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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Komi (Komi-San Can't Communicate) Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)

Komi's crisis of being unable to invite anyone to eat lunch with her is remedied after she's seen accepting food from Tadano. Though she garners a large group of people willing to eat with her, it comes at the cost of turning her into a fat, gassy slob with an inability to say no to food.

This is a commission for EMann1984 on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/emann1984 

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   As the lunch bell rang at Itan High School, Komi-San was once more faced with her usual dilemma. A slender body and silky smooth, black hair made her the talk of the students, commonly being referred to as queen or even a goddess. Though she rarely spoke at all, she had become an idol amongst the school that could draw a crowd merely by walking the halls adorned in the school uniform of a blue blazer and pleated skirt. Despite her unrivaled beauty and popularity, she still couldn’t find the courage to talk to most people, let alone invite them to eat lunch with her.

   Shaking in her seat from the mere thought of speaking to another person, her eyes shifted back and forth in search of an opening. The master of socialization Najimi was already swarmed by a group of students they had invited for lunch. Agari was nowhere to be found, having left early to grab ramen from a shop away from campus. Nakanaka and Yamai were preoccupied arguing with one another yet again. As Komi continued to look back and forth through the room unable to find an opportunity to even try to make a lunch invitation, her stress was relieved all at once as someone sat down at the desk next to hers.

   “Komi-San,” Tadano began, ruffling the flower-shaped hair clip in his short black hair as he pulled out a bento box, “did you want to eat lunch with me?”

   Komi vigorously nodded her head, now more than ever appreciative of Tadano’s ability to read what she was thinking without words. As confident as she appeared, her sense of calm was shattered as she reached inside of her desk. Shuffling her hand back and forth, her anxiety came back stronger than ever as she realized that she had forgotten her lunch. With her entire body shaking like a leaf, it fell upon Tadano once more to calm her fears.

   “It’s okay, really,” Tadano said as he slid his bento box towards her.

   On instinct Komi attempted to push the food back, quickly jotting down on her notebook, “I don’t want you to go hungry.”

   Tadano placed the box back on her desk. “It’s fine really. My mom went a little overboard last night and gave me way too much food.”

As Tadano lifted open the top of the bento, a heavenly aroma drifted out to sooth Komi’s concerns. Her eyes shined bright as she looked over the exquisite looking hamburger steaks neatly placed in the box with utmost care. Though drool began to leak from her lips, a single glance over at Tadano had her quickly wipe her mouth clean with a handkerchief in an attempt to avoid embarrassment.

   “Go ahead and help yourself,” Tadano said, a friendly smile being the last push needed to get Komi to dig in.

   Popping the first morsel of meat into her mouth sent a shiver down Komi’s spine. She savored every bite, letting the juices overwhelm her taste buds. As she let the meat slide down her throat, her intention was to show off her appreciation with a gentle sigh. However, that plan and a good part of her dignity was cast aside by a small burp forcing itself past her lips. Clamping her hand over her mouth, her face turned a bright sheen of red as she scrambled to write down an apology.

   “It’s alright, really,” Tadano said in an attempt to prevent a panic attack. “It just means you’re enjoying the food.”

   With a bit more coercion from Tadano, Komi gradually moved her hands away from her face and resumed her meal. The exquisite flavors made her earlier outburst sting a little less, but still kept her aware of what she was doing as she ate. Though bubbles continued to trouble her belly, she managed to properly stifle them with her hand between bites. So preoccupied with keeping her burps at bay and enjoying her meal, she accidentally managed to eat up everything in front of her.

   “Wow, you must have been really hungry,” Tadano said as he packed away the empty box. “Ah, don’t worry about it. I had a really big breakfast this morning. If it’s bothering you too much maybe we can meet up after school to eat at-“

   An ominous growl quickly shut Tadano’s mouth. Feeling her stomach churn made Komi reach out to press her hands against the small belly bulge that had appeared along her mid-section over the course of her lunch. Feeling the pressure build and build, she clamped her other hand tightly around her mouth in an attempt to keep the beast inside at bay. Unfortunately for her, the gas finally found it’s release in the form of a reverberating PHHHHHHRRRRRRTTTTT leaving her rear and ruffling the hem of her skirt.

