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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet (Steven Universe) going through multiple transformations

Pearl's training to become better at transforming takes an odd route as Amethyst fuses with her and causes more than a few mishaps.

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner.

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Exemplifying beauty and grace, Pearl stood in the middle of the living room trying to keep herself focused. Her slender arms and thin legs moved about like a dancer, her peach-colored hair remaining in place with each movement. Without so much as leaving a wrinkle in her cyan blazer or deep blue pants, she pranced around the room on her ballet shoes as she gathered up the energy needed for the task ahead. Coming to an elegant stop, she placed her ivory toned palms together and concentrated her powers through the gem on her forehead to achieve a technique that she had very rarely used. Taking a deep breath, her attempt to succeed in transforming her body was once more halted by an annoying chewing noise.

   Opening her eyes, Pearl glared over at Amethyst spread out on the couch. The short, purple woman flipped about her main of white hair as she ate through a bag of chips. Mindlessly scratching at the purple gem sticking out of the black shirt on her chest, she let out a small burp as she continued to stare at Pearl.

   “Come ooooooooon, do something,” Amethyst whined, as she brushed crumbs onto the floor.

   Pearl stomped her foot into the ground. “I’m trying, but it’s difficult to concentrate when you keep eating like that.”

   With a shrug, Amethyst up-ended the bag of chips to finish it off in a matter of seconds. “It’s not that hard,” she said, tossing the bag into the corner of the room. “I do it all the time in the middle of a fight. Comes as easy as breathing.”

   Pearl got ready to yell, only to calm herself down with a deep exhale. “It may be simple for you, but that’s because you’ve done it all your life. You know how infrequently I change my form, let alone into such ridiculous shapes.”

   Amethyst crossed her arms and sighed. “Well we have to figure out something. Steven is due to come back from his trip any day now and we need to be ready for the surprise party.”

   “I know, but these things take practice. Now please be quiet while I take up the position again.”

   “Whatever,” Amethyst said with a shrug of her shoulders.

   Closing her eyes once more, Pearl tried to change her shape again. Though her gem flickered with occasional light, it was clear to Amethyst that her friend was still far off from perfecting the technique. Continuing to watch Pearl struggle with such a simple task, she couldn’t help wondering how she could possibly get her to understand. If only there was a way to get inside of her head.

   Unseen from Pearl’s shut eyes, Amethyst put on a mischievous grin. Getting a running start, she leapt towards Pearl. Hearing the sound of Amethyst’s feet leaving the ground, Pearl opened up her eyes just in time to see her come careening right into her forehead. Upon impact, the two of them began to fuse together, albeit not in the most graceful of ways.

   Their form shifted back and forth between Amethyst’s short stature and Pearl’s lanky figure in a mass of bright light. The result of their mish mash of body types had them keeping most of Pearl’s height at the cost of multiplying their overall weight threefold. As their bodies began to stabilize, they were left with a light lavender color that was spread across their pudgy tummy and thicker limbs. A drooping beer belly sunk between their legs, the main source of their over 300 pounds of weight. Upon discovering that they had failed to form any clothing to obscure their plump breasts or their thick backside, Pearl let out a shrill cry of distress.

   “Not so loud!” Amethyst shouted back. “I’m right here you know.”

   “That doesn’t make any sense,” Pearl commented. “We fused. How would you even…”

   Pearl and Amethyst came to the same conclusion as they turned towards one another. While they had combined into a single, chubby body, they had both kept their heads. With their craniums balanced atop the fat form, they had ample opportunity to experience the strange and unusual sensation of sharing the botched result of the transformation.

   “Woah, this is pretty cool,” Amethyst said, using the left arm to tap her pudgy fingers across their scalps.

   “Stop that!” Pearl said, using the right arm to slap Amethyst’s hand away. “This is serious. What if we’re stuck like this?”

   “Calm down,” Amethyst replied, ignoring Pearl’s look of concern in favor of squeezing their budding breasts. “It should be easy. You just have to feel it out.”

   “I didn’t know what that meant before and I certainly don’t know now,” Pearl replied, wincing as she felt their butt cheeks wobble as she stomped her foot.

   “Okay, okay, let’s try to focus on something else.” Amethyst thought for a moment, biding her time by sliding her fingers into the depths of their belly button. “Like a dragon or something. Maybe if we’re no longer shaped like humans, it’ll split us up.”

   For lack of a better solution, Pearl took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Very well. Just try not to distract me this time.”

   “Kind of hard when we’re right next to each other,” Amethyst grumbled before shutting her eyes.

