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(An alternate version of an alternate version of a prompt that got removed from Deviantart)

Original Prompt: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-prompt-61856782

Original Alternate Version of Prompt: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-prompt-61856782

Prompt: Prompt: Ann Takamaki turning into a muscular man with a huge cock.

   The Phantom Thieves cornered the shadow, a simple looking creature consisting of a floating orb with a single, black and white eye. Its unassuming demeanor allowed it to surprise the group with its swift movements. Dodging strikes of magic, gunshots, and all of their other attacks, it strangely didn’t strike back. The eyeball stopped moving once it reached the recently turned 18 Ann, its iris looking over her blonde pigtails and red catsuit. With a shudder, the creature shot the adult woman with a bolt of black energy and sped off deep into Mementos. Just as the group was about to follow, they paused to see what was happening to their teammate.

   Ann’s body trembled as she surged to a towering eight feet in height. Her once silky long hair became shortened into a buzz cut that lined her scalp and revealed her more rugged chin covered in stubble. The skin-tight catsuit was ripped to shreds as her body became a hulking mass of tanned muscles, only to be covered up again by a plaid shirt and a set of denim suspenders. In the wake of her bulging biceps and broadened shoulders, she lost any semblance of her womanly curves in favor of toned glutes and pectorals as hard as stone. As her transformation came to a gradual stop, Ann’s cry for help gained a deep, Southern drawl.

   Still reeling from the after effects of his transformation, the newly created Anthony’s scrambled mind had him bending forward to grasp something in his hands. On reaction, his teammates started to run forward to give chase to the shadow in hopes of changing him back. However, they were stopped by Anthony stomping in front of them to show off the enormous cock in his hands.

   “Alright city slickers, I got two questions,” Ann began, continuing to stroke the white feathers of the chicken calmly nesting in his arms. “One, who here is ready for a hard day’s work? Second, who wants to get paid in homemade pie and the privilege of getting to pet my prize winning cock here?”

   There was a moment of hesitation, giving the group enough time to fully take in Anthony’s words. Eventually, two of the women in the group raised a pair of shaky hands. Though Anthony was pleased with the turn out, his smug grin grew even wider upon seeing one of the guys raise his arm and step forward to take up his offer.


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