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Prompt: Female adventure party accidentally cause the slob-pocalypse by unlocking a hidden boss they can't defeat.

   Venturing into the depths of the mysterious forest had brought Celine and her fellow, female adventurers to the cause of the plague effecting the nearby town. Beneath a canopy of leaves and flanked on both side by small creeks, the massive pink flower bulb looked magnificent. Taking another step forward, they realized that the plant was literally breathtaking as they got a whiff of its rancid odor. Ready to finish off the plant and head back for the reward, Celine brought her mace down on the flower.

   As her weapon bounced off of the surface, the petals folded out in bloom. Sitting in the center of the plant was a fairy with butterfly like wings and green leaf hair. The small woman’s cute appearance was somewhat hindered by her chubby form and the sadistic smile on her face as she stared down the adventuring party with her red eyes. Before Celine and the others could do anything, the fairy released an explosion of gas from her mouth and rear to enshroud the area in her foul stench.

   Quickly putting up a barrier to protect herself gifted Celine the opportunity to watch the fiendish fairy’s work. The goblin rogue’s small stature was morphed as she swelled with weight to turn her into a horse-sized orb of flab that was rolled around by the force of her own farts. Once a shining example of elegance, the elf ranger’s silky hair was left greasy and tangled up in her developing fat rolls as her plump lips parted to let out a bassy belch. As Celine watched her orc girlfriend’s muscles be replaced with hundreds of pounds of gassy flab, she was too distracted to notice the fairy dismiss her shield with merely a flick of her wrist.

   No longer under holy protection, Celine was enshrouded in the filthy fairy’s essence. Her sacred robes were no match for her surging weight as she rapidly swelled to over 1000 pounds of fat. Left to wobble about her thick rear atop her bulky legs, she could only watch as the fairy flew over to land atop her boulder-like gut. Nestling her head between Celine’s meaty breasts, the fairy snapped her fingers and ordered her to march.

   Celine’s body began to move on its own, as it she was being pulled along by puppet strings. Trying to resist the fairy’s influence resulted in cloud of flatulence constantly rippling out of her backside.  Each attempt to speak turned into a loud BWOOOOOORRRRRPPP that echoed through the forest. Only able to turn her thick neck of her own free will, she watched as the rest of her party waddled along with her towards town. Whether she liked it or not, they were going to be the first servants of the horrible ruler, Bahufat’s new kingdom of slobs.


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