   As the two of them focused on the image in their heads, they could feel their body begin to well up with power. Once more they were thrown into a swirl of mixed sensations and shimmering lights. Through this chaos of their bodies being mixed around, they kept their minds focused on a singular image.

   Their combined thoughts worked in replacing their chubby flesh with rough, lavender scales that further shaped their figures. Their soft belly became much tougher as it was lined with the scales, in the process taking away their heaving bosom. Plump toes and fingers gave way to fearsome claws that tapped against their tough hide and scratched against the carpet. A reptilian tail and a set of leathery wings sprouting from their back took from the mass around their rear to shape themselves into a proper dragon. While it was all very impressive, their draconic body still had a glaring flaw.

   Moving their snake-like necks about, Pearl and Amethyst turned once more to look each other in the face. Glancing over each other’s pointed horns and the fangs jutting out of their maws proved that they had succeeded in turning into a dragon. However, that didn’t stop them from growling at one another as they tried to once more deal with their predicament of being stuck with one body and two heads.

   “I thought you said this would work,” Pearl said, flames flickering across her forked tongue.

   “I said it MIGHT work,” Amethyst replied, snorting out a puff of smoke from her nostrils. “Maybe if we try something a little more abstract. Just follow my lead.”

   “Amethyst no. We should just wait here for-“

   Pearl’s words became a garbled mess as she was once more thrown into a barrage of bright lights. Their shared body lost most of its mass as they began to shrink down. In the process of discarding their draconic qualities, they also lost their limbs alongside most of their mass. Falling to the ground, it took them a few moments to fully comprehend what Amethyst had turned them into.

   Pearl was no more than a few inches thick, with her entire form made out of balsa wood. While her lower body was quite small in comparison, the upper half containing her face was in the shape of a wide oval. Though her view was distorted by her flattened head, she could still make out that the small, purple, rubber ball attached to her by a string was Amethyst by the sight of her fellow gem’s nervous smile.

   “So we may be stuck like this,” Amethyst said, adding another weak laugh to try and ease the mood. “But hey, I’m sure Steven will find a living paddleball pretty funny.”

   Amethyst’s attempt to diffuse the situation was halted as Pearl shook forward to send her bounding against her face.

   “This is what you get for being so careless,” Pearl said, easily enduring the pain of Amethyst constantly ricocheting off of her face if it meant dishing out a proper punishment.

   “OW I’m OW sorry!” Amethyst shouted. “OW stop it!”

   “No, not until you figure out how we can-“

   Pearl stopped Amethyst’s long overdue punishment as she heard the door open up. Though their vision was limited due to their forms, Pear and Amethyst still recognized the staggering figure, cube-shaped hair, and magenta skin tone of Garnet. Gently picking up the living paddleball, Garnet lifted them up to her face and dismissed her glasses to allow her three eyes to look over them.

   “I saw this in a premonition,” Garnet said, putting a hand on her hips. “But I did not expect it to come out so…uniquely.”

   Amethyst let out a huff. “Well we wouldn’t be in this situation if Pearl knew how to-OW!”

   “Don’t you dare blame this on me,” Pearl said, giving Amethyst a few more bounces. “It was your reckless fusion that got us stuck like this.”

   Amethyst’s punishment was stopped by Garnet grasping the string connecting her to Pearl. “Beating each other up isn’t going to solve anything,” she said, the other two remaining silent in her wake. “Since I’m used to working with more than one person,” she continued, pointing towards her three eyes, “perhaps I can help you fix yourselves.”

   Taking a deep breath, Garnet began to dance around the room with the paddleball in her hands. Figuring out what Garnet was trying to do; Pearl and Amethyst tried their best to get their inanimate forms to move in tandem with their partner. Though it was unorthodox, their movements succeeded in starting the fusion process in the hopes of regaining a useable body.

   Things started out promising enough as their glowing body grew arms and legs in an effort to take on a more humanoid appearance. They only realized something was wrong as their torso bulked up with a mix of thick fat and bulky muscles. Patches of purple hair spread between their sagging, beach ball-like breasts and trailed past their belly button to make its way to their nether region. A small amount of decency was given to their hulking form via a sumo wrestler-style loincloth hugging itself around their undercarriage. While their groin was covered by the attire, it didn’t lessen the sting of feeling the fabric sinking deeper between their elephantine ass cheeks with each step of their thick legs. Stomping about with their bulky body, the three of them turned towards the TV to see all three of their heads balanced atop a body perfectly suited for a sumo wring.

