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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Female to Fat, Gassy, Male, Anthro Mouse and Moose TF

Desperate to get her mind off of hectic work life, Sarah opts in to test a new type of puzzle app. Hopefully she will figure out the answer before her entire body is transformed beyond recognition.

This is a story for an anonymous commissioner. 

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Sarah’s standard morning routine revealed her own weariness as she once more prepared for the daily grind of an office worker. After thoroughly scrubbing her tanned skin to get rid of any lingering grogginess, she made sure to style her shoulder-length black hair into a prim and proper style. When it came to choosing the day’s wardrobe, she went with a tried and true combination of a white dress shirt and black skirt to make sure she would be prepared for the trials ahead. Slipping on her high heeled shoes, she entered the kitchen to take care of one last morning ritual before she headed out to meet the day’s challenges.

   Sitting at her dining table with a plate of hastily made scrambled eggs, she pulled out her phone and looked over her schedule. As she suspected, her day was completely booked up with meetings and handling paper work. The burden was heavy, but she was sure that it would be all worth it in the end when she was given the promotion she always wanted. Lingering on her success inevitably led to her thinking about the exponential increase in responsibilities and work that would come with each new position. Before her anxiety could kick in, she quickly dismissed it with her typical morning distraction.

   Flipping through her options of various word puzzles, she looked for the best way to momentarily put her brain to work on something more comforting. Going through the dozens mind puzzle applications, she had trouble finding anything she was particularly in the mood for. Lately she had found even the hardest of challenges too simple, with various games labeling her as a master puzzle solver. With a defeated sigh, she defaulted to her usual word game in the hopes it would be enough to calm her mind.

   Upon opening the app and reaching for the daily puzzle, she was given a prompt from the developers. Gaining her interest, she read through the message to find out she had been chosen from a select few players to try out a new word game. Reading over the name Morphing Mind-Boggler, she nodded her head in agreement that it would probably be just the thing she was looking for to both test her skills and keep her sane.

   Installing the new app and bringing up the day’s puzzle, she was met with five blank spaces and asked to try and figure out the word. Letting out a groan at the overused formula, she nonetheless put her brain to work trying to come up with an opening guess. As she continued to ponder, her mind thought back to the previous day at work where she had to suffer through some of her coworkers’ talk about their weekend plans. It was always the same itinerary: going out to clubs, dancing like an idiot, and downing alcohol in the hopes of become more than a little…

   Sarah snapped her fingers as she thought of her first word. She meticulously typed the word TIPSY into the device and waited for the results. As clever as she thought she was, the app responded by greying out every letter except the S. Paying attention to the green border marking the S as the only correct letter in the right position, she got ready for her second attempt.

   Her next try was slowed down as she reached for her phone only to have her finger slip past the screen by an inch. Pulling her arm back, she held onto her head as she felt a sudden dizziness. Shirking it off as just her lack of sleep catching up to her, she downed the rest of her orange juice to keep herself alert and turned her attention back towards the game.

   While the clue helped, it wasn’t a very good start when it came to figuring out the rest of the word. Deciding to get a better idea of her options, she elected to type in a word at random. Picking letters that she hoped would narrow down her search results, she ironically typed in the word WIDEN and waited for the app’s response. Her clever thinking only earned her a yellow marking around the E, identifying it as a correct letter, but in the wrong position.

   Putting this new information to good use, she placed her fingers on her chin in thought. A mix of the earlier dizziness mixed with her tight concentration made her blissfully unaware as her chin plumped up to fill her hand. Still at a loss for how to continue, she let her fingers slide down her thickening neck to bump along her chest. Her fingers fattening up did little to draw her attention, nor did the sensation of her modest bosom tripling in size to make her once loose dress shirt strain under the pressure.

   Letting out a sigh of exasperation, she placed her phone back on the table and rested her pudgy fingers along her swelling gut. Lost in a haze of brainstorming and something similar to inebriation, she paid little mind to the way her belly button stuck out of the many holes being ripped in her shirt. Leaning forward and inadvertently sinking her fat rolls into the table, she looked around the room for something to kickstart her ideas. Upon looking at a scenic paining of a volcano up on her wall, she couldn’t stop a wide grin from forming on her chubby face as she came up with her next move. She channeled her growing excitement by wobbling her widening rear back and forth, ignorant to the fact that her ass cheeks were hanging further off of the chair with each passing second.

   Once more picking up her phone, she fumbled with her pudgy fingers to type in the next word. Forcing her mind to concentrate on the task at hand, she managed to give the game the word ERUPT. Her pride took a hit as her supposedly brilliant move revealed once more that the only correct letter was E, and it was still in the wrong spot.

