her pants only lasted a few more seconds before they were torn apart to reveal every inch of her pear-shaped figure.

   Left standing with the only piece of surviving clothing being her headband, Yuri was forced to acknowledge the thing bumping against her underbelly. Daring to reach her pudgy hand between her thick thighs, she shuddered as her fingers stroked the shaft of her newly grown cock. Continuing to explore her additional genitalia had the unintended side effect of bringing it to its full rigidness. The worries in her head were replaced with a surge of new urges that begged her to give attention to her throbbing member. Lost in the swirling mass of her own libido, she just stood there as Tia sauntered over to her.

   “It seems the spirits have looked favorably upon us,” Tia said, nuzzling her cheek against the side of Yuri’s cock. “So rare to have two chosen masters appear within such a short amount of time. I must reward this good fortune by performing my duties to the best of my ability.” Leaving one hand to grasp Yuri’s member, she turned her head to lock eyes with the fattened up futa. “Would you like me to take care of it for you, my master?”

   Yuri chewed on her lip for a moment, but there was little she could say in opposition of her own lust and Tia’s look of yearning. “F-fine. Just be gentle, please.”

   “As you wish,” Tia said as she began to stroke the length of Yuri’s shaft.

   The delicate movement was all that was needed to get Yuri to start moaning. A surge of new pleasures flooded her flabby body, making every inch of pudge shiver with ecstasy. These feelings were increased tenfold as Tia opened up her mouth to swallow up Yuri’s cock. Tongue moving with utmost expertise, the shrine maiden let her fingers squeeze and grope what she could reach of the hefty fighter’s body to provide optimal pleasure. This overload of various stimulants inevitably led to Yuri crying out as she released a load of cum into Tia’s mouth.

   Breathing heavily from her dick’s first orgasm, Yuri tilted her head down to watch the shrine maiden swallow every drop of her semen. Licking her lips clean, Tia moved her head forward once more to clean off any residual cum. Yuri’s eyes went wide as she watched her dick once more become rigid and add a few extra inches to its length. Noticing the added growth, Tia leaned back to allow the shaft to bounce against her palms.

   “A promising sign,” Tia said as she examined Yuri’s manhood like a piece of prime meat. “This calls for further attention.”

   “I’ll take it from here,” Tai said, sauntering into the room and taking over her sister’s position.

   “Have you taken care of the guests?” Tia asked, aiding Tai by removing her clothing.

   “Of course. We shall return to them when the time is right. I’m assuming they will realize their true purpose for being here soon.”

   “W-what are you two talking about?” Yuri asked, trying to remain cognizant even as her raging member flooded her with hormones and lust.

   With a gentle push, Tai sent Yuri falling backwards. Cushioned from the fall by her thick buttocks, Yuri tried to sit up, only to be pushed back down the surprisingly strong shrine maiden. Climbing her way across Yuri’s body, Tai eventually shuffled down to have the very tip of Yuri’s cock glide against her labia.

   “The very same spirit that has filled your body will soon spread to your friends,” Tai answered, squeezing Yuri’s meaty breasts and shaking her hips to slide her womanhood across the rigid cock. “For now, you have all of my attention. Would you like my assistance in testing out your new abilities, Master Yuri?”

   Though the maiden’s words were gentle, the look in her eyes was one of pure desire. Taking a deep breath, Yuri felt her entire body yearning for the same thing as Tai. Curious and very willing to find out what exactly her new self was capable of, Yuri braced herself for what was to come and nodded her head.

   Upon receiving permission, Tai carefully pushed herself down onto Yuri’s cock. Yuri gritted her teeth as the petite maiden got into position. Scrunching up her chins as she tilted her thick neck up, Yuri was almost immediately sent back down by the gyration of Tai’s hips. The sheer ecstasy that filled Yuri’s body was exemplified in the numerous cries that parted her lips with each shove of her dick inside of Tai’s body. As the shrine maiden’s own moans joined in, Yuri could feel herself reaching ever closer to her limit. Just as she felt her body be overcome with euphoric shivers, she reached out to push Tai down on her member one last time to bring herself to climax.