   A new shade of crimson spread across Komi’s face as the sound of the fart petered off. Fully aware of the lingering smell of her gas, the expression of disgust on Tadano’s face was all it took to get her out of her seat. Making a mad dash out of the classroom, she set her sights on getting to the nearest bathroom to take care of her little issue.

   On reaction Tadano started to follow to try and help her. He only made it a single step out of the door before he realized that chasing after her would only worsen her stress. Returning to his desk, he began to contemplate the best way to apologize. His intense brainstorming session left him unaware of the looks on the faces of his fellow classmates.

   The smell of Komi’s gas and her slight belly pudge mattered little to the other students. All that they noticed was how easy it was for Tadano to get Komi to have lunch with him by offering food. Taking this lesson to heart, each student entered their own realm of thought on how best to take advantage of this little bit of information.


   Another typical day of school brought with it Komi’s typical anxieties. The constant worries that plagued her mind as she made her morning commute had been amplified over the past month. Ever since that day she accidentally let slip her bursts of gas during lunch, she had found it harder and harder to maintain her quiet persona to avoid being embarrassed. Unfortunately for her, these little digestion problems were only part of her body’s drastic changes.

   Approaching the school gates, Komi shuddered from both the gaze of her fellow students and a light breeze blowing against the gap between her dress shirt and skirt that showed off her chubby tummy. Though she attempted to close up the hole to avoid letting anyone see the thin peach fuzz around her belly button, she had to stop upon hearing the fabric of her jacket begin to strain. Standing herself back up, she winced at the feeling of her heavier breasts trying to pop apart her recently bought E-cup bra. Relaxing her pudgy arms to avoid tormenting the blazer any further, she winced at the feeling of her arm chub rustling against the thin strands of hair beneath her armpit she had forgotten to shave.

   Noticing the way people were starting to stare, she moved as fast as she dared. Carefully moving to avoid tearing the stockings tightly wrapped around her thickened legs were a necessary evil. The glacial pace let her avoid lifting up her overburdened skirt and accidentally showing the pair of panties tightly wrapped around her bubble butt. Keeping up a steady walking speed that only lightly jostled her extra chin managed to get her into her seat without much incident.

   “Good morning, Komi-san,” Tadano said as she sat down next to him. “How are you doing today?”

   Komi got out her pencil and notepad and began to write her response. However, she was interrupted as a bagel covered in cheese was slid in front of her view. Lifting up her head, she was greeted with the beaming smile of Yamai. Her attention was drawn away from her stalker by another person placing a container of sausages nearby the pastry. She barely had time to acknowledge Agari’s existence before Nakanaka and Najimi took turns placing more breakfast food on her desk. Peeking past the group’s expectant faces, she shuddered upon seeing the line up of students waiting nearby to give her more food.

   “You know, you don’t have to eat all of it,” Tadano whispered into Komi’s ear. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been worrying about the…side effects of these constant food marathons. It’s completely fine to say no to them.”

   Though Tadano’s words were true, Komi found it hard to resist giving into peer pressure. If her classmates’ gazes weren’t bad enough, the ravenous growls emanating from her pudgy stomach further pushed her towards yet another breakfast binge session. In the hopes of keeping her friends happy and satiating her appetite, she graciously accepted utensils from her friends to aid her in her meal.

   Trying to control her pace worked at first, allowing her to appreciate the flavors and make approving nods towards the people that provided her with the sizable breakfast. Her plan fell apart after she finished a piece of bacon and a belch let her retaste the greasy flavor. A red sheen appeared across her cheeks, but no one else seemed to mind the sudden outburst. Not seeing any particular reason to stop, she accidentally let herself fall victim to her desire to stuff her face.