   Crossing her arms in frustrations, she let out a grunt only for it to be interrupted by a deep belch forcing its way past her lips. The sudden eruption of gas gave her a momentary sense of clarity. She wasn’t one to let out such rude noises on a whim. Sure she was alone, but she still considered it taboo to let a burp out so willingly, especially one so loud. Feeling her stomach rumble again, she grasped her belly in the hopes of calming it down before another burp could force itself out.

   So focused on preventing any other bubbles form rolling out of her throat, Sarah failed to sense the bubbles rush towards another exit. The building pressure inevitably found its release in the form of a squeaky fart forcing its way past her expanded derriere to flutter the hem of her skirt. On reaction she winced at the rude noise, only to feel her entire body bounce as another one slipped out. The increased volume and length of the second burst of flatulence brought with it a strange sense of calm, as if she were expelling her anxiety through the gassy outburst. No longer worried about holding herself back, she freely let out a loud BRRRAAAAAAAAPPPPP that echoed across the walls of her dining room.

   Pushed by an unknown force, she further relaxed her body to let the gas spout from both ends. Burps and farts came out unhindered, growing in strength with each release. As the sounds of her gas filled Sarah’s apartment, she couldn’t help feeling a strange sense of pride at how powerful they were. Making a note to try and rid herself of her indigestion before she had to leave for work, she once more turned her attention towards the game.

   Once more looking around her home for inspiration, her eyes fell upon a landscape painting of the Grand Canyon. Letting out a rippling fart as she thought over her options, she snapped her fingers as it finally came to her. Puffing out her chest at the threat of pushing her bosom straight through her shirt, she typed in the word GORGE with utmost confidence. Her reward was a green highlight on the O and E. Shifting about in her seat over her small step towards victory, it took her a moment to realize that a different kind of rumbling noise was piercing through her rolling digestive tract.

   Sliding her phone away from her, she brought her attention towards her plate of untouched eggs. Grasping a fork between her fingers, she shoveled up a portion of her meal and brought it to her mouth to try and satiate herself. The taste was better than she remembered, unable to recall her own cooking having such a rich flavor. This discovery led her to scarf down the entirety of her breakfast in record time. Though she managed to lick the plate clean of any scraps, she could still feel her belly craving for more.

   Heaving herself out of her chair to the sound of a loud fart, she shuffled her way back into the kitchen. Opening up the cupboard, something seemingly possessed her to grab every box of snacks she had. The various bags of chips, cookies, and crackers were originally intended for social gatherings and entertaining coworkers. However, Sarah’s stomach proved to be in greater need than the hypothetical guests.

   Tearing open the packages with reckless abandon, Sarah resumed her ravenous feasting. Just like the eggs beforehand, everything that touched her tongue seemed to overpower her taste buds with unequitable flavor. Enamored with the thought of gorging herself, she didn’t even acknowledge her loud chewing nor the constant deluge of gas coming from both of her ends. In the wake of her binge session, she was left surrounded in a variety of torn open plastic and crumbs. Despite this, her stomach still called out for more, pushing her fattened up form to seek out the secondary stash of snacks in her pantry.

   The effects of her feast were made apparent as soon as she took a single step forward. Buttons along her shirt began to fly across the room, no longer able to contain her bulging belly. A few more steps were all it took to send her globular breast bursting out of her shirt. Though her conscious mind was still focused on her feasting, that didn’t stop her from letting out an idiotic giggle as a loud burp pushed her plump tits ever closer to breaking free of her bra.

   Finally reaching the stash of snacks, she grasped the handle on the pantry with her pudgy fingers and swung it open with reckless abandon. Too hungry to linger on where to start, she sat her fat ass down and began eating anything that she could get her hands on. As she ate, her body was sure to free up room by letting out a constant deluge of flatulence from her widened rear. The effects of her mindless devouring were made apparent as her once modest skirt became smaller and smaller in comparison to her swelling thighs and expanding backside. Swallowing up the last brownie from her stash, Sarah demolished her skirt with one final fart as she leaned back and basked in the aftermath of her delicious meal.

   With her belly momentarily sated, Sarah heaved herself back up and waddled her way over to the dining table. Sitting down on her chair and ignoring its various creaks and groans, she scratched at her three chins as she pondered her next move in the game. In her food-laden and buzzed state, her fingers began to randomly poke at letters until it came to a word the game accepted. Finally typing in the word MACHO rewarded her with a green highlight around the M and a yellow around the O.