   Yuri kept her grip tight on the maiden’s wrists as she filled her insides with cum. Momentarily drained of semen and energy, Yuri flopped back onto the floor like a dead fish. When she eventually found the strength to sit up once more, it was just in time to watch as Tai rolled off of her belly. No longer obscured by her partner, Yuri’s cock was free to show off its intimidating, foot long length. Preoccupied with gawking at her engorged manhood, Yuri was completely unaware of the maidens’ presence until they knelt down to massage her chubby cheeks.

   “Yes, just perfect,” Tia commented, her eyes glued to Yuri’s added girth. “You are more than worthy of the Hiyokuna Shibo Style.”

   Tai slid away and let her palm grasp the tip of Yuri’s cock. “While we may no longer be able to help you directly, we will do our best to prepare you for the true pleasure that awaits you.”

   Though Yuri wanted to ask more questions, her words were lost in a sea of moans as the twins once more got to work stimulating her lustful, lardy body.


   The black robes King was draped in were intended to keep her comfortable for a good night’s rest. However, she found it impossible to sleep after everything she had seen and heard that day. Determined to get to the bottom of what was really going on, she planned to sneak around the temple until she found something, anything to figure out what the maidens were really up to.

   King’s pursuit of the truth came to a screeching halt as her ears picked up a string of unusual sounds coming from Mai’s room. Gritting her teeth in frustration, King turned on her heels and headed towards her friend. Getting closer to the room, she could feel a strange aura in the air. Regardless of whatever lurked behind the sliding door, she opened it up to check up on Mai.

   Her eyes glazed over the room’s numerous soft cushions and dim lighting to focus entirely on Mai. The hefty woman’s robe was untied, leaving it to hang from her shoulders as her pudgy fingers were put to work. While one hand groped her breasts and belly folds, the other busied itself vigorously stroking her cock. Amidst Mai’s various moans of ecstasy, King managed to clear her throat loud enough to get the fattened fighter to stop her session of self-pleasure.

   “Is this really what you’ve been reduced to?” King asked, stepping inside as Mai tried in vain to cover herself up. “You go from a world class fighter to a perverted freak who can’t control her own libido?”

   Mai’s embarrassment was washed away by a fury in the pit of her stomach. “Excuse me? For your information, this body is the peak of the Hiyokuna Shibo Style. It is unmatched in terms of fighting prowess.”

   King let out a huff. “Then show me,” she said, taking up a battle position.

   “With pleasure.”

   Flinging her robe across the room, Mai stomped her feet into the ground and stared King down. Despite the sight of her pudgy body jiggling like crazy, what King saw upon Mai’s face was a look of pure determination. Returning with a stern expression of her own, King prepared to beat some sense into her corrupted comrade.

   Lunging forward, King swung her feet around to perform her signature tornado kick. Considering Mai’s size, she highly doubted she would be able to get out of the way in time. Though King’s assumption was correct, Mai didn’t even try to dodge. Instead, she merely stood there as King’s feet harmlessly bounced off of her belly rolls.

   Made vulnerable from her moment of surprise, King was left completely open as Mai grabbed her leg and tossed her to the ground. Before King could have a chance to pick herself up, the hefty fighter leapt into the air to come crashing down on her. Forced to endure the full weight of the hefty woman, King was certain she would soon lose consciousness. However, Mai was merciful enough to pick herself up, hovering her face over King in an effort to show off her prideful smirk.

   “That was five seconds at most, I think,” Mai commented, her breathing heavy from the quick movement. “Still have any doubts about my abilities?”

   King opened her mouth to reply, only to silence herself. Though she wanted to ask a plethora of questions about how Mai had become so powerful, she couldn’t ignore the sensation of Mai’s member pressing up against her waist. The mere act of feeling the girthy cock throb against her body filled King with a plethora of urges she didn’t know what to do with. Rather than let herself be plagued by these sensations any further, she decided to take a more direct approach to finding out the true nature of Mai’s body.

   “I want you to fuck me,” King said, shimmying out of her robes.