   At some point Komi put aside the fork to eat with her hands. Further pushed on by her ravenous stomach and expectant classmates, she threw caution to the wind as she gobbled everything down like a greedy pig. Crumbs and droplets of grease occasionally fell from her mouth to besmirch her uniform, but she was too concentrated on eating to notice the degradation of her clothing. Burps became more frequent throughout the meal, letting her free up room for more food at the cost of some of her dignity. What finally stopped her indulgent feast was a billowing BRRRAAAAAPPPPPPPP slapping out of her rear to flutter the hem of her skirt and overwhelm the smell of breakfast with a noxious odor.

   Face as red as the jelly leaking from the doughnut in her palms and onto her chest, Komi dared to look up to see her fellow students still staring at her. While none of them reacted to her fart, that only made her inner thoughts become wilder at the idea of what they refused to say to her face. Looking over her body and seeing the various spills across her clothes alongside her belly peeking out further from her shirt made her stress hit a breaking point. Knocking over her desk with her gut as she got up from her chair, she made a mad dash to the bathroom to clean herself up before class started.

   “Just what do you think you’re doing?” Tadano asked to the group, wincing at the sound of another one of Komi’s farts echoing through the hall. “Do you know how embarrassing that was for her?”

   “I’m s-sorry,” Agari replied, fidgeting with her fingers. “We just wanted to see Komi eat.”

   “Is that really a good enough reason to exacerbate her condition?”

   “She looked so happy though,” Yamai said. “Not to mention getting to see more of her cute chub being exposed,” she added, wiping the drool from her lips.

   Tadano opened his mouth to scold them further only to be stopped by Najimi placing their arm on his shoulder.

   “We didn’t mean anything bad by it,” Najimi explained. “This has become a sort of ritual for getting Komi to enjoy her food with us. You can’t really blame us considering how hard it’s been to get a group meal together. Think of it as just as indirect invitation to join her daily eating rituals.”

   Tadano raised an eyebrow and glanced over at the students’ desks. Just as he expected, each of them contained extra boxes of food. “You’re planning to do this again during lunch, aren’t you?”

   Nakanaka struck a pose as she clutched her eyepatch. “It appears you have seen through our shadowy scheme. However, my dark powers will ensure our plan to further feed and befriend Komi will not be stopped.”

   Tadano once again prepared to reprimand them, only to be stopped by his own lingering thoughts. Recalling how much Komi wanted to eat with the others despite her anxiety, he had to admit that this work around, though odd, was doing the job. While he continued to ponder this plan, the other students departed to get ready for class. His train of thought was put on hold as Komi returned to her desk and sat down.

   “Are you feeling alright?” he asked.

   Grasping her notebook once more, Komi quickly jotted down: “Yes. It was so nice getting to eat with my friends. And the food was really tasty too.”

   The small smile on her face persisted even as a small puff of gas slipped out of her rear. In the wake of his sudden realization, all Tadano could do was return the cheerful expression. Hoping things wouldn’t get too out of hand, he decided he would allow the constant feedings to continue. Besides, it’s not like he thought things could get any worse.


   The toll of the lunch bell acted as a siren’s call for the students to push their desks together for their daily ritual. Putting aside their adequately sized meal for later, they each took turns showing off their goods. Packages filled to the brim with food were hauled onto their desks before being passed down the line. No matter the type of meal that was presented, they all had the same goal: to provide Komi a suitable lunch to go along with her newly acquired title as the goddess of gluttony.

   Though the pile of food was impressive, it paled in comparison to the sheer size of the woman they were intended for. A custom sized blazer was stretched around her torso, threatening to tear with even the slightest shift of her blubbery arms. Numerous crumbs and stains clung to the formerly white dress shirt that took on the brunt of containing her massive, beach watermelon-like breasts. Trying to use her sausage-like fingers to brush the crumbs that still clung to her chest from breakfast shifted around her top to allow more of her deep belly button to peek out. While this left the thick pelt of black body hair visible around the center of her gut, it was far from the only point of interest of her slobby form.