   Waving about her blubbery arms in victory, she let out a cheer that sounded nothing like her usually feminine voice. The added deepness to the tone coincided with her bosom losing all of its definition as her tits sagged like a pair of overly fattened man pecs. The drooping pair of moobs were what finally broke apart her bra, leaving them to graze against her newly developed belly hair. Though the strand atop her head shortened to little more than a buzz cut, her body more than made up for it. Similar patches of unruly curls popped up across her body, covering her arms and legs, erupting from beneath her armpits, and even leaving a rugged beard that covered her widened jaw.

   Mindlessly scratching at the trail of hair along her gut, her fingers followed them towards the depths of her nether region. While she was stopped from going any further from her sheer girth, she could feel something was different. Shuffling about in her seat, she could sense something long and hard lurking beneath her undercarriage. Picking up her phone, she lowered it beneath her tummy to take a picture. What she saw in the resulting image was her new, girthy cock and balls trying their best to break free of her panties.

   The sudden realization that he had turned into an overly hairy and fat man did little to deter from Sarah’s good mood. Still riding off of the high of his new clues, he leaned back in his seat and let another bout of flatulence send ripples through hairy, fatty mass. Considering he only had one guess left, it was in his best interest to think hard about what he typed in next. Unfortunately for him, his inebriated mind merely typed in the first animal that popped into his head.

   Despite his less than clear mind, the word MOUSE seemed to be a relatively good guess. His eyes gleamed as he saw one letter light up green after another. A smile spread across his plump face, his backside releasing a plethora of excited farts at the thought of finally solving the puzzle. Alas, his good mood only lasted until the game notified him that the letter U wasn’t in the word. He had lost.

   Slouching across the table, Sarah let out a burp to vent some of his frustrations. As his mind went into overdrive to come up with the actual answer, he felt his entire body begin to shiver. Thinking it was just gas, he tried to rid himself of the pressure through another session of reckless burping and farting. While the gassy expulsions felt good, they didn’t relieve him of the tremors going through his body.

   As Sarah pondered what was going on, a sudden jolt sent his upper half slumping onto the table. Thinking it was part of some strange and unusual growth, his eyes went wide with shock as he watched his pudgy body begin to shrink in size. Though he was growing smaller with each passing second, he still maintained his obese proportions. Left at no more than a few inches in height, he waddled over to the edge of the stable and leaned over to gaze at the oversized and overburdened set of panties he had left on the ground.

   His view of the abandoned clothing was disrupted by his nose stretching out into a prominent muzzle and sprouting thin whiskers. Reaching out to examine his new growth, he had to stop upon seeing his paw-like, pudgy fingers and the thin, grey fur crawling across his blubbery limbs. The layer of fuzz covered every inch of his flesh, leaving only his long, fleshy tail bare.

   Waddling his body about, his eyes locked onto the emptied glass of orange juice on the table. Moving at a snail’s pace towards the glass, he let out a surprised belch as he beheld the large, round ears atop his head reflected back at him. Wriggling the circular ears and letting a fart vibrate his tail helped the image of his new body sink into his still airheaded brain. At the very least, it now made sense that he was only a few inches tall considering he had been changed into an anthropomorphic mouse.

   Opening his mouth to let a burp brush by his buck teeth, Sarah’s attention was drawn away from his reflection by the sound of a chime. Turning back towards the phone, he saw a message asking if he wanted the answer to the puzzle. Shuffling over to the screen, he shrugged his bulky shoulders and slapped both of his palms against the button to finally put the game to an end.

   Sarah slapped his hands against his thick cheeks as he looked upon the word MOOSE. Grumbling and puffing out a string of BRAAPPPPPPSSS and PHHHHRRRTTTTSSS from his fuzzy butt cheeks helped him to vent some of his anger at being unable to guess such an easy word. In the midst of gnawing on the side of the phone, his anger came to a standstill as another burp forced its way out from his bulging belly. The belch carried with it a strong sense of ease, putting him in the right mindset for what was about to come.

   The once miniscule mouse man surged in size within the span of a few seconds. Going far past his original proportions, the sheer weight of his swelling form spelled the end for his dining room table. Sprawled out on the floor, yet unharmed, any concerns for his condition were dismissed with a series of deep chuckles brought on by yet another PHHHHRRRRTTT from his rear. Further and further his body spread out, his ass cheeks pushing away the debris of his chair as they swelled to match the rest of his girthy form. Picking himself up on his thick arms, he shook about his drooping gut to rid himself of the pieces of wood that had tangled in his fur. Mindlessly scratching as his engorging moobs, Sarah merely stood there with his jaw open as he let the final changes take hold.