   “What?” Mai asked, her smugness replaced with bewilderment.

   “You didn’t get to finish because of me, right?” King asked, laying back down and grasping the sides of Mai’s hips. “Then let’s do it. Go all the way. Show me everything this supposed perfect body of yours can do.”

   “King, you can’t be serious. You’ve seen the size of both me and this thing between my legs. Are you really sure you want to-“

   Mai was given her answer as King reached out to press her lips against hers. Rather than worry or concern, Mai’s thoughts were overtaken by the well of lust brimming just below the surface of her mind. Embracing King’s comparatively scrawny form between her arms, Mai pulled her in close to continue the kiss as she sloppily guided her cock into King’s waiting womanhood.

   The first shove made King shiver with newfound pleasure. In an attempt to sate her partner’s worries, King proceeded to press up against Mai’s backside to push her further in. Ever so gently, Mai began to rock her hips back and forth, in the process smothering King’s body with her meaty breasts and bountiful belly flesh. Gradually increasing the speed of her thrusts forced Mai to part from King as their moans became more frequent.

   Getting a feel for what they both wanted, Mai threw caution to the wind and rapidly slid her cock back and forth. Had it not been for King’s training, she was sure she would have been crushed by the mass of blubber bearing down on her. Managing to endure the onslaught of Mai’s libido, King reached out to pull the obese woman down on her one last time. This final push inevitably led to Mai filling King with her seed just as the two of them reached simultaneous orgasm.

   Gritting her teeth as the last few drops of Mai’s cum filled her up, King laid back down to regain her strength. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to sit up, only to stop as she felt a load of extra weight fighting against her. Turning her head to the side, she could see that Mai had waddled off to help herself to some sake and wipe the sweat from her brow. Returning her gaze back to her own body, King finally noticed the sizable potbelly that had come along with a layer of thick fat across her figure.

   “King, are you alright?” Mai asked, momentarily broken out of her lustful stupor by the sight of her partner’s extra chub. “I had no idea that this would happen. I’ve had sex with the twins before, but none of them blew up like this. Maybe it’s the spirit reacting to something? Let me call in the maidens. They might know how to-“

   “No,” King said, stumbling to her feet under the effects of her added weight. Making her way over to Mai, she bumped her potbelly up against the larger fighter’s gut. “I want to keep going.”

   Leaving Mai in a stunned state, King sunk below her belly and dove her head between her thick thighs. Seeing leftover drops of cum clinging to the tip of Mai’s penis, King opened up her mouth to swallow what she could of the massive member. Bobbing her head back and forth, she slid her tongue along the length of the shaft to get a full taste of her partner’s cock. With the irresistible flavor filling her mouth and the sound of Mai’s moans drifting into her ears, it was inevitable that King’s fingers would drift towards teasing her dripping pussy.

   King was stopped from masturbating by something large and thick pressing up against her backside. With her face buried in between Mai’s legs, she couldn’t see what was going on. However, she could definitely feel the sensation of another person’s tongue being dragged across her vagina. Feeling a pair of plump lips take on the duty of eating out her womanhood, King doubled her efforts to bring Mai to orgasm. Through this combination of pleasure, King’s eventual moan as she reached her climax was the final push needed to make Mai release another load of cum.

   Leaning back to swallow her mouthful of semen, King didn’t even flinch as another layer of fat encased her body. After taking a moment to let her plump fingers poke and prod her heavy breasts, thick rear, and drooping belly, she looked over her shoulder to see who her other partner was. What she saw was Yuri, just as fat and endowed as Mai. She didn’t question how or why Yuri had transformed. All King seemed to care about was the fact that she now had another source of pleasure.

   “Come on,” King said, getting down on all fours and swaying her ass back and forth in an attempt to entice Yuri. “Let me see if that cock of yours is up to the task.”

   King knew she had found success as she felt the entirety of Yuri’s belly press against her back flab. Feeling the fattened fighter sluggishly brush her cock against her butt cheeks, King had to chew on her bottom lip to deal with her rising anticipation. Finally finding the right hole, Yuri slid her dick inside of King’s dripping pussy with a rough shove. Gritting her teeth as she felt the girthy member find its mark, King shook her hips to get her partner to start moving.