   “Well this is…unexpected,” Garnet said, craning her neck down to look over their form and barely catching a glimpse of their toes beneath their doubled-over, 800 pound belly.

   “Amethyst, what did you do?” Pearl asked, pointing a sausage-like finger at Amethyst and wincing at the feeling of the bristly hairs beneath her armpit.

   “Don’t put the blame on me,” Amethyst replied, smacking away Pearl’s hand and accidentally slapping her palm against their breasts to send them into a jiggling fit. “You were here too.”

   “Calm down,” Garnet said, getting the other two to go silent by performing a heavy stomp that sent ripples through their massive backside. “Its obvious humanoid forms are not the solution. Let’s try out something a little more feral.”

   “Oh! Like a dog?” Amethyst suggested.

   “A dog?” Pearl asked. “What on Earth makes you think that would-“

   “That might do it,” Garnet said. “Ready, set, let’s go.”

   Once more the trio combined into a bright shimmering light. Their bulky body fell to the ground as they took on a more quadrupedal form. To accommodate their new shape, their limbs morphed into more stocky legs that ended in paws. A plethora of different hues made up the coloring of the fur that spread across their body, ending in a lanky tail. Though they were much larger than they expected as they towered over the couch, they had nearly succeeded in their transformation. Save for one glaring issue.

   “Hmm, guess that wasn’t quite right,” Garnet said, flapping her ears and shaking her muzzle as she turned her German Shepherd styled face to see she was still being flanked by Pearl and Amethyst’s heads.

   “It’s obvious that Amethyst isn’t concentrating hard enough,” Pearl said, raising her poodle-shaped head into the air and waving about the puff of fur atop her scalp.

   “Stop blaming me for YOUR mistakes!” Amethyst shouted back, struggling to speak with the drooping jowls of a bulldog in her way.

   While the other two argued, Garnet managed to take the reins of their body and walk them over to the TV screen. Staring intently at their form, she noticed something. “We may still be stuck with one body and three heads, but I think we’re a little more separated from one another. Perhaps the solution isn’t to try to all be one, but to instead split apart into different forms.”

   Pearl let out a whimper. “Isn’t that dangerous?”

   Amethyst let out a huff as she shook her jowls. “Not like we have much of a choice. So what do we turn into?”

   “Some kind of animal good at escaping,” Garnet said. “Don’t tell us what it is. We want to avoid accidentally turning into the same thing. Let’s give it a shot. Three…two…one…go!”

   For the final time, the three gems disappeared into a glowing mass of light. Concentrating on their chosen animals, they allowed their bodies to change once more. Though the method was unorthodox, it all started to come together at they kept their minds focused on the creature each of them thought was perfect for getting away from one another.

   Garnet acquired a pink mane reminiscent of Lion’s in the hopes of warping out of their predicament. Amethyst developed a thin beard and a pair of goat-like horns perfect for charging away from the others. Pearl’s scaly neck extended out, giving her a slender, snake-like head to give herself a chance to slither out of their body. While these were all good options, they were once more foiled by an unfortunate mishap.

   The three gems snapped back together just as their combined body began to take shape and grow in size. Stomping her paws into the ground, Garnet flicked her whiskers as she watched their body become taller and wider with each passing second. The sound of their body’s hindlegs clopping her hooves against the ground paled in comparison to the loud crash that resulted in Amethyst’s head being the first of the trio to break through the ceiling. With an entire section of the house demolished by their body, Pearl was the one most capable to look over the carnage and the strange mix of pink and white fur spread across their form. A distressed hiss passed by Pearl’s long fangs as she realized she had become the tail of the gigantic chimera.

   Turning her gaze towards Amethyst, Pearl used her new status as a snake to let out a flurry of hisses for causing their problem to begin with. Butting her head against Pearl’s, Amethyst retaliated with a series of BAAAAAASS that got her aggression across. Trying in vain to get the other two to relax through a series of growls and roars, Garnet tried to direct their body away from the house before they could cause any more damage.

   A slight misstep in the wreckage sent the enormous beast crashing into the water below. Soaked, but unharmed, the chimera gems got back up to continue struggling with one another. Their cacophonous cries of various sounds echoed through the air, bringing attention towards their kaiju-like size and shape from everyone in Beach City.

   The sight of the monstrous gems stomping through the ocean caught the eye of someone driving along the highway. Getting out of his car, Steven pushed back his puffy black hair to stare at the strange sight. Glancing at the five gems located on the creature’s chest gave him an idea of what the monster was. Hurriedly getting back in his car, he slammed his foot down on the pedal to race home as fast as possible to see if he could fix their “little” problem.


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