   His paws were replaced with hoof-like digits, aiding him in scratching the itching sensation spread across his unstable form. Helping to support his meaty rear and thick legs, his feet were replaced with cloven hooves that stomped across the remains of his table. A dingy brown took over the color of his fur, alongside shrinking his tail into little more than a nub. Making up for the shortening of his appendage and his much smaller ears, a pair of thick antlers emerged from the top of his skull to graze against the ceiling.

   The impact of his horns hitting drywall sent ripples through his flabby, furry body. His stubby tail failed about like crazy as a billowing fart came bursting out of his rear. Though he reveled in the feeling of relief, the rumbling continued within the depths of his enormous gut. Cradling his sagging man pecs between his fingers, he let out a snort from his snout, brushing away whatever traces of whiskers clung to his drooping face. The pressure hitting its apex, Sarah opened up his mouth to release the storm inside.

   A bellowing burp came forth from his lips to the tune of a loud BWOOOOOORRRRPPP. The sheer force of the expulsion made his fur go rigid and his tail stand straight up. Surpassing a minute in length, the burp lost some of its power as gas leaked out of his rear. As the last of the powerful eruption began to peter out, the tail end gave off a distinct call. Though his mind was a mess of testosterone and drunkenness, there was still enough cognizance to recognize the call of a moose at the very end of the monstrous burp.

   The release of the belch shook away enough of Sarah’s tipsy demeanor to let him realize what had become of him. Finally given a chance to take stock of his various changes, he could hardly believe he was the same person. Grasping the fuzzy flab between his fingers, he couldn’t say he found the sensation unpleasant. If anything, it felt like a warm blanket was surrounding him, with his various puffs of gas adding to his comfort.

   Once more, Sarah’s self-examination was put on hold as his phone chimed with a new message. Very carefully stooping down on the ground, he brushed through the rubble until he found the device. Gingerly holding the screen up to his face, he read over a message saying he was locked out from trying the game until 24 hours had passed. Rather than bemoan the fact that he would be stuck in this form until the next day, he let out a chuckle that exhumed a sense of joy he hadn’t felt since before he entered the working world.

   Shuffling past the rubble, Sarah lodged his phone between one of his stomach rolls and made his way over to the kitchen. Though it was difficult to squeeze himself through the doorways, it was an even greater challenge deciding on what to eat. Pulling open the fridge door, he forced out a rippling fart as he squatted down to reach for a six-pack of beer. With his beverage of choice in hand, he made one last pass at the pantry to salvage a bag of chips that had somehow survived his initial feast.

   With supplies clenched tightly within his hooves, Sarah made his way over to the living room. Managing to squeeze through the entryway after releasing a cacophony of gas from both ends and breaking off some of the wall with his antlers, he set his sights on the couch. Planting his fat ass down, he immediately sunk down as the sofa broke from underneath his weight. While the furniture was absolutely devastated in the process, the cushions still did the job of keeping him comfortable as he settled in.

   Turning on the TV, Sarah mindlessly popped open a beer and chugged it down. Slamming his hooves against the bottom of the can to drain it of its last few drops, he shivered as he heard his belly once more begin to groan under the duress of multiple gas bubbles.  Effortlessly crushing the can against his pecs, he began pounding his fists along his chest and gut to further rile up his digestion. The reward for his work was an explosion of gas from both ends. A loud UUUUURRRRPPPPP from his mouth jiggled his massive man pecs against his gut. An even more disruptive BRRAAAAAAAPPPPP from his rear wildly flailed about his tail and violently shook his meaty ass cheeks. As the last of the gas leaked out, he couldn’t help giving his enormous gut a hard slap, proud in his body’s abilities to completely let loose.

   Eager to see if he could beak his record, he popped open another can of beer and helped himself to a handful of chips. Through the sounds of his gas and animalistic chewing, his ears picked up a strange yet familiar sound. Just as the noise began to die out, he let out a huff and began to rummage through his flab for the source.

   Sinking his hooves into his stomach rolls, Sarah pulled out his phone and held it up to his face. By the time that he recognized that it was from work, the call had already defaulted to his voice mail. With a shrug, he pushed the phone back into his furry pocket, making a shaky promise to call back once he found a proper excuse for missing work for a full day. Putting off the task of calling in favor of thinking over what food delivery service to order from first, Sarah couldn’t recall every feeling so relaxed. When he finally got in a few good meals and a nice nap, he was sure he could come up with an adequate excuse. After all, he was a master when it came to puzzles.


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