   Loud slaps filled the room as Yuri’s bountiful flesh constantly rebounded against King’s back fat and ass cheeks. Though King began to moan, these sounds were muffled almost immediately as Mai pushed her cock past her lips once more. Taking the lead this time, Mai moved her hips back and forth in unison with Yuri to make for a rhythmic defilement of King’s body. Letting herself be used as little more than a means for sating her friend’s lust, King managed to hold out long enough to accept heavy doses of ejaculate from both of her partners before finding her own release.

   Exhausted from their latest session, Yuri and Mai fell back onto their plump rears to catch their breath. These positions gave them the perfect view of King’s body surging in weight once more to match their lofty sizes. Standing up on her thickened legs and stomping about, King reveled in the feeling of her blubber-laden figure. Though she spent ample time admiring her multiple chins, melon-sized tits, and wide rear, there was a clear focal point of her lust ridden mind. Hoisting up the fupa of her massive gut, she swung her monstrous member back and forth to get a feel for her new equipment.

   “Mind helping me test this out?” King asked, noticing the intent stare on Mai’s awestruck face.

   Rather than reply, Mai simply laid down and lifted up her stomach to give full access to her genitalia. More than happy to accept the invitation, King waddled forward to plunge her newly formed penis inside of Mai. Copying her comrade’s motions, King managed to move her obese body far faster than it had any right to. This overwhelming combo of speed and force gifted her with her first experience of a load of cum spurting out of her cock to fill up Mai’s insides. Losing herself to the ecstasy of her first male orgasm, she barely felt the sensation of Mai’s own cock ejaculating a load of semen to sink between their belly folds.

   “That looked…amazing,” Yuri said, her comment getting King to turn around to see that she was furiously rubbing her fingers across her womanhood and penis. “Can I have a turn?”

   King smirked, turning her back on the sight of Mai trying in vain to clean the cum out of her flab. “Only if you can handle it,” she said, stomping over to grab Yuri’s arms and push them to the side. “I want to go all out to truly test my new body’s limits.”

   Lowering Yuri to the ground, King shuffled herself around to squeeze her body between her partner’s thighs. King reached out with her thick arms to grasp Yuri’s legs and spread them further apart. Keeping a tight grip on Yuri’s blubbery calves, King proceeded to vigorously shove her cock inside of Yuri over and over again like a rabid jackhammer.

   The unrestrained method was not lost on King’s partner. Yuri was forced to release a plethora of cries and moans as King used her new manhood to its full extent. Their various moans mixed with the sound of their flab slapping against one another to create a symphony out of their unbridled lust. Chewing on her lips in an effort to make the otherworldly pleasure last as long as possible, King gave one last good push against Yuri’s body to force them both into a simultaneous climax.

   King’s release took with it most of her energy. Slumping against an equally tired Yuri, she passed the time by dragging herself across Yuri’s cum riddled belly rolls to lock their lips together for a kiss. Too busy enjoying the passionate embrace, she barely paid any mind to Mai waddling over to them with her cock at the ready. When she finally did acknowledge Mai’s presence, it was to pull her into their cuddle to regain their motivation before continuing their all night orgy.

   “It appears we are quite fortunate indeed,” Tai said to her sister as they stood right outside of the doorway.

   “To find three worthy fighters in such short time, I agree,” Tia added. “However, it is quite a tragedy that we are far too weak to keep up with them in this state.”

   “True, but they will eventually learn how to control their urges to allow for more gentle exercises.”

   “Should we tell them about the rest of the plan?”

   “Later, dear sister,” Tai commented, a grin appearing on her face as she watched the three fat, futa fighters press their bodies together in pure ecstasy. “For now, let us allow them to experience the true bliss that is the Hiyokuna Shibo Style.”