   Komi wobbled her massive rear against the two chairs keeping her comfortable at her desk. The bouncing motion of the meaty ass cheeks swished around her overburdened skirt and gave occasional glimpses of the rips scattered across her stockings. This constant motion swirled about the gas inside of her intestines that had been building up from her feast earlier that morning. A loud BRRRAAAAAAAAAPPPP blasting its way out of her rear filled the room with a foul stench and gave a good view of the thong-like panties tucked deep between the crevasse of her butt crack. Despite all of this, Komi wasn’t the least bit embarrassed.

   Having grown used to the smell after several months of dealing with Komi the slob, Tadano made his way through the lingering gas cloud to sit next to her. Able to look past the various rips and food stains littering her uniform, he tilted up his head to gaze upon her four chins and pudgy cheeks. Oil clung to her elongated strands of hair, with a secondary puff of flatulence momentarily freeing the locks from her back flab. Komi pushed the stray hairs away from her greasy skin, allowing him to see a pleased look on her face as she got ready to enjoy her daily lunch meeting with all of her friends.

   With all of the food in place, Komi pressed her belly into her desk as she attacked her latest offering. Meats, veggies, breads, and anything else she grasped between her fingers were devoured in mere moments. The sound of her constant chewing was interspersed with guttural burps that let everyone in class get a sample of her huskier voice. Going at her meal like a starving animal had the adverse effect of making sweat begin to bead across her body. Becoming a sweaty mess as she reached the halfway point of her meal, she turned to Tadano for help.

   “Alright, I’ll take care of it,” he said, noticing the disheartened look of the others as he stepped up to do the honors of taking care of her burden.

   Grasping the very edges of Komi’s coat, Tadano practically peeled it off of her body in an attempt to cool her off. Momentarily getting stuck on her blubbery arms, he managed to finally remove the blazer at the cost of several new tears in the fabric. Tossing the blanket-sized garment aside, he turned back to see that her shirt wasn’t faring much better.

   Her perspiration had completely drenched her white top, leaving most of her chubby flesh on display due to the see through material. Though a bra was there to keep her breasts somewhat modest, they did little to hide the sheer size of the massive mammaries as they jostled around at even the slightest motion. Peeking out beneath her blubbery arms were coarse tufts of black armpit hair that were just as oily and rough as the follicles surrounding her belly button. Flourishing her hair and inadvertently sprinkling Tadano in sweat, she gave him a small nod as thanks and resumed her feast.

   Wiping his face clean with a handkerchief, Tadano looked back to watch as Komi moved onto her desserts. The sweet smell of the various pastries and candies was overwhelmed with the gas that poured out of both of her ends. Weathering through the storm of PHHHHHRRRRTTTTs from her rear and BWOOOOORRRRRPPPs from her mouth, the other students took this as a signal to open up their own lunches.

   Though Komi didn’t say much between her chewing and burping, she did manage to make little grunts and head motions in reaction to a very lively lunch group. If a student was lucky, they would actually get the chance to hear her say something between muffled chewing. Not minding the various crumbs and stains her attempts at speech spilled across her already besmirched clothing, she found the fact that she was actually able to attempt a conversation as a sign that she was starting to overcome her social anxiety.

   Watching as Komi finished off the last of her meal, the sight of her butt cheeks peeking out from beneath her skirt made Tadano reassess her situation. Her weight and gas problems were quite evident, having been exacerbated by her own rising appetite alongside the students’ insistence on giving her food. He knew that she would never reject any of the meals given to her for fear of upsetting her friends.

   These lingering worries were swept away as Komi lifted up her head and licked off the cream clinging to her plump lips to finish off her lunch. As the students came together to clean up the leftover pile of empty wrappers and food containers, she swiveled her thick neck to the side to look upon Tadano. Heaving her obese form out of her chairs, she waddled up to him with notebook in hand. Awkwardly writing something down with her pudgy fingers, she confidently held the paper up to his face.

   “Agari told me about an all you can eat ramen restaurant that just opened up. Would you like to join me after school?”


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