   The call of a new tournament to decide the strongest fighter had been more than enough to summon up a group of worthy combatants. One of the late arrivals to the temple was none other than Blue Mary, looking quite the sight with a flash of her red crop top and blue pants as she ran up the stairs. Out of breath and sweat drenching her blonde hair as she reached the top, she barely flinched as Tai and Tia greeted her with a cup of water to go with their welcoming smiles.

   “Thanks,” she said, graciously accepting the drink. “Sorry I’m late. Did the tournament already start?”

   “The event has already begun,” Tai said, accepting Mary’s empty glass.

   “But have no fear,” Tia added. “There is still plenty of time to get the most out of this gathering.”

   Being led towards the middle of the courtyard by the twins, Mary’s ears picked up a quite unusual sound emanating from inside the shrine. Though she couldn’t make out what exactly was going on, she could pick out a handful of familiar voices. Before she could reach towards the door, the twins got between her and the entrance.

   “Not quite yet,” Tai said, handing Mary the sacred scroll.

   “You will be allowed to enter, only after you have read the sacred texts,” Tia continued. “It will decide it you are one of the chosen ones.”

   With a shrug of her shoulders, Mary unfurled the scroll and began to read. Like so many fighters before her, Mary shuddered upon reading aloud the last line on the paper. Watching her body continue to shake, the twins were delighted to see yet another person be deemed worthy of the Hiyokuna Shibo Style. Bursting apart her top and pants as she swelled in weight, her pudgy face looked towards the twins for an explanation. Rather than speak, the two women merely pushed open the door to give a perfect view of what the other combatants were up to.

   In the center area was Mai swinging about her nude, hefty form in an effort to come out on top in a sparring match. Her opponent was Vanessa, the red headed boxer still remaining nimble despite having to lug around hundreds of pounds of fat and a monstrous cock with each stomp. Though her blows were fierce, Vanessa’s punches harmlessly bounced off of Mai’s gut. In turn, Mai whipped her hips around and grazed Vanessa’s thigh with her stiff member. Stepping back from one another, the two fighters paused for a moment to shoot each other a set of wide grins before charging forward to continue the fight.

   Over in another corner sat an equally naked and fat Yuri surrounded by an impressive spread of food. While Yuri’s hands were busy stroking her cock up and down and rubbing her pussy, the psycho powered idol Athena was more than happy to waddle her obese body around to shove food down her partner’s throat. Upon seeing Yuri’s body start to shiver, Athena helped herself to her own meal as she tucked her purple hair behind her head and wrapped her lips around the tip of Yuri’s cock. After sucking up every last drop of cum, Athena swapped places with Yuri to repeat the process all over again.

   At the far back of the room was a collection of cushions that took on the purpose of helping King with unleashing her unbridled lust. In front of her was Kula, the blue haired ice wielder jiggling her belly rolls like crazy as she took on the full girth of King’s penis. The sound of Kula letting out a load moan and her cum splattering across King’s chest was the signal for their third partner to step in.

   Angel moved swiftly to press her thick belly up against Mai’s back. Though her cock was already rock hard from watching King and Kula’s act of debauchery, Angel still found it necessary to tease her partner by squeezing and groping whatever her hands could grasp. With a cheeky grin showing behind her veil of short white hair, she shoved her cock as far as it would go up Mai’s anus before subjecting her to the same session of rough fucking she had just given to Kula.

   Unable to turn her gaze away from the sights of pure hedonism, Mary took a moment to decide what to do with herself. She found her answer in the form of something emerging from above her womanhood to slide across the undercarriage of her bulging belly. In order to sate the rush of desires brought on by her throbbing cock, she waddled past the twins to join the other fighters in pushing her body to its limits.

   “Ahhh, another fine addition to the congregation,” Tia commented.

   “Yes, I am so glad Master King suggested this plan,” Tai added. “Come. We must ensure there is enough food prepared for tonight’s feast. I have been told that this is just the beginning.”

   “Indeed, dear sister,” Tia said. “I know how many invitations were sent out. If what Master Yuri and Master Mai said was true, the Hiyokuna Shibo Style is going to be absolutely thriving with so many new members.”


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